Was it lightning in a bottle?

Was it lightning in a bottle?

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It was gook shit that appealed to teenager millennials during a time when "open sandbox" exploration games were trending upwards. The animations and movement freedom in the game appealed to that demographic. The aesthetic and music captivated emo cunts. etc

It's just trash in retrospect.


there are anons here that didn't play this game

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>open sandbox exploration
>mirrors edge
Obvious faggot that never played the game.

you'll never find me

I liked Catalyst more. I don't care if I'm wrong.

Literally not a single part of this post described any element of the game in any manner.

there are anons here that weren't even born when this game came out

Yes. What made this game good is because it was peak DICE. The same DICE that made Battlefield Bad Company 1, the best BF game. Both came out in the same year and are ludo. There was a serious brain drain and cuck culture started forming after these games released. Liberal SJWs + EA + Sweden. What do you think was going to happen to a possible sequel?

It was during EA's "let's try to make good games and see if that works" phase. Turned out it didn't. However, they didn't really give it much of a chance. It was a new direction and poorly marketed, and it needed to be followed up by a "more of the same thing" sequel once it got people's attention. But EA's good games phase had ended by then, and we'll never know how things could have turned out differently.

catalyst was so beautiful, Especially the final area.

>The same DICE that made Battlefield Bad Company 1, the best BF game
Fucking wat


? BC1 was the place to be on Xbox Live for a long time. Lot of veterans hanging around for years. There was no multiplayer shooter as destructive and intense in that generation

I don't think this is the game you're thinking of

Bad Company 1 multiplayer is the absolute worst one that released and I've played all BF games besides Vietnam, Modern Combat, 1, and 5

Ching Chong in the Bing Bong

No but this is

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The best battlefield game was battlefield 1942 or 43 or whatever. The digital only game with three maps and three classes. It was simplistic but did everything it needed to do very well.

Don't forget that Dead Space also came during that phase. To be then massacred later on when they wanted it to sell more than what the first one did which was already good for a new IP.

It was a great tech demo, but was very barebones aside from the parkour. I was hoping more games would adopt Mirror's Edge's actual first person parkour instead of the pseudo-parkour that is basically just unsatisfyingly mantling on top of things that we have in the FPSs these days. Well at least we have Dying Light 2 coming out soon.

That game couldve been good if it actually had content.

are you having a stroke?

Consider suicide

It missed the aesthetic of the original game by going too sci-fi.

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>BF1 best BF
>"cuck culture"
>Liberal crying
Fucking kill yourself

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I don't think the problem was that it looked too sci-fi. I think the problem was that everything looked too sterile. The original had more detail up close which helped to ground the place in reality in spite of the stylised colour scheme.

I wouldn't say so, EA at the time had plenty of extremely competent devs making really good shit that's still remembered to this day in their respective circles: Mirror's Edge, Dead Space 1 and 2 and something like Bad Company 2 (although I don't remember if that was under EA at the time).

But it's fucking EA so of course they murdered all of it. That's what these fucking people do, it happened with Medal of Honor, it happened with C&C, etc. If they weren't scumfucks they'd probably be a really well regarded publisher, because they CAN draw in talent. But at the end of the day, they're EA.

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It was the first game to really embrace parkour after Assassins Creed only scratched the surface. It was fresh and novel at the time.

Totems was actually trying to do it even before Assassins Creed but unfortunately it was cancelled.

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Everything in the original game felt like white-washed reality, it was a really neat vibe, that Catalyst just failed to hit.

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>original story was simplistic and effective, set in a totalitarian society where you try to rescue your cop sister who became a scapegoat in a conspiracy
Still mad, I wish someone at nu-DICE would've at least noticed that most of the criticisms about the original were total bullshit

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DICE was full acquired by EA in 2006

Well then there's you go. Fuck EA.

mirror's edge was and still is mediocre even if the concept was fucking cool and I want to see it improved
also the dlc for this game is outrageously overpriced

You're mediocre

I thought people who bitched about white washing were referring to characters that are of different races in origin but given Caucasian actors/actresses on the big screen. Now it refers to making anything white? White is the new black.

No, it just took an interesting aesthetic and some borrowed ideas from Prince of Persia Sands of Time, slapped a first person perspective and that's it.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't as revolutionary as OP makes it sound.

all this wrong in one post

all you had to say is "it was a first person platformer and people only liked it for the novelty", and you would have achieved the same goal without sounding like a total moron

people still would have disagreed, but god damn

How young are you?

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sunk an absurd amount of time into that shit
i probably wouldn't have bought 3 or 4 if it hadn't been for 1943 absolutely sucking me into it

Ew no I will not make out with you user!

dude what

>i thought

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It really is fucking weird the way they went with Catalyst.
It's such a complete departure in so many ways from the original.
The artstyle is like someone saw the original game and decided to copy it and did a mostly-okay job but fell flat on the little details.
The grappling hook is awful and just adds a bunch of 'press button to skip over big hole' instead of having be an interesting jumping trick to do like the first game.
Hell the only thing that was a direct improvement was the ability to just nope over/around guards.

It really is weird.

the same site that says black/asian/etc. pride is just pride but white pride is racism and bigotry? yeah there's a reason people don't like it as a source

Enjoy your internet debates

Lol go tell that to the masses user. I didn’t make this shit up

how does that prove you're capable of thought?

use a real dictionary and not some israeli propoganda site

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Have you played it?
It was basically "parkour along this line with an occasional punch"

This advice coming from people who use memes from the urban dictionary

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Not to mention that other then kate and faith absolutely none of the other characters return.
This is a prequel, right? Where the fuck is Merc?

They must not be American

This has to be bait.

It's a reboot

>The grappling hook is awful and just adds a bunch of 'press button to skip over big hole' instead of having be an interesting jumping trick to do like the first game.
The point of it isn't really to expand your repertoire of moves but to gate off areas, metroidvania style, since they went open world.

>rebooting a series with one fucking game and barely any plot
I never understand these people. Just make a different character or something, use the same game name if you want

This. The original story was relatable; her parents were not mentioned as anyone special, they died during a protest against the changes that created that society. There's no fucking way Kate would be able to become a cop if either of her parents were anything more than nobodies; it's bad enough her sister is an illegal courier.

Before the internet was invented there existed a device called dictionary which included the definitions of terms. It is incredibly useful in the acquisition of new vocabulary. Upon reading this post, you have learnt of their arcane existence and thus unlocked its mysteries, free for you to peruse at your discretion.
TL;DR: Achievement Unlocked - Merriam Webster

>yeah there's a reason people don't like it as a source
Yeah and it's not white fragility bitch

Maybe read the fucking articles because they probably explain this shit