Here's your new Marvel vs Capcom roster bro

Here's your new Marvel vs Capcom roster bro

and yes this is real

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DC Chads already won with TDK and Joker.

Where are Incel and Soiboy?

>special safespace snowflake

will they make a special character towards the corona virus victims in italy aswell? faggotini?

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>Robin the s o y wonder

His sister has a decent ass.

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I'm pretty sure someone was "nonbinary" there. I only briefly watched the Quartering guy laugh about.

Wolverine is bi now, Iceman is gay, the next Spiderman is apparently gay too... She-Hulk is now called Hulk and looks just like Hulk but with a wig, Thor is a woman, Black Panther will be a woman too... My user Marvel is done.

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Who eurocomic CHAD HERE

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Let them sink the ship. Maybe next comic company would be smart enough to not give rats any power. I'm feeling optimistic today.

Stan Lee died for this

diamond distributors tapped out, so yeah. comics are actually dead, and the rats feel flee to the manga boat.

Even they hate it

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At this point I'm wondering if Marvel is intentionally trying to ruin their reputation as part of some financial loophole scheme.

Gotta be on every single board but your own, right Yas Forumsmblr?

Stan Lee did his job fine for a long time. Tranny infestation isn't on him.

I actually feel bad for Feige, the Russos, and all the other MCU guys. They put so much work into making Marvel characters the center of the current cultural zeitgeist, making people who hate comics fall in love with these heroes, and now they're clearing the roster and trying to dig up more modern heroes for a new series of movies... and Marvel just delivers shit like this.

>Wolverine is bi now
Wolverine's into chicks?

This has to be some form of outrage marketing tactic, right? I refuse to believe that these people posturing as 'progressive' or whatever the fuck they call their special brand of social autism, would in good faith create these characters and think 'yep, no problems here'. It's way too on the nose to be coincidental. I'm instantly reminded of that fucking Gillette commercial a while back that veered away from razor blades or whatever the fuck that company usually peddles and started droning on about toxic masculinity and how men are prone to rape or some shit. That commercial also felt completely out of place and ridiculous but man did it generate some buzz.

No, they're just that stupid. Look at it as a simplistic power play, it makes sense.

Is there porn of the two fucking each other at least

This is a bigger disaster for the team's credibility than that time they blew up a school on national television, all died, and got every superhero in the world to start fighting each other.

Marvel is just genuinely out of touch and ran by people who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Gillete lost up to 100 million. Mission accomplished I guess.

I'm glad it's real, you know? Marvel is probably going to get sold thanks to this economic collapse and every person in it is going to get fired and it's legacy-
The last thing it ever revealed, the final hero in Marvel's roster, it's creative progress from the beginning all the way to now

Will be this.

Does no one else think this is the greatest way it could have ended?
Sit back and enjoy the internet gas.

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Isn't it making fun of them though? It's way too on-the-nose for it not to be a jab at them

I just wanna know who came up with fucking internet gas

its not, its more like an unironic attempt at "taking back the word and empowering it!" which they talk about doing all the time

>Wolverine is bi now
Wtf wolverin is an atistic screaching manlet whit real problems many of them involve woman
I refuse to belive this shit no seriusly wtf

Now you wait a goddamn minute. I know Iceman sucks cocks, but you're making some of that up, aren't you? Looking at the Marvel Database I saw pictures of She-Hulk being buffed up, but saw no mention of her just being called Hulk. And Wolverine being bi? Actually that sadly sounds plausible. Either way, I'm glad I haven't red Marvel comics in around a decade or more. Even IDW's Transformers started to suffer from gay and gender politics, which really disappointed me as I really, really liked More Than Meets The Eye.

He didnt deserve this

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comic is now used to jump to Hollywood. It doesn't matter that it's shit but what makes people clap and say progressive. It's killing the comic book industry as new horrible books are being writing and newbody buys it yet they sell bulks to stores not asking for it.

Its so bad comic shops are selling old books to make more money

Wasn't iceman always a fag?

Yes, actually

Well they should.
This is hilariously offensive. It's lowkey calling all of the LGBT tie-dye haired warriors snowflakes and caricatures.

If they just made a normal team that just happened to have these traits, no one would think its' stupid. Being patronizing is, in many ways, worse than being outwardly offensive.

You underestimate how dumb Marvel is

B-Negative is a good pun and Safespace; design notwithstanding, is an okay powerset.

The rest is nonredeemable trash.

No fucking wonder anime and manga went mainstream.

the comic series will flop
they will never appear in a video game

Is the dude that made them secret ourguy? Because this looks like a grotesque parody. Maybe it's just a 50 year old executive that thinks kids would like this.


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Wolverine is in a polyamorous relationship where he and Scott both fuck Jean but it's okay, nobody gets jealous because Scott and Logan also fuck each others asses when Jean isn't around.

The original purpose of comic books is telling stories to men. You know, for them to be less degenerate and go do stuff. It's makes perfect sense why old fucks are the main audience for comic books. They never adapted to try to be women and are still capable of consuming proper stories.

Based Stan judging people not by the color of their skin but the content of their character

The sad thing is I can't tell if you're pulling my chain or not. It used to be so easy 15 years ago.

My boy Bobby slayed puss for decades before Bendis decided to have Jean gay him up.

That post looks pretty old, and was probably when black people still raised their kids.

Kinda upset the big wigs or white feminists at Marvel thought that "snowflake" and "safespace" were appropriate hero names? How can they be a real duo if they look exactly the same? Androgyny is cool, but I just don't see the effort being put in. Maybe because it's a character sheet for a cartoon. I don't know. Just feels a bit on the nose dunnit? Like /ic/ said, it would be like naming a villain "holocaust" and his fanboys and thugs deny his existence.

This. Literal mind rape into being gay

Fuck Bendis


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Stan Lee hasn't been involved with Marvel in a serious matter since arguably the early 1990's and even then his creative role waned heavily since the late 70's.

I'm not huge into superheroes but was this before the reveal?

He finally discovered the wonders of pegging.

The funny thing to me about this is that there's almost no point in making fun of it because really, what can anyone do to make this worse? What can anyone do to drag this lower than it already is? All we can really do is just admire the train wreck in all its glory. A person with nothing but malicious intent for this kind of minority audience couldn't be more offensive if they honestly tried, and that's what makes this so special - it literally can't be worse, can't be more damaging than this. What a majestic miracle.

>original purpose
hasn't been like that for years

He neither

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Snowflake and Safespace for MvC4

>pandering has to reach literal parody levels before the woke crowd realizes its not sincere