It's time for a new smash roster thread. Post your wishlists/hopes/wants/predictions

It's time for a new smash roster thread. Post your wishlists/hopes/wants/predictions

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I just want an announcement before the summer but at this point it doesnt seem like its going to happen

i know hollowknight is unlikely but i still want her in anyways

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They're in.

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>Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
>Crash Bandicoot
>Jin (Tekken)
That’s all I want really

Here's your anime swordsman, fellow weebs.

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>That list

whats wrong with my list?

Shit picks

youre shit

No u

Prepare for autism

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>He's still not in yet
What the fuck's the hold up?

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sup faggots

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Amphibian Swordsman > Anime Swordsman

>Look mommy, I POSTED IT AGAIN
kys barafag


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Just give her a fucking spirit, it's been over a year.

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Who should be added to pic related? No deletions.

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Sakurai hates every kirby games not directed by him.

spirits dont deconfirm characters

Too lazy to make a picture but I just want Phoenix Wright and Jack Frost in the game with a shitton of tracks
The other 4 slots can be whatever you guys want.

Stop posting and research new characters yourself fucking faggot.


Then I’ll start using this version just in case that ends up being the case

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Already did research on practically every character there you faggot

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Hello, based department.

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little mac used to be an assist trophy. i think geno can still be a playable character, especially since krool and geno both had mii costumes in smash 4 and krool is playable now

Doom Slayer
Chosen Undead
Crash Bandicoot
Mach Rider

Prove me right

I am still happy with King K. Rool. At this point, I'd be excited to see fans get their favorite in too, regardless of which choice it is. (Spyro would be cool if Sora ltd. wanted to throw me another bone but my point stays)

When they added Bayonetta, I really wanted them to add Jeanne as a skin for her, not just a color palette. Like how Daisy was sort of in Melee as a skin for Peach, it actually changed her model to have Daisy's hair and outfit. However characters skins are now split out into echo fighters and unfortunately I don't think Jeanne would have enough to demand to be an entire separate character even as an echo, which bums me out hard. Though if by some miracle they did, they could add her Cutie J outfit as a special costume.

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Protagonists and faces always comes first you dumbcunt.

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Do spirits at least have a chance in Smash 6 if they do deconfirm for now?

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>Their feet are already in the door by being in Smash in some form
>Next game will have inevitable cuts, forcing Sakurai to dig through the spirit bin
Yeah, I'd say that they have a pretty good chance next time. Can't wait for the spirit wars next time around as everyone tears each other apart in hopes that their jpeg will make it in.

rate and hate time
hell yeah man
Why is he not in already?

good shit everyone

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Cringe and kys

rub your nipples on my cock you fucking amateurs

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Cringe and redditpilled

Adofags, rise up.

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Adeleine, Sylux, and Mike Jones for Nintendo. Not likely, but on the table.
Ecco the Dolphin for Sega.

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Where did you get that Doomguy render?

>Geese is 100% guaranteed in the next game thanks to Sakurai's bias.
Feels good man.

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I still want Goemon.

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someone posted it here a little while ago, here it is if you want it.

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For me it's Steve

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Haruka Amami for Bandai Namco

I still believe

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I am not a fan of Sora.
Would prefer Lara, or Kain, or someone else.


Smash is for vidya sir

Mario and Pokémon newcomers are always top tier in terms of original moves and personality though

Fire Emblem is the only series with a lot of reps and most of them are boring

>Sounds either very young (if this is the case he shows remarkable maturity for his age) or like someone who doesn't have English as their first language
>Doesn't throw a vitriolic temper tantrum but instead shows genuine disappointment
>Tries to look at the brighter side but struggles because none of his wishes came true
>Not satisfied with having his dreams crushed, someone posts his misery on ifunny just to kick him while he's down
Is there anyone more wholesome then ThomasMarioFan48

Mallow is literally in the game as a Spirit already you autist

None of the Disney characters would appear in any of Sora's content if he got in. It would be nothing but series OCs and the Final Fantasy characters.

I hope that we at least get a Freddy mii costume for him.

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Anyways, I want Doomguy, Phoenix Wright, Arle, Chosen Undead, Kiryu, and Geralt. although he's a book character but if they were going to break that rule it would be with him.

Who I expect: Doomguy, Dante, Gen 8 Pokemon, Anime Swordsman (maybe Crono, maybe another Fire Emblem), 2B, Tracer, or some combination of those

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I’ll consider Sylux because of Prime 4 but the others don’t make much sense. Sylux was in the old version of the image I made after E3 but I removed him from the new one.

>Mfw Freddy is still not in smash

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