comfy animal crossing thread
post ideal villages
also help me pick my tenth
Comfy animal crossing thread
There's literally nothing wrong with Mira, you should get that taste checked.
I have Mira in my New Leaf villager. Think of her like a cheerleader
she's capeshit though
not him but mira looks like a early 2000s flash cartoon thats no longer funny
Looking to do some southern hemisphere fishing if anyone can help me out. I can bring you apples, cherries, or possibly something else not fruit related just let me know.
She's not. She's based on Sailor Venus.
I'm happy with my cute hamu.
does anyone have anything that would fit in this room? i also need stuff like furniture, tables etc. i could trade the cloud floor cause i really dont like it. i could also bring any fruit you need. if interested i could put my friend could so you can come to my island via friend and trade that way instead of dodo
Can you put designs on pants/shorts or only shirts and dresses?
any falcon designs?
She's literally a prostitute
Can you move bridges once you've placed them down?
if anyone has their store selling roses please post a dodo code i NEED roses for my island
>he doesnt have golden axe yet
point and laugh at your shit life
Probably, but it's gonna cost ya
Construction work ain't cheap
I have a record player.
for 200k + tip
Sahara in my town plus peacock butterflies started spawning near my black and blue flower. Please try not to trample my flowers.
I can also craft you the bamboo wand if you bring me 6 young spring bamboo and 3 star fragments
Holy shit that much? That costs more than most of the actual bridges doesnt it?
i hope you like the surprise from the tulip. thanks for the wishes
I'll open my island back up I guess. Shop selling roses and yellow roses.
Also Celeste and Fishfag are here
Just post on my message board will ya? Also if you have gnomes, I want them. I only have the orange one. If nothing else just let me hold it for my catalog.
i already have that, you have anything japanese themed?
Thanks for coming if you're who I think you are
First time opening my island
had fun
Shitty bridge is 100k, next up is 200k. I have no idea how much moving one is but probably 50k like stores/villager houses.
Did pretty much all I could day one. Weird to get almost constant balloon gifts now.
Anyone have a red corner? Last piece I'm missing for my ring
had fun too :^)
i have a gnome, i'll drop one off
Not really.
Mind if I swing by just to catch some butterflies?
Yeah the faggot e-sports beaver
Gates are open so if you can beat the WUH OH monster, come on by
Can I stop by? I can bring a punk looking gnome
is booting a villager the same as always? just cosh em with the net until they fuck off?
ok, i'm comin. i want a sturgeon statue so bad.
is feng shui a thing in this game?
her butch hartman mouth looks retarded
i think she'd be fine otherswise
Hasn't worked since maybe Wild World
Come on over, if you got gnomes you're welcome on my island
imagine the hugs
I think you have to completely ignore them
>That Space Dandy villager
Great taste, user.
don't the new potential resident politely ask the old resident to leave? or is that just for Amiibo?
Thanks! Keep getting the nook phone message so I'll keep trying for a bit
>not Snake
its ignore them for a week i think
carmen is literal sex
which rabbit would you replace mira with
genji's a god
i don't want snake naruto running around my town hall
i'd literal sex her if you know what i mean.
Anyone by chance have the Cutting Board item? I got a DIY that requires it, but I haven't come across the recipe for that piece.
Is there any way to save outfits? I could have sworn someone on the first day said you could, I feel like I'm going crazy.
Remove Ruby and get the twins
>honorable mention
>desperately want to get Eugene in my village
>don't want to shell out and be a fag and get the gay ass amiibo cards
any tips?
she's fucking ugly
why do people like her
you're ugly on the inside
>i don't want snake naruto running around my town hall
Ruby is god tier
an nfc ready writey
if my completionism wasn't screaming at me to get an uchi she'd be in, dotty's cute and has a cool house but yea
mint chocolate ice cream aesthetic, jade moon bunny reference, side-eyes
If you have a wand you can switch between outfits. You get the wand recipe from Celeste and star fragments for the wand on nights with meteor showers from the beach.
anyone have resources? will trade oranges I'm having shit luck with the nook tickets.
I'm comin for your peaches nibba.
What do you need bro
oh god the nostalgia
Holy hell, are those windows part of a wallpaper or what? How do you do that?
>jade moon bunny reference
what is this
Sounds like 100% pure soul to me
Thanks user!
she's the original moon bunny
I can spare 30 iron/stone/clay/hard and soft wood but regular wood I'm low on
Are tiger beetles rare? I didn't mean to catch the only one
Really hoping there are some good moss covered statues and stuff that I can use for outdoor decoration. Would love to have some sort of natural outdoor ruins area.
I want to snuggle Skye!
>communications error
Bye bye black gnome ;_;
rip flowers
it's raining here if you want to fish for fish. Northern Hemi. bring your own bait. 5XBXX
iron and sticks and hardwood
i also have bamboo stalks and shoots if you want those
Is it possible to savescum the Cast Master badge, like just hammer the power button when you miss a fish, or does it break your streak
fuck i saw the disconnect when i was already leaving for the dodo. sorry for your losses. feels bad man