ZOOM Eternal failed

>ZOOM Eternal failed
>Half Life Alyx failed
>Valve halting all production of their shitty $1000 VR goggles
>Cyberpunk will also fail spectacularly
What an amazing year

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too bad animal crossing was a success

Based delusional tortanictard

why does Yas Forums hate video games so much? why does this board celebrate when games fail? its like this for literally every single game that comes out.

>too bad animal crossing was a success
Go cry about it steamtard

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Yas Forums has discovered that hating games is more fun than actually playing them.

some games deserve it though, but the only one that OP talked about that does is cyberpunk

>why does Yas Forums hate video games infested by tasteless tranny-loving normies so much?

>Of all the games mentioned, the game that isn't even out yet deserves the most hate

>ace combat 7 is one of the best ace combat games ever created
>final fantasy 7 remake is actually going to be good
anyone else got a game with a 7 so we can have the holy trinity of biblical success

Doom and Half life Alyx did extremely well though. However it is true that DE sucks. Not sure about HLA because i'm not shelling out $1k for it.

There's a certain irony in people choosing to say normie instead of normalfag.

Yas Forums is 90% isolated turbo wizards. A lot of them have a mixture of depression and nihilism that robs them of the ability to feel joy. The depression makes them believe that nothing is fun anymore. And the nihilism and narcissism makes them believe that it's objective fact and not opinion. Video games were usually their only outlet so they don't feel like moving on to another hobby and just prefer to shit on the last thing that made them happy.

Modern games are mediocre as fuck. The industry has become too big for its own good.

it does considering what has been shown off looks like dogshit and they've reportedly cut a lot of things that would have made the game better

>Doom and Half life Alyx did extremely well though.
Delusional tranny

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>ZOOM Eternal failed
In what fucking world?

I wish we go to an actual global depression so that video games go bankrupt and die out

Doom failed?

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>doom eternal is the best selling game in the series
>half life alyx is a vr game and is doing better than any other
tor really ruined this board didn't it

i'd rather good things happen in my favorite hobby. maybe you should find one you actually enjoy instead of being an angsty faggot?

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Because retards think hating something makes them look knowledgable.

Doom is selling like hotcakes and Alyx is as successful a VR title as it gets

>Bannerlord is almost here
>It's going to live up to everyones expectations

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It's easier to hate games you haven't played.
Modern Yas Forums is full of secondaries who don't play games. At most they watch streams of them. Hence why the vast majority of the discussions on this board are so shallow and focused on drama that has little to nothing to do with the games themselves. Console wars, identity politics, social media, etc.

Who hurt you


On what metric user? Your own dilusions and what Yas Forums told you?

Yas Forums will continue to find a way to call it shit
screenshot this post if you dont believe me

Video games are about as likely to "die out" as movies are.

Its the same shitty game but with prettier graphics.

>zoom eternal failed
So we're just posting make-believe then?

Doom Eternal was amazing

Yas Forums will just call it too hard because they're casual zoomers who have no concept of actually getting good at games, just like they do with Warband

Wrong, it's expanded upon in literally every way
Read the blogs again, all of them

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It's funny how discussion about a video game increases when some random eceleb faggot makes a video about it.

>>ZOOM Eternal failed

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nah they'll make up some bullshit that isnt true and try to make everyone hate it because thats the goal of every single TORtanic thread on this board

Because we want to be funny.

>Doom sold more copies than DOOM 2016 did on opening week. Biggest opening of the whole franchise.
>Half-Life: Alyx was bundled with $1000 VR goggles, $60 bucks for every other one, so no matter what way it's done Valve makes profit on it. The game was just meant to be a little bonus for buying the goggles basically.
>No word of Valve halting production.
>Cyberpunk isn't even out - probably will do well and BTFO Yas Forums even though it'll be worse to play and more like GTA with Skyrim RPG elements.

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>global depression
Those faggots in Chink land are already back at work. We need to nuke Chinese parliament and that Winnie the Pooh motherfucker.

can you fags fuck on off back to where you came from?
I'll wait for your wojack reply.

>GTA with Skyrim RPG elements
Why do faggots keep saying this? It will be Deus Ex with some GTA elements.

It's fucking fun so stop crying about it.

>a few shitposters that do this every time
>Yas Forums
Stop trying to paint Yas Forums as the problem when it's retards like you that should contribute to quality discussion instead of falling for obvious bait and calling blaming "Yas Forums hates video games"

A few turbo autists are nothing to dismiss.

Imagine wanting to nuclear war on top of a pandemic


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>if I say it enough times it will be true
There will be another Doom and it will feel even more alien to your jaded ass than Eternal did
Alyx is the most successful VR game by far and most headsets went out of stock because of it (corona has nothing to do with it, it was this way before)
Cyberpunk will probably be disappointing but it'll sell more than Witcher 3, that one is just speculation

this makes me actually literally mad
the game is absolute trash, why are people eating it up? WHY?


>typing like that
go back
additionally the vast majority of normalfag releases (yes, this includes doom eternal) are casualized garbage so the hatred is warranted. Admittedly there is too much hatred here but it is merely the result of a casualized market.

Well, forgive me but i could not use the "clap hands" emoji. This forum does not allow emojis so i used periods instead.

I am high IQ so I know this is bait. It made me chuckle. Reddit gold.

Quads don't lie.

Different people, different tastes.

because its mediocre enough to sell to average people that dont care about high quality products
its a bethesda game they all sell well due to this
and its riding off the name of the series and the hype of the last game

Chinks consoomers arent people

Why do you care?

if I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar

because your (borrowed) opinions have spent so long fermenting and justifying themselves in an echo chamber you think they're fact and those who disagree are delusional. this applies to any and all opinions posted on Yas Forums at any and all points in time.

This is spot-on. Those posters take pointless anger because of trivialities over not feeling anything at all. It's low-effort, makes you believe you were smarter than others but ultimately it's unproductive and a dead end.