>lots of villagers removed
>lots of furniture removed
>most of the shops removed
>barber removed
>fortune teller removed
>club removed
>dreamsuite removed
>cafe removed
>art removed
>gyroids removed
>swimming removed
what did they mean by this?
Lots of villagers removed
Nintendo learned from Splatoon that it's okay (and even beneficial) to release an unfinished game and slowly update it over time with a mix of patches and DLC. It's not that different from the games-as-a-service model.
>lots of villagers removed
Outside of crossover shit, not really
>lots of furniture were removed
And lots of them were added, whats your point they can always add more
>most of the shops removed
>barber removed
Rendered completely obsolete
>fortune teller removed
>club removed
Already confirmed returning
Could take or leave, probably in an update
Datamined already
>swimming removed
>i-its gonna be updated guys!
>time traveller mad they will rollout updates when the time actually comes and didnt cater to him
Okay I would get coming at it from a different angle like criticizing having the game work on real time or w/e but the way it currently is designed its a non issue
Was the cafe really datamined?
Yes but its part of the museum, along with an art and gyroid exhibit
ive had a ps4 for years and just bought a switch lite(reg sold out aint paying jew prices), am i part of the problem?
>>lots of villagers removed
New Horizons has 50+ more villagers than what New Leaf started out with.
Yeah, this is like when MHW first came out everyone was bashing it because of the content that MH:3ds version XXXXX+++++ FULL DLC EXTRA VERSION had. Now that Iceborne is out, crickets
Source all of this
Holy fuck Nintendo are unstoppable. I guess all these Animal Crossing shitpost threads were a waste of time.
Unless nintendo is accepting payment plans for their games, why are they not releasing said games with full content? Why does anything need to be updated? Why is it that a flaw can be ignored if it has the promise of being fixed at a later time? that makes no sense at all unless you like zipperhead cum in your throat.
>why are they not releasing said games with full content
Because they know they can get away with it, see
>Yes but its part of the museum
Dude fuck yeah, I love the museum's atmosphere.
There are like 4 threads up in this format about different games. Is this a raid?
I see Nintendo is following Gamefreak in the "ship first, fix later". Bethesda would be proud.
Shame you can't update these games in 10 years though when they drop server support and you go back for nostalgia, so you are stuck with an inferior version.
Because faggots like you can't control yourselves in a game that is meant to be played a little bit each day and try to time travel to complete everything in a week.
This. It's why I see Splatoon fans as subhuman. They poisoned the well by accepting the bad business practice and that's why so many Nintendo Switch games lack content when the first release and they try to supplement it later.
You can sync updates of games between Switch games locally, retard.
What the fuck did splatoon not have at launch? I havent played in forever so maybe Im just forgetting but didnt they just roll out some new weapons and clothes every other update?
>implying I bought a game that has no gameplay to being with
No sir, now if you can try to defend the shit practices without an ad hominem that would be just great!
>playing a 10 year old Animal Crossing rather than playing the new one.
Fucking kek seethe more loser.
Seriously guys. You should have made more threads like this prior to release. Maybe you could have made it flop just like Pokemon SW/SH.
>Defending a company shipping an incomplete game
You gotta C O P E with the fact that Nintendo is slowly becoming lazy/greedy ever since Iwata died and suits took over the company.
That is why they have loot boxes in their mobile games, and they will probably charge you for that "Update" with content removed, just like with Pokemon. Don't worry, it happens to every company eventually.
In what way was Splatoon unfinished at launch?
>He doesn't go back to play old Pokemon games, Mario games, and other old video games from his youth
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, tell me.
I don't go back and start a brand new save of a 10 year old Animal Crossing game lmfao you sad pathetic schizo
There's a difference between a platformer and a life sim based on real world time. Going back to old animal crossings is like going back to pagers.
Pokémon isn't even devekoped by Nintendo, retard. Literally no games besides the steaming pile of SwShit. Splatoon paid dlc was another story campaign and no other game uses the same update with free content except AC and is too early to tell unless you are a cheating faggot.
>Gyroid exhibit
Oh I'm fucking with it
Is the only way to use normal mapped long sleeve shirts through ACNL?
Nook's is open, southern hemisphere, TONS of great whites
Splatoon 1 was a deserted. Yes, the story mode was there, but multiplayer had 1 mode and I think 4 stages. It was barren.
I was not around near the start of splatoon 1, I got in at the point between it's final splatfest and 2's launch
Then Splatoon 2 was barely that much of an upgrade of a sequel when it was first launched. Again it took tons of free updates for it to be finally worth something
I'm not sure about that. Splatoon 2 was pretty great at launch but ended up amazing after its last update. Splatoon 1 was a different beast.
So... You are admitting there is very little innovation in the series, so it has no replay value even for nostalgia's sake?
Ya know that is a sign of a bad game, right? It's like... Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door vs. Paper Mario Color Splash. One will you will go back and replay some day and the other will be forgotten.
Ordered one earlier this week for regular retail price and it's going to arrive on Friday.
Also what can I expect with the new AC? Gamecube version was the only one I played. Is the online component really important?
>barber removed
Good, changing your hair by giving vague dialogue options instead of just fucking picking it from a menu is retarded
Pic related, you might be able to get one if they're still in stock.
>He is a Sonicfag
I meant that you cant just replay animal crossing GC like you can Mario 3, it's meant to be an experience you sink days upon weeks into. It'll be a game you open up an old save file on, go "Damn, memories" and then close. You wont be "Playing" it like you would be playing something like Mario 3 or Pokemon GSC
what are the actual numbers
like, how much furniture in a previous entry compared to NH
I don't think you people understand.
They call these "evergreen" titles, nintendos NEVER drop in price, and by drip feeding you content for free, they both look like the good guys and normies advertise their game for them for free on twitter, making those $60 sales happen all year round.
>snoy posting again
This is my first AC. I barely played the first one as a kid. I’m really enjoying it. It’s amazing even
animal crossing faggots are the same as the sims faggots. They'll eat that shit up and if there were any they'd buy up endless pack DLC to fix it
>30 mil sold
I knew Animal Crossing would kick things into high gear like it always does.
>If a game is long, it has no replay value
>Also not starting a new game when you go back to an old game after half a decade
The Big N is back anons!
Why does nu-Yas Forums desperately want every game to be bad? What drives you to hate the very hobby this board was created for?
Idk man, I'd be hesitant to delete my 10 year old animal crossing save. I'd rather open it up and see what I did in the past before moving on to newer games.
>Nintendo 64
You ever hear how history tends to repeat itself?
>so many
>splatoon and kirby
Yeah...so many