Is this the most hated vydia villain of the moment...

is this the most hated vydia villain of the moment? because CACODEMON looks so much like a single unit of the real CORONAVIRUS which is sprawling through the world causing death and economic damage. Thread about hated villains, and about COVID-19.

Attached: CACODEMON.jpg (500x524, 43.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

unit of the real CORONAVIRUS

Attached: coronavirus.jpg (984x553, 80.4K)

Attached: 1584489600571.png (1100x825, 510.48K)





he dindu nuffin

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20170604_145713.png (647x664, 241.48K)

FUCK the Cacodemon.

Attached: 1575705443447.png (652x996, 309.63K)

the image they use for covid 19 is very similar to how most viruses look

Please tell me there is a Doom wad of this

how did cacodemon become a meme

he cute

Attached: 1584998091168.gif (160x220, 42.39K)

because its cute

he looks more like the Astral Dreadnought desu

Attached: dndoom.jpg (1600x1200, 1.27M)

>people base characters off of other characters

stop the presses

Same way every meme happens. One faggot spams and eventually lemmings follow wanting to be a part of something.



Same way the gorge did

Attached: ns2 2013-05-09 14-19-10-70.jpg (1920x1080, 183.66K)


Attached: cacodemonSpin.gif (200x200, 42.43K)


Haha what a cut

Attached: 1584978653124.png (760x3624, 766K)

That's a lotr of baseless conjecture just to find an excuse for another Doom or off-topic Covid-19 thread.

What said. I never found the cacodemon scary or intimidating. I always saw it as cute. It has the appearance of a smiling eager dog.

Attached: Smiling_dog.jpg (420x315, 40.46K)

I like them

Attached: 1574440096762.jpg (718x524, 124.71K)

Attached: 1585104927826.gif (300x300, 69.94K)

get the fuck back here


Attached: tumblr_1f48e516a742c9829746c8c066ade0b5_eefd3be1_1280.jpg (1024x768, 76.01K)

delicious, finally some good fucking food

Attached: tacodemon.png (539x452, 319.49K)

Attached: 1584977894145.jpg (846x960, 117.2K)

The houndeye of Doom

cacos are not NEARLY as annoying

Dad stop, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-25 Cacodemon64 webp (WEBP Image, 957 × 804 pixels).png (957x804, 300.24K)



Attached: 1513212546_A29.gif (500x259, 734.24K)
how'd he do this?

Because of coronavirus

H-he's fast!

Why did they swap the models, was it a mistake or something? It's clearly the design for a Pain Elemental, which I'd say looks like a freakier Caco

Attached: 92ri5zfxz7131.jpg (707x638, 39.96K)

why? why would you do something that evil you absolute bastards?


>gee bill! how come your mom lets you have have two wieners?


He's handsome

What you posted was clearly always supposed to be the Pain Elemental, as evident by its death animation.

maybe they originally planned it the other way but swapped the two at some point

Again, the death animations are clear indicators of who is who. The D64 Caco dies like the original just as the D64 PE dies the same as the original.

You could say that, but have you seen the Pinky Demon's original place-holder death in original DOOM?

its possible the death animations where remade to reflect the change but the 64 caco looks like a pain elemental and visa versa

That's not an apt comparison because there was no previous death animation or expectations for the Pinky, since it was the first.

You're looking way to deep for something that isn't there.


anyone else find it really silly they are called the port of doom 64 doom 64 instead of doom the absolution

muhmuhmuh my cacorona

Doom 64 is already an unknown game to the masses, changing the name would just lead to confusion.

No don't leave me like my dad:(

i know i just wish they had called it the absolution from the beginning

That's what it was titled before it became a Doom game.

Attached: Untitled.png (949x413, 187.29K)

do you have any evidence of this claim?

I find it funny how Doom 64 tried to make bigger sprites and they look like they have a lower resolution than the originals.

doom 64 had to fit inside of a cartridge thats why certain enemies where cut and why the shotgun and super shotgun have to actual animation