
>after seeing new consoles now nvidia went apeshit to compete

Only 1 problem; the gpu alone costs $1000 more than the complete ps5 system ....but hey - you get 15fps more

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>you get 15fps more
More than what?

More than your microwave oven

Ok, really funny joke, now seriously: more than what?

PCfags are so insecure about this. First time ever that a console can outperform most PCs and they’re all losing their minds over it. “Muh master race”

Going apeshit is useless. Ssd's as fast as ps5 dont exist. My friend is suicidal coz of ps5s' IO speed

Its just game over at this point

there are no games that warrant a 2080ti as it is.

As much as I want this, the 2080 Ti is already baller as hell outside of 4K + RTX at the same time. Might wait until the next gen.

Consoles are just PCs that you can't upgrade. They're typically impressive on launch but fall behind in a few years time. Isn't this obvious to Yas Forums or are you all like 13 years old?

It's not really the first time, last console gen was just more underpowered shit than usual.

I'm glad I don't have graphics autism where I need to buy the best of the best just so I can play a game at 4K with 140 FPS.

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dumb consoomers

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You should all be banned for being newfags

Every single fucking generation consoles say they are better than PC, every single generation they lie, every single generation card makers pretend all their old cards are now obsolete due to new consoles and try to get people to purchase the newest +10fps bullshit card.

Video games graphical requirements have stagnated for over 5 years now. You dont need a new card if you can get 60fps on whatever setup you have. 120hz is shit, 4k is a meme, there is no reason to upgrade, stop falling for marketing you fucking underage retards.

I'm gonna ride my 1070ti out for the next 4 years

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>tfw still using my 1080ti i got at launch

It was tough spending £700 on a gpu, but seeing the price/performance of the new cards, i feel like it was a pretty good deal

Maybe I'll save my coronabux and put it towards this.

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People will never learn. Two years from now, these same guys will be playing games at 30 fps and will forget all about the magic technology that made a $400 console much more efficient than $2000 PCs.

>First time ever that a console can outperform most PCs
Man, posts like this make it really easy to spot who the zoomers are.

>Only 1 problem; the gpu alone costs $1000 more than the complete ps5 system ....but hey - you get 15fps more
whats the problem here?

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i'm still using a 1060 6gb and i can play most all games I want over 60fps at 1440p on medium~v.high

This image has not aged well.

Cant outperform my pc :^)

I don't even know what it means exactly I just saved it because it makes me diamonds

yes but can a 3080 ti pull out a bbc to fuck my wife like my ps4 and switch can?

>First time ever that a console can outperform most PCs
Wrong. Original Xbox and Xbox 360 at their respective launches both did this, among others.

>console can outperform most PCs
Literally every generation they say this and every time they're wrong.

What are your favorite troll videos?

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doom eternal is an unopitimized piece of shit that can't get 144fps on max settings in 4k with a 2080.

there's hardly any visual difference between low and nightmare, drop your settings you dumbshit nobody cares if you think you shouldn't have to compromise your settings because you spent a lot

>replying to bait

>go from highest to lowest
>gain 15 fps

>15 more fps
>trying to compete

Either this is bait or console fags are actually retarded.
Why the fuck would nvidia release a $2000 card for the sole reason of competing with consoles in a totally different price range, and its not even good?

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is that true? Because Doom 2016 on Vulkan was absolute king of optimization, you could run it well with some really shitty old CPUs

>Most pcs
See, this is the part where you realise that ultra tier rigs are the vast minority. Where you realise that 90% of pc users play at 1080p or lower and don't play at high settings.

just give me a $200-300 card that'll rival next-gen consoles, thanks.

Insecure about what? Having to upgrade this year or the next?

Post your Titan RTX

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Because that's what they do now, price gouge the fuck out of consumers and produce lackluster products that cost 30% more than they should.

Isn't that what the RX 5700 XT already is? You can just wait for the RTX 3060 if you want something from Nvidia.

>15fps more
more like 114 fps more

Fuck you. Any advance in technology is a good thing.

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Nvidia are scammers I wont buy their products until they give us a good deal. Otherwise i'll buy a console or AMD

No they do not. Its super expensive but they are looking for the market cap. They release more and more powerful tech every or other year, and keep raising the price.

The 1080 standard will give 15 more fps than new consoles. The 3080ti will wipe the floor with most consumer market hardware in the world.

>tfw my 5600xt and 7600k do just fine for the games I play
>stable 75fps at 1200p, never going back to 16:9 so 1600p 75hz is the only real upgrade I could get but they're all 30" monitors which is too big
>don't really play AAA games so no reason to get a console, not like I have a big 4k TV to really enjoy it
>need a decent computer for work and to stream videos to my ps3 anyway
why would I get a next gen console when all my needs are satisfied

The bad guys never fail to make me laugh

but I already have a ti4600, why would I want a lower number?

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Took some time for PCs to get proper 3D
Meanwhile consolechads had SM64, OoT, MGS, Crash, Burning Rangers and so on
Most consoles did back then

So, are devs going to do anything interesting with all this new horsepower or is it just all going to go into graphics?

>144fps on max settings in 4k
It's almost as if the gpu is 1.5 years old.
Also ultra settings are a meme nowadays

Start Citizen bro.

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Bend over kikevidia

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What the fuck do you expect them to do? Make the game jerk you off?

Real time reflections. You know, that thing doesn't make the gameplay better.

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Well, why not?

Nobody is going to make a game targeting the RTX 3080ti market, because that will be a very tiny sliver of the market, it would be extremely risky to make a benchmarking title. It can work, it did for Crysis but it's a gamble.

Kojima would find a way.


>Ssd's as fast as ps5 dont exist.
Wat. You can mount a software ramdisk right now and run your game data from it.

>he fell for the AMD meme
You understand that Turing will be 2 years old by the time the SeX launches? You understand that those are 12nm cards you're comparing to 7nm cards, right? The RTX 3080 will absolutely trounce the SeX and RDNA 2, mark my words, AMDtard.

Rdr2? Technically even a 2080ti isn't enough to run that at 4k.

Oh wow, it can run a last gen game better than the console it was released on. WOW! Really? You are aware that this is a new generation and people expect big things for they money though right? Nobody will give a FUCK about Gears 5 when Series X hits.

probably because that game has 10 instances of DRM on top of it that make the perfomance awful

And nobody will care about the 2000 series when next gen actually get popular. It will, be ancient tech by then.

That's absolutely fine by me. I don't have any stakes in this. I don't own a modern top of the line GPU. I'm actually looking forward to good new consoles, as opposed to the current gen. I just thought it was nothing to brag about that the Series X will run Gears 5 better than the Xbox One X. This is a new generation and I have bigger expectations that Gears 5 at 4k60 honestly.