Doom Eternal BTFO

holy fucking based

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lmao sonygros are so disgusting

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>it's too ridiculous
>game is ultra annoying and challenging for the dark souls crowd

lmao confirmed for filtered

lmao he got filtered HARD

I also fucking hate games where I have to do one and do the other.


I really don't understand the people who liked Doom 2016 having this issue with Eternal
if Eternal doesn't feel like Doom (a defensible position) then neither does 2016. there are much less differences between Eternal and 2016 vs any other Doom game.

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real question is, what does black DSP think of DOOM?

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You’d think a sequel to 2016 would be recognizable as a sequel to 2016. Eternal simply isn’t.

You're right, it took 2016 and made it 3 times better. Hard to recognize something that's vastly superior.

He's playing Doom on controller what did he expect.

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I sure do love swimming and a story that requires you to read a book to catch up what happened after the last game.


You mean like PDAs and having to stand in a room while characters talked?

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What are the most common complaints about it? I thought it looked cool that you could have a sword, but that's as far as I've thought about it.

my favorite part of this is that 2016 has unskippable cutscenes, and eternal does not. you cant skip every single cutscene in the game.
theres a reason no one likes replaying 2016, because every other level you are stuck in a room while VEGA or sam hyden talk to you

Now I get why some people here hate the game. They're no skill brainlets that can't handle a decent challenge

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I don't mean this in a derogatory way, I'm genuinely curious, does this guy have some kind of mental deficiency? He seems legitimately autistic.

PDAs were not crucial to the story at all. Eternal makes no sense unless you read them, but I’d say standing for 30 seconds 3 times is worse than reading a book.

>Eternal makes no sense unless you read them
Why are you giving half a shit about Doom Eternal's story beyond its justification for slaughtering demons? You absolute fucking triple nigger.

Eternal makes as much sense as 2016 with just the cutscenes and not reading the codex. Maybe you're just a brainlet.

seriously how low does your IQ have to be in order to suck at doom eternal? JUST READ THE TIPS ITS NOT HARD

You gotta admire how real he is all the time with his opinions though. He'll never BS about his feelings about anything.

Damn that pewdiepie dude really let himself go.

I honestly do not even think the game is very hard on nightmare. Lost maybe 2 lives until the first boss battle. People want to play on hard because they don't want to be fucking faggots. Well, guess what? You are a fucking faggot. Now go and play in the kiddy corner on easy, faggot.

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It's no surprise. Combing through all the comments around you'll find people getting "annoyed" by Doom Eternal.
Turn on Easy mode, Turn on sentinel armor.
Now you got Doom 2016.
These people are getting filtered so hard.

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DSP never played the original Doom though.

Nice move of the goalpost.

2016 stood on its own and doesn’t require any backstory. If you’re going straight into Eternal which for some idiotic reason does a time skip instead of continuing where the last game left off and introduces all these new ideas and characters, it’s mandatory reading.

>Doesn't realize he's being sarcastic


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This. Doom 2016 is like Doom Eternal beta. Eternal is a much much more complete game with refined strategic gameplay and mechanics. I can't believe anyone shitting on Doom Eternal actually likes Doom or any fast paced shooter at all.

I got to say even though I thought the game was overall fun. the plot is fucking stupid. I don't give a shit about sentinels or fucking interdiminsional aliens. I just want to fight fucking demons. the plot doesn't need to be fucking elaborate. I didn't even care about maker boss fight

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They made so you can skip the cutscenes because there's ten times more cutscenes than in 2016

Imagine especially making a meme for a thread that will get like 50 posts just because it (rightly) BTFOs your piece of shit soulless game.

Then hold R to skip cutscenes and shoot the demons.

I'm at the end of level 6 and had maybe 10 minutes worth of cutscenes at best. Are they all towards the end of the game or something?


>Implying 2016 Doom felt like Doom.
The only good Doom is Brutal Doom

this man is right and everybody else is wrong

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Anyone been disappointed by the soundtrack in these nu doom games? It feels too slow and djenty to me, thrash would suit it a hell of a lot more. I ended up turning the music off in eternal and put on kill em all by metallica and it was fun as fuck

> you can now skip every cutscene
> retard grasping at straws for something to complain about
You're so fuckin' gay you motherfucker, fuck you. I should fuckin' kill you you fuckin' faggot.

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Doom 2016 was more consistently pleasant experience, Doom Eternal has more good stuff but also more absolute shit.

I'm 80% sure most of the anons complaining about the game are just shitposters

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>the average filtered DOOM Eternal hater

if you can skip all the cutscenes, then there are no cutscenes, because you can skip them

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>doing the chaotic pattern over and over
This is also how I felt when playing Eternal.
It didn't feel like I'm playing the way I want to play.

people just dont like to experiment any more senpai
even game reviewers think marksman shotting the weakpoints is the only method even though lobbing explosives is a better method

I've rarely seen a game more divisive between fans.

I dunno pokemon's the first thing to come to mind

honestly i forgot this guy existed.

>I suck therefore the game is bad

I like all of the Doom games and started with the franchise back in 1994.

It has 91% positive Steam reviews. Considering that it's really interesting that it's creating so heated discussion elsewhere.

It’s like Devil May Cry where you gotta get your full arsenal before you can move on to the higher difficulties.

They got so obsessed with the whole combat loop thing that they streamlined and simplified everything about Doom 2016 in favor of making the loop the centerpiece of the game. Just repeat the loop until you get to the next area, do some bing bing wahoo, rinse and repeat.

yes because people that shit on a game that most people like are considered fans, wouldn't they fall into the category of people that just wanted attention? like most Yas Forums posters?

>Playing Doom for the story

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Every once in a while i agree with DSP
This feels like a completely different game than DOOM2016, and I have to keep telling myself that in order to not feel disappointed.

>that one time he tried to play on pc
do we need to have another based moment?

Nigger DSP*