Wii Remember Thread

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Damn I loved this game. There's like no chance that a sequel or remake is gonna be made but my heart fluttered when I saw the trophy in Brawl and the Elena spirit in Ultimate

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Reminder, Wii was a shitty shovelware machine with nogaems even if it was still better than the PS3, and Zack & Wiki was a hardcore videogame killed off by casual shovelware. The Nintendonigger mods never allowed us to complain about the Wii's horrific shovelware issues and save the talented/Japanese developers.

Shovelware existing doesn't steal sales from hardcore games, dummy.

My brothers

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I remember seeing ads for this game back in the day. What is this game about?

Any hot shota of the brown protag?

Madworld and Rabbids go Home don't get enough love.

Umm, it pushed the good videogames off the shelves very quickly depriving them of sales.

Endless Ocean

Captain Rose was a cute!

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I've owned this game for at least five years and I've never played it.

play it friend

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This would've been one of my most favorite games if it wasn't so incredibly fucking bullshit

Greatest console of all time. Why haven't you hacked yours already?

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What a fantastic game

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Don't think I ever finished this one. It's been more than 10 years since last I played but I remember being filtered HARD by one of the levels. It had to do with a lion?

oh yeah. It was this fucking part here

fucking impossible

>if you don't nail the fucking tennis bits on your first fucking try you can't perfect the stage
>with that absolutely fucking retarded Wiimote sensitivity and bad camera angles

>Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (2007)
>Zack & Miri make a porno (2008)

This shit has got to be intentional, right?

I only remember this one because me and my friend used to argue which console had the best jrpgs back then, the Wii or the 360 and this was his favorite game.

I never got to play it because it looked boring.

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i remember i was hyped as fuuuuuuuuuck about being able to roam santa destroy again with more stuff to do and they completely butchered the overworld, fuck

still a damn good game except for the ending which i did not like

If you ever do check it out, use this romhacking.net/hacks/3819/ to fix the localization.

>this was Hudson's final game before Konami merged the company and axed their next games for the 3DS
At least this game was kinda decent. Theme song was nice.

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criminally underrated and one of the only games where the waggleshit was tolerable.

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I was going to post this. Fuck Kadokawa for what they did to Yuji Naka.

In the quarantine, I see all those idiots scaling Ring fit trainer for 250. I bought a fucking wii, hacked it and a balance board. Guess what bitches. I am exercising now!!

>Greatest console of all time.

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I am currently downloading the wii library and holy shit there are some bangers in here, wish I didn't spend most of the wii's life playing Tatsunoko (although Tatsunoko is fucking baller as hell and I don't regret it one bit)

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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did anyone ever decipher what he meant to write?


He's still doing well if you're wondering

I'm playing it right now and I'm most of the way through the water tower. Does the story gain any hooks as it goes on? Elena is kind of this really bland pure ideal waifu with every generic pure ideal waifu quality, and it makes it difficult for me to really care about her because it's pushing a stock archetype at me that I've never cared for. Just being nice and nothing else isn't really enough. Everything else is pretty cool.


>has goons that she abuses
>secretly crushes the MC

Have you ever heard of Yatterman, user?

shut up boomer

Why are you so hostile towards an on-topic post?

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Is Zack & Wiki one of the best Wii games of all time?

it's a fun little puzzle game. I enjoyed it.

>one of the most frustrating puzzle games ever made

Rs2 was fun

why do you have to say "of all time" it's not like people make wii games anymore

in the words of Hitler. "Nein"

How do I set the mouse as the wiimote in dolphin? Want to replay Zack and Wiki (and Deadly Creatures for that mattter)

The wii and DS had some god tier boxart, I tell you

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I figured this out when I was like ten. It can't be that hard.


If you're still in touch with him, tell him there's another soul on this planet that shares his opinion.

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how does emulating wii work in tandum with a wiimote/nunchuck?

I'm not. It's been such a long time I lost contact with most of my gamer friends from those days. :(

What is it like trying to emulate something like Skyward Sword or Red Steel 2? It can't be good

>NIS game
>No references to it in any other NIS game

Closest thing we had to an original Pikmin game on the Wii. It was kinda like a fusion of it and Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon. Fun game.
Xseed loved this game enough to try and put together a PC port, but apparently that didn't work out too well.

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I remember seeing this in just about every bargain bin I ever came across.

Remember the UDraw lol


I've never played a Rune Factory game, what's the best on one Gamecube or Wii?

It has the most underrated library of games imo. I really need to just focus on my Wii backlog instead of replaying GTA SA all the time.

Based. i love this game so much

this was a blast

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