Some kind of virus, huh?
Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease 2019
Chinese virus?
Social distancing?
Is President Bush there?
Would Big Boss eat bat soup?
Wash my hands?
I can't read.
No E.
Psycho mantis?
If he had to, yes.
Just stay in the box, Snake! Long range tactics only!
A HIND-D???????????????? colonel, what's a russian gunship doing here? And why is this grocery store so heavily guarded???
Snake, it's there to unload precious toilet paper.
Yas Forums btfo again, how can this man be stopped
*cough* SNA-*wheeze*AKE *cough*
6 Rolls.
More than enough to clean anything that stinks.
you can eat bats in mgs3
What's your honest opinion with Society and Coronavirus?
You can eat vampire bats in MGS3. Big Boss doesn't like them.
Does being tangentially associable with current events really make the gameplay any better though?
Snake Eater may still apply. Or Pangolin Eater.
This is all China and their shitty commie governments’ fault
>improving perfection
impossible my man
>Snake, have you ever been to the wet market in Wuhan? The bat soup is a traditional dish of the chinese people.
is it just two names for the same thing or wat
is what two names?
That's a pretty big body count for a virus
COVID-19, Coronavirus, Kung Flu, Wu Ping Cough, it's all the same thing.
I feel like the walls are closing in but I know I'm probably overreacting but I know it's fucking STUPID to not take this seriously now. Honestly I just hope my old man makes it. I owe everything to my father and he deserves better than a slow choking death.
Can you make me a sandwich?
Corona is a type of virus, Covid-19 is the name of this type of corona virus
fuckin' LEL
Damn, how will I ever recover?
quarentine control
hygiene control
public health control
everything is under control
what about SARS-CoV2?
who else is not giving a fuck about Corona virus? I've been going out and doing everything that I normally do. Fuck the boomers.
Same, I hope my mom and dad and little sister all make it out alright. My dad’s smart and prepped so he didn’t have to panic buy.
Also fuck panic buyers
Stay inside and stay hydrated.
It still feels surreal and a little bit scary desu senpai
What you're referring to as the chinese virus is quite xenophobic and is actually Covoid-19 or as I like to call it, Corona plus Covid-19
War... war has changed...
Me. I've strictly cut off meeting up with everyone I know so I won't risk their health. Besides if you're going out, you already know the risks. Not like I give a shit.
why are stupid goverments freaking over meme flu so much? quarantie is just postponing inevitable. the weak will be purged and you can't escape it
SARS-Cov2 is the virus that everyone is spreading around. Once infected you develop (CO)orona(VI)rus(D)isease20(19) which is what fucks you up.
fox news die.
these virgin chad edits are pure reddit normie shit. quite literally wojak tier.
>these virgin chad edits are pure reddit normie shit. quite literally wojak tier.
Snake, remember that time I infected you with COVID-19 back on Shadow Moses?
you'll get fined by the gov' soon enough don't worry
heh nice
Toilet paper?
Enjoy the smell of death in the streets. You might be lucky and die of a flesh-eating bacteria or fungi caused pneumonia you catch in the streets.
>Oh but I can go to the hospital for that
You think they won't be at full capacity by then?
Enjoy death, sociopath. You'll join them soon.
watashi wa L desu