Let's get another comfy Animal Crossing thread, anons. Post your dodo codes!
Let's get another comfy Animal Crossing thread, anons. Post your dodo codes!
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Was making money always this easy? Grinding for an half an hour gets me 100k catching stink beetles and fish. I want to play more but i don't want it being this easy.
If you have pears as your fruit, your island is OBJECTIVELY shit
Is anybody else getting a NAT traversal error when trying to connect to islands online? I had someone visit me but I couldn't visit anybody else until I switched to my phone's hotspot, but both are NAT B
I need pears, is the only fruit I don't have. If any user can spare me some pears I would be grateful.
Yes, New Leaf had an island you could go to to farm rare beetles on trees.
is it impossible to get all the fruits without online?
I've only found cherries (my fruit) and peaches on mystery islands
I just got 3 open up. Does anyone have oranges?
>lose everything when someone leaves
but why
>took hundreds of bait for a golden trout
>took 3 for the Marlin
Fuck the golden trout
that's different though, those were gold beetles and you even said 'rare' proving my point. i'm just catching normal shit.
>he doesnt have the golden axe
I have pears and oranges for you both. One of you post your dodo code
Stop making so many fucking threads
There's another one up
Normie faggots
>someone left quietly
>coelacanth disappears
how you get gold diy tools pls?
Anons I don't know anything about CJ and Flick other than that they make statues of some kind. Should I be saving rare fish and bugs to give to them? Are the statues cool or interesting?
Most of the threads are for shitting or praising the game, we just want to visit each other islands.
tell me before I buy this game, do additional profiles on the same switch have the same game experience or is there stuff locked to the first player to start the game?
>is there stuff locked to the first player to start the game?
My orange tree got some fruit due to the mail from my mom. Also a few peaches in my storage if anyone wants. Native fruit are cherries.
Warning don’t post your codes an user from here came to my village earlier and stole all my fruit and flowers
>that's different though
It's not at all.
>you even said 'rare' proving my point
Not really. "Rare" compared to the shit you normally find in your town, but they're incredibly easy to find on the island, and the island can be easily accessed. Your point is still null, bells have been piss easy to get for awhile now.
The first player gets to decide where buildings go and gets more recipes for free
>excited for new villager to move in
>open game at 5am
>no one there
>check home
>one outdoor item was one block too far away
>have to wait another day
They're not even rare.
Anyone have extra new horizons switches?
deal with it pussy
Well you can pretty much do the same thing on any deserted island you visit. Go at night, get rid of virtually everything on the island so it's a barren wasteland conducive to spawning tarantulas and enjoy your 250k bells.
Say you have two items you can interact with stacked (Fish for instance) - is it possible to turn the light on/off for the bottom item without having to remove the top one first? I only can interact with the topmost item and wondering if there's an easier way around
it's more of an exploit, a rare EXPENSIVE beetle spawning everywhere on an island =/= cheap common bugs and fish
When can we expect the Brewster update?
I miss this dude like you wouldn't believe.
Bug Net - Catch Every Bug Once
Fish Rod - Catch Every Fish Once
Slingshot - Drops from Balloon after 100 drops
Watering Can - Five Star Island
Shovel - Save Gulliver 30 times
Axe - Break 100 axes
>it's an exploit going to the island in New Leaf to catch the beetles there
based retard
>no barreleye
>no saddled bichir
>no tuna
>no sturgeon
>only 1 marlin and stringfish
rip to the fallen ;,(
I don't have anything exciting going on but my code is G4N2X. Come hang for a while
I hope April as villagers spoke to me about him directly refering his name
the purpose of putting the beetle there wasn't for bells, devs didn't go "yeah put it there so people can run in circles to collect and sell". you go to a specific location and constantly make it respawn to fill your pockets, because it's valuable, read for example, you are exploiting a creature to spawn by preforming an action, that's an exploit.
Only one more day til Residence opens and I can time travel freely without you fucks knowing
As based as Brewster is, I want Redd back even more. Give me back my lovable con artist. Bring back the Nintendo items and paintings for him to sell
>Axe - Break 100 axes
Any axe? So I should just use the flimsy one
shit, guess my mum will have to be a pirate and play on emunand
Alright! I finally transferred these bad boys somewhere I never get them mixed up with normal trees ever again. I wonder if I should work on some custom designs next?
Sadly I couldn't transfer my house to the moat island. Maybe that is something reserved for terraforming shenanigans?
Oh, and I got the cover flip-flops from a balloon while moving all these trees. Cheers, I guess?
the wikis are memeing you, there is no saddled bichir in the northern hemisphere at the moment.
it's time to stop posting, anonkun. you're embarrassing yourself at this point.
I'm only missing the barrel eye and golden trout
2NGF1. It's raining in my island right now. So we rainfishin boys. Some cherry trees too if you're looking for those
Guys be real with me, are they going to finish this game through updates? I really like what’s here but Nintendo pretty much tricked everybody into buying a fucking early access game since reviewers only got to play the first few weeks.
>no argument
don't go into conversations unprepared.
Oh so when you two fish right next to each other in empty water it is cool but when I join with my pole I am the weird one.
Any axe. Spend 80,000 at Nooks for flimsy axe and in doing so your nook cranny will upgrade the next day. It takes 40 swings to break a axe.
You need a axe to make the golden axe though. (the iron one)
does the golden axe cut down trees because it's useless to me if it does
Dumb frogposter. The game literally tells you if you got it right.
Don't worry people are coming.
>Guys be real with me, are they going to finish this game through updates?
Considering it's the Splatoon team and that New Leaf got the massive Amiibo update, yes.
ah, i fucked up didn't i. i placed the houses before inviting them to live on my island
fuck i wanted apollo bros
Is the axe a stone or metal equivelent?
I'm still mad I can't get sturgeons. I find them in the river mouths but they vanish so fucking quickly after biting that it seems impossible to get them, even though another guy i know claims they're just as easy as sea bass to catch.
you never presented an argument in the first place, retard
I got a hamster
90% certain there will be updates.
Remember to catch these fish and bugs before March ends, Yas Forums!
>Football Fish (ocean fish, almost as common as Sea Bass when it's night)
>Bitterling (common river fish)
>Sea Butterfly (super common ocean fish)
>Sturgeon (rare ocean fish that humps the border between the river and ocean)
>Yellow Perch (uncommon river fish)
>Stringfish (ultra rare river fish, spawns in freshwater on the highest elevation your island has)
>Emperor Butterfly (uncommon bug, spawns at night near flowers)
When I played AC for GC I had a nice little garden next to my house that I took care of everyday. Then one day Sproket moved right into my garden and I have hated him ever since. He ruined it and he would not move out no matter how much i harassed him.
For real. Fucking love Brewster.
Shit you guys are making me realized whats missing. Add in Gyroids too.
The Stringfish and Sturgeon fucking elude me to no end
kys mobile Yas Forumsortanic kid
>anons ask for fruit
>never post their dodo codes
can you only see shooting stars during a meteor storm? or is it also a random event?
I already drew on your board, friend.
Don't plant gardens and orchards near signs, that's always a recipe for disaster.
I don't understand how people have problems with fishing. Do the bigger fish have a smaller time window or something? I never had any trouble. If it helps, I close my eyes and focus on the sound. Hit A the instant you hear the plunk
Put some color on that bookshelf.
Does stringfish really only spawn on highest elevation in your island? I only have 2 ponds up there, one of which flows down into a river.
oh ok. thanks for visiting!
>one of which flows down into a river
use that one
Similar question, does Celeste always show up? I had a meteor shower three days ago, but I swear I went all over my island and didn't see her.
>get carmen on one of my random islands
>think she's ugly and go again and get cheri next time and invite her instead
>all these anons saying carmen is great
did I fuck up
Emperor butterflies are pretty rare desu
Yes, rarer fish have tighter capture times. Although I feel like most people overcompensate and reel it in too early.
I've been doing that, but the sturgeon still somehow eludes me even after the last few days practicing. I even did a capture record last time it happened to make sure I didn't fuck up; the fish bit and then vanished insantly before I could pull it up.
>tell me what I should I like I have no opinion and personality
anyone have a crown?
for cloning purposes
Second level is also good. Just needs to be above ground level. I did catch it in the top one tho, above the waterfall.
I dunno about a meteor storm but I've had shooting stars pretty much every night with clear skies. Then again I play many hours during the night.
how? with the customization option at the diy bench? I don't have that yet.
If the pond is connected to a river, then it's a river. Stringfish also only show up at night, make sure to bring a lot of bait
guy in the last thread was asking for midnight marauders, I gave it a shot
I can't use QR cause I have scurvy
can i invite villagers to my town from other's? if so do i just say hi?
Thanks for the advice I could had used it when I was 8 when it happened.
W U H - O H
all prologue music and no hourly music makes user a dull boy
>all prologue music and no hourly music makes user a dull boy
all prologue music and no hourly music makes user a dull boy
>all prologue music and no hourly music makes user a dull boy
all prologue music and no hourly music makes user a dull boy
>all prologue music and no hourly music makes user a dull boy
Sturgeon was pretty simple for me, spamming bait in the rocky end of a river (just before the ocean)
Stringfish is being a bitch tho.
What to do with gold nuggets?
I have 2 but don't have any recipes for them.
I'll give you some fruit for them if you don't want them
can you stop posting the same fucking shit every OP?
Meanwhile, i saw celeste, and spent a shitload of time jsut waiting for meteor shower but saw jack shit
They craft gold tools later
no way, not on my island
>river mouths are skinny and ugly
>airport is green
>peninsula is small
>too many rocks on my beach and the beach is super skinny in one part
so much shit I can't change that I want to reset over but I'm already 7 days in and I've grown attached to what I have otherwise and I don't want to start all over again
does anyone else feel like this
what do
Looks amazing! Thanks user
Post codes vros I need anything other than oranges
>Can't for the life of me get a sturgeon even with the new spawn tech.
>Walk onto anons island and get it near instantly
Stringfish will fuck me for the next few days I'm sure
This and not being able to craft multiples of an item at once are such egregious mistakes.
Do boots not attract flies? I've had one out for a day now and nothing. Might try a can. Also when do turnips rot? Also need an ant.
you're posting this ironically like it doesn't actually describe me
can you just answer my question
This. Flimsy Axe is best for hoarding wood.