Modern American writing in games is fucking unbearable in general. It all sounds exactly the same

Modern American writing in games is fucking unbearable in general. It all sounds exactly the same

Overly witty, but no actual sting, just "quirky!" because its written by liberals who don't want to offend anyone. Nothing feels earnest, everything is drenched in this contemporary flippant bullshit.

Attached: halflife_alyx_g.jpg (3840x2160, 639.39K)

lol nobody asked

asked what?

*based* on what?

Who are you quoting?

Opposed to what other writing

how and in what way?

More importantly, who was in the wrong here?

Joss Whedon-core


for example russel and alyx back and forth, it's trying to be some fucking comedy sketch almost every time in every room you enter

>The character isn't saying "Fuck you Nigger!" every 30 seconds so it just doesn't have any weight anymore

We can tell who dropped out of school at the age of 16 with this one

couldn't afford vr, huh?

Actually there was some moments where I feel it was making fun of liberals.

>Overly witty, but no actual sting, just "quirky!" because its written by liberals who don't want to offend anyone.

What games from the past were written in ways that offend people?

yeah and it's genuinely enjoyable banter? like they're talking as perfectly normal people. what, do you want them to swear or something?

nobody in real life talks like that, incel.

I want characters to take the situation seriously. No quips no making light of things pure seriousness a unironic No Fun allowed

You’ll probably be shit on for how you worded it but I must admit that the writing did feel a bit Whedon-esque at times. Mostly Alyx’s lines.

how am i an incel for having an opinion on the way the dialogue is written?

Literally where the fuck was that even implied you schizo

This,but unironically.

what edge do you want out of dialogue between alyx and russel? what could could you even get there?

Apply for work at Valve and write better. They always looking for talent.

>you have been in an accident put the headset on
>technically not an accident xD
>did my drone break
>lol it broke I'm fine though thanks for asking XD
>your father is totally gon die oh yeahs sorry forgot it's your father lolololol
>put on the russels xDDDD
>I know you grabbed your daddy but you do know the gravity gloves would've broken xDD
and many many more

normal if you think some fucking sitcom is how normal people talk

Because you're right and it's the best defense to not admit being wrong.

the dialogue in this game feels like uncharted dialogue, it doesn't seem natural at all when so much is a constant joke

adding xD to quotes from the game doesn't make them cringey my guy.
like russel is just being characterized through that dialogue as someone who cares more about his inventions and stuff than the lives of those dependent on them. you may think it's bad which is a matter of personal taste, but to call it "sitcom talk" is a stretch.

>walk through dark zombie infested places
>uhhh Russel what was life before combine xd
>oh you had club sandwiches n shiet
Just dumb shit like this.

are you gonna really tell me it's not a constant barage of these lines that are trying to be humorous?
>the guns unloaded bro it's unloaded now
>oh you want me to talk because you're scared of the dark bro oh yeah it's perfectly logical to be afraid in this situation xD

While I agree that the dialogues are not particularly funny, you're just trying too hard

her saying audibly that her gun's low on total ammo is meant for the player, dipshit.
also her wanting russel to talk to her in the dark is because she has a phobia, and that's a way for her to cope. i don't know why you think this is a "barrage" when it's just her acting normally? have you even played the game?

how am I trying too hard I am just giving examples that pop in my head, it really does feel like the game throws these constantly at least every 5 minutes
>I see you broke the lock, did have the key doe
legit retard, one I refered to the scene where you get the gun and two I refered to russles am I funny enough response to alyx when she's afraid


not understanding the explanation of club sandwiches as world building is fucking retarded lmao, like the whole point is it's a contrast between alyx' time (eating sustenance bars) and russel's time (actually having good food). stop trying so hard.

not him but it's exactly like the OP claims, everything is drenched in this contemporary flippant shit

the fuck are you talking about? "contemporary flippant shit"? what does that even mean?

Yes user we heard you the first time.

this modern writing style where your dialogue tries to give insight through nonserious attitude and comedy, think of GTA V as a peak of this sort of shit

like everything is a goddamn joke but at the same time it tries to also tell something but there's no seriousness to it

think of uncharted nathan drake banter

sure a story gets told and you even get insight but every other line has a joke crammed into it

haha the vortigaunt is retarded

I think portal is peak example of this however that game established itself with that

>hey lets put a couple quips in our atmospheric borderline-horror game to lighten the mood, just a few per level
>time to make a trailer to appeal to the lowest common denomonater, lets make sure that a couple of those quips get in
then this retard shows up

>a couple

Why are people bringing up the club sandwich part as if that's a particularly bad case, when that wasn't even meant to be humourous or whatever.

The entire point was that a scared 19 year old was trying to keep her mind busy, while also getting excited over what life used to be like to motivate her to carry on.

Just because something is meant to be said on a jokey side doesn't mean it has to get you on your back, clutching your stomach from laughter.

you misunderstand, it's about everything trying to be humorous, not that it's not funny enough

Why americans hate themselves so much? Are they becoming cucked into self hatred like germans?

The game had plenty of quiet, tense segments though. Considering you spend like 90% of the game alone, they'd have to include something.

every 5 minutes the game tries humorous dialogue

That's literally untrue.

>what did the headcrab taste like xD
>you owe me a gun anyway it's my gun xD
>that is the shortcut xD
>it's on our side xD it's actually not on our side doe get it xD
>hello I am a retarded vortagaunt look at me be a comedy skit for you I will be a retarded comedy skit for you later too, love you

Whedonisms popularized by Avengers are an actual cancer. I hate quipshit so much.

>nova prospekt is the torture place so how they gon torture your daddy before that get it it's logical and funny xD

Using meme arrows and adding xD at the end of your sentences doesn't suddenly make you right, you know.

That, and the act that all those are pretty spaced out. And the fact that it lessens out further anyway, because y'know, there's less of a need to establish characters and dynamics the further you get into it.

OP btfo, everybody move along, move along.

Attached: rent free.png (2000x2000, 767.54K)

they're a constant barage and you know it
it's a carbon copy of uncharted tier dialogue

Speaking of America, is it true Americans are having to ration food like third worlders? Holy FUCK imagine the blow to their ego.


It's not, and I know that it's not.

I don't know why you're trying to get yourself, and probably other people, upset over this.

lmao because this fucking constant fucking joke driven dialogue is not entertaining when every other game tries it

>is it true Americans are having to ration food like third worlders?

Yup, the national guard is shooting people that leave their homes too. Just saw my neighbor get merc'd.

I dunno mang, if you actually play the game in the average, typical pace, you'd realise that's really not the case.

I figured it was pretty entertaining, and actually pretty cute at times.

Just do your best to not burst a vein at being mad at banter, user.

you're free to like it, you're free to like GTA V, you're free to like uncharted 4, you're free to like any of these games that have this same writing style but goddamn you're in denial if you really try to deny that this game doesn't constantly try to throw humor at you no matter what you think of it

>has to bastardize and alter the lines to make his argument

I'm not really a fan of those other games, though.

And I dunno, user, you seem pretty convinced that you're right. I wouldn't say I'm in denial, and I don't think it tries to throw out humour at you constantly. At a regular pace, and much more often at the start compared to the rest, but nothing that overstayed it's welcome.

I'm writing these from my memory and the argument isn't about how funny you're supposed to find them but the amount of this shit

I have an idea, get all that ammount of powerful writting you have, with all that shit you want in the games, and fucking do one yourself, there are a lot of tools you can use to make something productive rather than just rant babydoll

it does more so than the other games, but it's definitely overexaggerating to say that you are "bombarded" with humor.

Seems like you've tapped out.
Take care of yourself, user. I don't think getting angry at new video game releases for silly reasons will do you any good.

marvel quips

>it's the generic Yas Forums basedboy why do you care argument

blah blah liberals blah blah liberals blah blah blah

it's not overexaggerating at all

>yeah I agree it's maybe poisonous you should prolly hold your breath or something lmao also walk fast xD

Lol no.

>hey combine bro tell her to be quiet
>b e q u i e t xD
the issue isn't even the quality of the humor but just the frequency, none of it makes me chuckle but neither does it offend, it's just that it feels like the game tries hard to cram these in everywhere

Every person who I've watched play the game enjoyed the
>I know, I caused it!
line. Sounds like you're just a jaded fuck.

most of these I would enjoy but I don't like so much being a joke

>oh you went into the toilet xD need a moment? xD