This game was just as much of a passion project as Chrono Trigger was. Try to prove me wrong.
This game was just as much of a passion project as Chrono Trigger was. Try to prove me wrong
I actually agree
TWEWY is honestly one of the best examples of a passion project in vidya. Everything about it is just so fucking good.
>Soon it will be nearly 13 years since TWEWY last came out
Explain how. Never played this game before.
Thanks for the reminder that I'm fucking old, user
>unique combat system that took full advantage of the DS hardware and used it in new and exciting ways
>said combat system is also incredibly customizable and flexible in a number of ways
>no random encounters
>fun enemy and boss encounters with unique and distinguishable designs that engage with you in a variety of ways
>incredibly flexible difficulty settings that gradually rewards you for challenging yourself more and more
>impressive amount of detail when it comes to the aesthetic, from every pin and brand having their own unique designs to every area having its own unique and stylized screen transitions
>a unique if underutilized fashion mechanic where constantly changing trends would shift each area of the map towards a different fashion company, and wearing their outfits and using their pins would make you more powerful. you could also affect the trends going on in the game world by sticking to certain equipment and starting new trends yourself
>fully realized and well-developed character arcs as well as an engaging narrative with quite a lot to dig through
>great music that shuffles throughout each encounter and encompasses a large variety of genres
>a surprisingly fun mini-game with its own unique mechanics and depth
>post-game content out the ass
It’d be easier to say how it isn’t a passion project. Almost every aspect of TWEWY is incredibly well-crafted and accounted for and it’s honest to god impressive to see how much love and care they put into this tiny-ass DS cartridge.
*harder to say*
Crap, should’ve worded that better.
H-has it really been that long? Jesus.
I can't
You're wrong
There's nothing passionate or soulful about Chrono Trigger
As there ever been a modern game as passionate or well-crafted as TWEWY? I’m not even trying to shitpost, I’m legitimately curious. I’d be more than happy to try out some games that I must’ve missed out on.
Explain how.
Itsuno later directed Dragon's Dogma.[17] During the press conference at Capcom's Captivate event in 2011, he stated that Dragon's Dogma was a game he had been dreaming of making since his school days; it was finally a project he could realize now due to advancing technology.
>3DS sequel was never made a thing
>we got a countdown for a fucking mobile port instead
Hollow Knight and Baba is You
You've made the pilgrimage, right?
>been replaying this game recently
>notice that whenever an enemy on the top screen is about to unleash an attack, they will temporarily flash white
>exploit this to essentially make my partner a master at blocking/dodging
This fucking game man
Here’s hoping that DD2 will actually be a thing.
What’s Shibuya like?
No, you are correct.
is the switch port good? or is it best played on the DS/emulator?
The ranking goes
DS > Switch > Mobile/Emulator
When it comes to the implementation of gameplay
Switch version is alright but the DS version is where the combat and themes really shine the most.
Will I destroy my lower protectionless screen?
Not really unless you slash your stylus around like a madman. I recommend getting a screen protector just in case, though.
Yeah but it was shit unlike CT.
Not as shit as your taste, my man.
Yes but it will be absolutely worth it.
May God have mercy on your soul when it comes to pic related.
These fuckers combined with the damage absorbing frogs were absolute hell
I would say the ds was theconsole with most passion/"soul" games in last two gen.
Because of hardware limit , It wasnt easy to just slap good graphic on a clone game and call it a good game like other consoles with grey shooters and openworld shit.
Ghost trick,Hotel dusk,ace attorney investigation, layton,gta chinatown,twewy,scribblenauts,lockquest,999,Cooking Mama
The hardware was used to maximum potential in so many genres.
GTA:CW is highly underrated
Don’t forget about pic related.
I miss this game so goddamn much
>week long countdown with remixed Twister and more instrumentals being added every day
>it's a mobile port
>mobile port teases a sequel
>shitty TWEWY gatcha game
>TWEWY events
>TWEWY Final Remix jokes about all the teasing they've done and ends on a massive cliffhanger in the new scenario
Nearly 8 years of this shit. Will it ever end?
Weren’t you posting about how a Nintendo Direct would be happening on the 26th and that TWEWY 2 would be announced in it?
Pretty girls, Plenty of fun bars, and a lot of friendly people. Drinking with salary men and going to get Ramen at 3 in the morning is pretty fun.
I’ve seen that same screenshot and filename over and over again in these threads, as well as a pic of that Tansut fag. Don’t even start, man.
fuckkkkkkkkkkk you just brought so many memories holy fucking shit OP why bro why does time fly so fast guys
I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread is tired of "TWEWY 2 leaks!1!" and Nintendo direct fags using it as bait.
Every fucking week the same charade for 2 fucking months, its awful really.
Same. Either post actual proof of TWEWY 2 or fuck off. Getting sick of this bullshit.
Keep seething barry
In all seriousness, Undertale. Also Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Cave Story, and Metroid Prime.
I'd also be tempted to include Arkham Asylum for the sheer amount of references and visual presentation they were able to put in. The game itself has some pretty repetitive gameplay but the presentation is top notch and they absolutely did the best with what they had.
I thought it was mageknight. Make up your mind faggot.
If Nomura truly loved and respected The World Ends With You as much as he seem to, he could've left it as a once off on the DS with no ports.
Who's mageknight?
Some faggot that one particular autist in these threads brings up. At first it was Barry but now it’s mageknight.
Nomura doesn’t even love and respects his own series, what do you think makes how he treats TWEWY any different?
I always loved how you got a different battle theme for every fight in TWEWY. Made grinding a hell of a blast.
It's worrying that this autist is so respected at Square Enix that he can do whatever he wants to whatever series he wants. I hope he gets corona.
You're not fooling anyone, mageknight.
>wishing a disease on a guy for not liking how he handles your favorite games
I’m not the biggest fan of the guy but you need professional help, autist.
Way to prove my point, autist. You and this mageknight guy both sound like faggots.
>I-It’s happening for real, I swear!
Fuck off already
Shiki stripped Neku
And you’re still a faggot.
Mobile and switch versions
This game blows Chrono trigger out of the fucking water. Way better gameplay that actually uses everything available to the DS, pushing it to the absolute limit.
Going by that logic, we should use the mobile and Steam ports for Chrono Trigger as well. And FF6 while we’re at it.
What a fag
Mobile version of Chono was meh but it was still miles ahead the TWEWY one, and the steam one was ok
>And FF6 while we’re at it.
A shitty TWEWY port > shitty CT port
No way in hell
I’m just pointing out that using ports is kind of a dumb argument when the port for CT is also mediocre as well. Doesn’t invalidate the original designs of said games. Also
>he doesn’t know
>pin tells me to yell into the mic
>blow into the mic instead