Talk about a downgrade! Why is his son such a little soi boi twink?

Talk about a downgrade! Why is his son such a little soi boi twink?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he could probably beat my ass anyway

everyone is young once

Attached: Hongo_Takeshi.png (754x560, 560.06K)

>buff dad always protects you
>never have to toughen up because my enemies fall by his hand
This is why it is IMPERATIVE that you beat your children


Still doesn't look like a twink. The new one resembles a 14 year old boy.

Where is Shocker when you need them? This guy needs some cybernetic enhancements.

Still an absolute champion
look at that lion's mane

fujioka did have to do all his stunts in kamen rider so he was probably pretty ripped at the time

Standard of beauty has changed. Just like how if you're chubby during the middle age, you're recognized as beautiful because it signify wealth, resource, and money to rent guards for protection. Then again, this is Yas Forums, so fuck chinks, fuck niggers, and last but not least, FUCK JANNIES

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Who did Sentai bros?

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older japanese looked fucking tough when they were younger, what happend?

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What is this? SEGA is coming back?

Unironically anime.

Is he wearing lipstick?

They're still out there.
Japan's always been half twink half brick shithouse

Unironically anime ruined Japan

Maybe a bit of gloss...

god i want MAO to kick me in the teeth

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So is Sakura his mom?

New generations are faggy everywhere

anime easily

So which anime was the real start of the downward spiral?
There was a lot of stuff that was either just children's shows or super fucking jacked dudes
Which anime was the cornerstone for the shit the majority of it is now

So what exactly are they selling her anyways?

Unironically becuase of the jews

Aren't there two distinct subraces is Japan? One is pale twinks and the other look like cavemen and can grow facial hair.

>Where is Shocker when you need them?
Being chased to the ends of the earth presumably.

I know he's a wrestler but fuck me he's giving straight yakuza vibes

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he shot garlic at me

Fujioka is a better singer


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man 80s japan is prime comfy

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Beauty standards have not really changed. It's just that "chubby" today means a lardass like Tess Holiday whereas chubby up until less than a century ago meant a body like Marilyn Monroe.

Sailor Moon then K-on

Probably Lucky Star

The testosterone well dried up.

That belt practically loops around his waist twice.

that gif looks like something out of a yakuza boss fight

80s Japan was practically the 3rd most important nation in the world.

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I can't wait for Sega to announce absolutely nothing of any fucking worth for their 60th anniversary

Here's your master system and megadrive ports and sonic also Yakuza lmao k bye

The actors are actually related


>no Kamen Rider vidya worth a damn
Sucks man. Also since when did Yas Forums care about KR and Super Sentai?

What a shitty illustration, the original is cuter

All they have now is Yakuza, SMT and whatever Kamitani's doing. Valkyria Chronicles is pretty dead for now, and new Sakura Wars is shit.

That's diregarding nothing new being made and heaps of older dead franchises.

the wii fighting game was aight

>Also since when did Yas Forums care about KR and Super Sentai?
we had weekly threads when exaid aired

All new age nips are soi.

>when did Yas Forums care about KR and Super Sentai
Back when Yas Forums wasn't filled with zoomers.

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jews happened

>buy sega or I'll suck your dick

No it doesn't

>Man I could just break them both like twigs. Just completely snap them in half. Suit actors are cool guys though.

Shinken yellow forever

Japan has a thing where the manlier you look, the gayer you look. It's the exact opposite of how it was originally in the West. So for them (and their women too, believe it or not) you can be a huge bitch-looking bitch boy twig but somehow still be incredibly manly and cool despite not being manly or cool at all.

Deka Pink and Yellow are so sexy it's not even funny. Why can't I have Japanese girlfriend bros, am I just not good enough?

This one was sort of fine.

Attached: watatatata.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

I heard he's actually 15

It wasn't even that bad until like 1999. Even the 90's were still running on the exhaust fumes of 80's machismo.

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Its all of this. My dad was in the military and my mom is pretty thicc. Theyre both strong and sturdy. I have a brother and sister. My sister is skinnyfat and my brother and I are twigs. Even when our dad made us exercise and stuffed us with meats and protein.

I think people seriously underestimate how fucked up the food and water supply is now. That shit is literal poison and inhibits growth. Its why theres 20 year olds searching why they have ED on google. All these manlets. Jawlets. Hairlets. Were nothing more than lab rats for jews to experiment on

>Takumi growing up to become the new Takeshi Hongo

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>His Toku waifu didn't suit act her own Rider

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>Segata Sanshiro
>Forces people to play the Saturn with his otherwordly power
>Sega Shiro
>kindly asks you to play whatever yakuza or sonic game they decide to pump out that year

I feel ashamed to play current Sega. Segata's faggot son can fuck off.

Attached: thatsit.jpg (480x360, 25.75K)

He looks like a huge 14 year old that would beat an adult and steal their money to go to the arcade to play virtua fighter

He looks like a Heisei Rider now.

Attached: killShockertroopwithcards.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

Ryoma takeuchi is my husband

I honestly thought those two guys from the left were girls until closer inspection

Except with interviews with eastern women they all say how they love the western mens look/style way more

Fujoshi are secretly adding enhanced estrogen to the water to turn all the men in Japan into cock gobbling homosexuals to fuel their own rotten fantasies.

>ugly people have never existed until now
Holy shit

>his toku waifu is the human form

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Looking at him right now i can clearly see him becoming a new yakuza /judgement character in the future

I don't disagree with you but it's time to abandon the whole "jews" scapegoat.

Attached: WOWittooktwoofyoutokillme.webm (640x480, 2.91M)

>tfw will never get a based Faiz sequel because Yuji is dead.

man being an 80s sentai stuntman must've been fun

>that tv show where Segata turns into the first Kamen Rider on stage and summons seven other riders to fight Shocker.

Dekka Yellow is to perfect.

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What video game is this?

70's user, 70's

or you just have a perception bias
implying people weren't bald and ugly before

name of game?

they have a soi based diet
what do you guys expect

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that was in the 70's

That's exactly what it is. The buff hairy badasses are called "jomon" men and I forget what the limp wrists are called but if you google one you'll find the other.

just gonna put this here

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Nice way to downplay your tricks, merchant

Favourite OP Themes? Mine are
>Alive a life
>Be The One
>Anything Goes!

Kamen Rider Battride War Genesis

Attached: meteor1.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

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Buster Yellow is fucking perfect

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isn't that his real life son?

Is there a way to put into the water asian Fujoshis drink to increase the melanin count?
because I say that's a good counter balance

it is

I always find it weird when I'm reminded that Luka actually became a pretty well known VA after gokaiger ended.
best sentai girl is as and will always be shinken yellow

>Looks it up

Huh. Well how about that. I am now 100 percent okay with this.

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nobody thinks you are funny or clever, you make good points and then throw your whole argument in the trash with some Yas Forums meme you can't stop spouting
you are just losing support, not strengthening your argument

>why did niggas who grew up in (really shitty era to grow up) look like 40 year olds when they were 18

>no blue dolphin
the classics are the best

>shinken yellow
My absolute fucking nigga

I’d like a Delta/Psyga V-Cinema or something.
Except that Delta is Kimura before she died because Mihara is so forgettable at this point to get redeemed with a movie

Good goy.

What toku series is this from? Kamen Rider? Super Sentai? Ultramar?

>no one in this here ITT thread knows/remembers that KoF's Takuma Sakazaki (Mr. Karate in Art of Fighting) was literally modeled after Segata

>we've had a perfect vidya rendition of Segata in fighting games for decades, but no one here remembers/knows

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Yas Forums - video games
i give up officially

Its a good thing then im not here to win your support, you parasitic rat. Im here to call you people out, dumb faggot