Plants are the most diverse multicellular kingdom in history

>plants are the most diverse multicellular kingdom in history
>"let's just put them all in one group"
>"and they're weak to everything lmao"

I fucking hate you Satoshi you bug freak

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>plants are the most diverse multicellular kingdom in history


Bumping for qt Bulbasaur

That sounds just like real life though

I want to hug that bulb

If you were to split up Grass Type into smaller concepts, what was they be?

He means plants have much, much more diversity than any other biological kingdom.

honestly water and "deep sea" should be two different types. There are more water type pokemon than any other type, and it already has two different egg groups which are ALREADY divided by shallow and deep sea mons.

Go back to your containment board, faggots.

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>wood type
>flower type
>bio type
>pollen type
>grow type
>leaf type
>carnifern type

There are no words to describe how much I hate that fat faggot in your post.

What about the water plants or desert ones

Wouldn't all of those still be weak against fire and strong against water though? I.e. what's the point of the differentiation?

Bugs > plants. Literally.

Realistically how are plants strong against water? Pretty easy to drown a plant.

Ant it's easy to drown a fire. What's your point?

Grass actually holds its own in the meta for most of the games history. Being super effective and resistant to both water (the most common type) and ground (one of the best offensive types) carves them out a nice niche.

You're retarded. Nobody would want this.

how about you stop speaking like a fucking nerd

Cute bulbasaur

you too, faggot who collects pictures of men

Not if it's a grease fire, my man

How about you stop speaking like a fucking bully


why are you going to call your mom
tell her i can't meet her tonight

>All weak to fire

What is grass + another type

What is video game balancing

Outside of op pic, waste of thread

For me, it's Metal Empire.

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>most diverse
>all grouped together in one place
>why does it suck
Ask the Professors in the California region

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How the fuck is wood bark any weaker against fire than animal skin?

>>bio type
>>pollen type
>>grow type
>>leaf type
Come on dude

>downs type
>autistic type
>80 IQ type
>retard type
And they're all weak to the math type so who cares

Anonymous fails to appreciate how based this post is.

Forgetting based special type

Fucking SJWs

>weak to math

>weak to bug

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Fear of bugs disrupts the attention of a psychic.

It sort of makes sense if you assume all of psychic's weaknesses (dark, bug, ghost) are just common fears.

Fire typing was completely worthless in gen 1. They had to make steel and fairy weak to it just to make it viable, and it's still inferior to based Water chads.

That... makes sense

>based on various types of plant, almost none are actually "grass"
>based on various types of metal, some are namely made of iron and bronze

If there is a Dark type, why isn't there a Light type? Would be pretty based desu

>weak to psychic

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>weak to fairy

Already exists, it's the fighting type

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It's like intelligent enough predators knowing how to deal properly with poisonous prey.

The cuteness makes the fighters lower their guard/not punch them as strong.

>Not pictured: wealth distribution in Maine significantly tighter than spread of wealth in California

Those are bullshit reasons

yet there they are

>status effect of being on fire is called "burn"
>lightning attacks are still called "thunder(x)" even though that makes no sense
These are NES translation tier, why have they never been fixed?

Grass is a shitty type on paper but is balanced by having access to fantastic status moves such as leech seed and sleep powder/spore. Bitch more op.

This one always made sense to me but in a weird subjective way
The psychic "energy" disturbs the contaminated "slug" of poison

shut the fuck up nigger

cry more

Wood catches fire, skin burns. How are you an adult and not know this?

*Sludge, not slug

>weak to sound

Yfw Psychic is super effective against Poison because the mind can develop ways to kill poisons

Psychic in Japan is even more associated with mysticism than it is here (where it's moreso used in the sci-fi context in our fiction), that's why a lot of the early psychic types had occult iconography.
With that being said, one of the things psychics are most known for in that regard is psychic healing (that's why so many psychics get access to recover), which is commonly believed to have the ability to purge toxins
So there you go, psychics purge toxins, so psychic beats poison.

While I'm here do you have any other stupid type match-up questions? I can probably answer most of them.

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>Grass actually holds its own in the meta for most of the games history
Grass has had 2 high tier mons ever. The rest are mid tier shitmons

Why do both rock and ground type exist? Pick one faggots

The opposite of dark type in pokemon would be hero not light as dark is more evil/trickery and fighting has that theme

>Grass has had 2 high tier mons ever.
have all been meta defining at one point or another, and that's not even getting into the more niche grass types.

>Resistant to Bug
That is fucking bullshit that makes no goddamn sense. Everyone talks about how they nerfed dragons, but nobody talks about how they made bug type, an already terrible type, worse.
Fuck fairies and fuck niggers, I fucking hate them. Bug-type chads rise up.

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To many individual types utilize literal light at this point, and metaphorical "good" is hard to define would probably catch GF a little bit too much flake.

Because a pile of dirt is not a rock, and a big rock is not a pile of dirt.

user we have a type matchup that is based on sentai shows

The source for the image in is some Jap guidebook that reasons that psychic-type Pokemon defeat their foes quickly from a distance, so poison-types don't have time to whittle them down with poison

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Fairy resisting bug was one of two things
>GF trying to nerf U-turn spam
>Someone at GF waifus Gardevoir and he wanted to remove her bug weakness.

Why does electric beat water? If I pour a glass of water on my PC it's the PC that's destroyed, not the water.
>inb4 water is a good conductor
No it isn't, it's a really bad conductor. It's the minerals in water that are good conductors so if anything that should mean rock is weak to electric

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