Would u fuck a squid?
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no but I would fry and eat marie
Only if she's also a kid.
I want to ___BE___ a squid
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only after a (christian) marriage
your point, sir?
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gargling you fucking dolt
Probably only these ones. I don't really care for the rest of them.
Not the Squid Sisters, they're on the table.
I want to hug a squid
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You'd pass with flying colours, right?
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They don't really do much for my pp but sure why not I'd fuck most things that are female shaped desu
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Squids are fine.
Remove Octos.
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Can I have Callie do the sounding instead?
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uh hello, based department
I will say Sm.ash remixes made it shitty though
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>Squid tummy
user you cant be doing this to me
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Don't question miracles.
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Marina is 18
Callie and Marie are 19
Pearl is 21
I'll teach her the true definition of FRESHâ„¢
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Check up time, user.
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like me some big bob squids but what's going on with marie's chest exactly
>Forehead gremlin is the only one old enough to legally drink
More of a slug man myself
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She's over filled her ink sacs.
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You think some weird hair and eyes would turn me off?
I love Callie!
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Post the edit
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Callie, and Marie are both 19 you dimwit.
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