The great debate.
The great debate
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Tifa has been pozzed to appeal to the ResetEra trannies, so I suppose I have to go with Aeris. Laughing my ass off at anyone who buys this game, though, the last thing the trannies need is more wins.
oh man i cant wait for 500 posts thread with only 50 posters.
Also reminder
there are three autists lurking the threads.
First is the TifaAutist original, the one that did all the autism back in e3 days. He does the "im gonna post this everyday" with a pic of OG tifa artwork edited to """look"""" like remake tifa, and the "tifa then, tifa now" posts. A lot of emphasis on the ethics department thread.
Theres also some aerithfag derailing stuff too.
Theres the "resetera baybay" autist that likes to post e3 tifa with the word "yuge" and "my b cup tifa is so cute".
And finaly theres one autist that calls everyone who disagrees with him "remakefags", and cries constantly about them in every thread. I dont know if hes one of the above.
That being said, im out.
>Nu-Tifa trannies literally getting too triggered by people pointing out how pozzed she is
>a literal dead white vs pure childhood friend strong girl waifu
Aeris fags are literals cucks
both of em in a gay relationship tee bee aich
Go ahead, Square Enix shilsl, try to convince me that pic related are big. Work for those shillbucks.
Official screenshot released this month. I've got you cornered now.
cry more faggot
her name is AERIS
Looks like shit.
>her name is AERIS
aeriTH sounds more snakelike you dumb coomer
Aeris and Tifa love each other very much
Flat and gay.
Where? You're not making sense, user.
Nice tits, shame ResetEra trannies won't let us have them. I remember when Japan didn't cater to them. Good times.
Those stick legs, yuck.
There are two attractions (probably more, but let's not get carried away), physical and personality.
Tifa is athletic, washboard abs, toned but not too buff arms, long black hair, and big ol tiddies.
Aeris/th (I don't care how you say it) has kind of a mannish body? even though she is less muscular. Particularly in the upper-body, but hot damn, those hips. Made for breeding. Green eyes are a plus.
Using MBTI, Tifa is ESFJ and Aerith/s is INFJ
Both are motherly, but ESFJ is kind of a basic bitch type. Like 50% of women are xSFJ, and I usually dislike them. But INFJs are only 2% of the population, and are a rarity. Very intelligent, deep, caring, and oftentimes loving. Sometimes a bit manipulative, though, depending on the INFJ.
Personally, I would go with Aeritsh
Hey faggots, both of these girls are FICTIONAL.
By the way, this is what the average Japanese woman looks like. It's funny how Tifa and Aerith's noses look alike despite the fact that Aerith is white. It's almost like they are trying to blend the races together like the nips have been doing for the past 30 years at this point with their grotesque animations.
But hey, I'm just a messenger. You can take this however you want. I'm just focusing on facts.
>By the way, this is what the average Japanese woman looks like.
Looks pretty
The great debate: average Japanese vs average white
>reddit spacing
gas yourself
gotta go with tifa. dark haired women get me hard.
They look really attractive to me.
>he separates ideas with spaces
Reddit sucks, but relax already
They have to only use proper sized people for shit like this right? I'd think using a real average would just make them fatties
You're right. Perhaps the picture is outdated or cherrypicked.
She was so cute...
Why did they turn the contrast up? Everything looks pitch black.
Tifa wins by not being a STICC
nothing has changed
Where is this from?
Reminder that Final Fantasy XV is the best game ever created by Square Enix
Kingdom Hearts 3 is a failure and should have never been created
Final Fantasy XV sold more than the older Final Fantasy games like 7 8 10 and 12
Final Fantasy XV should be the only Final Fantasy game you should be playing.
And don’t forget to buy the season passes they are full of content
Aranea is the best girl and fuck that used goods whore Tifa
Also don’t buy the garbage FF7 remake it’s gonna be shit
Final Fantasy XV is the overall better game
Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn’t even compare in sales to XV
XV is a will always be known as a masterpiece
All the DLC came out on time when FFXV released when Tabata became Director
Nomura ruined my favorite game and he should pay for destroying my favorite game
Kingdom Hearts 3 Nier Automata TWEWY and Devil May Cry V will never beat Final Fantasy XV in every category
Final Fantasy XV should have won all the awards since the game first launched in 2015-2016
Final Fantasy XV is the best selling Final Fantasy game of all time and it’s better than all of the other games
Arenea is the best Final Fantasy girl and she is my waifu
Tifa Yuffie and Aerith are all whores.
Final Fantasy XV is unbeatable and will remain the best game of all time.
FF1: 50k
FF2: 100k
FF3: 150k
FF4: 200k
FF6: 250k
FF7: 500k
FF8: 750k
FF9: 800k
FF X : not counting X-2 : 1M
FFXII 1.15 M
FFXIII plus XIII-2 and LR 1.20M
FFXIV : 1.25M
and FF XV sold more than 150M copies
Keep coping and find somebody to have sex with all of you
Also DMC V is a mediocre cashgrab
Kill yourselves for hating on the best selling and most played game of all time
Cope and seeth more and last but least kill yourselves incels.
Verum Rex is a soulless cashgrab by Square Enix.
I hope Tabata sues Nomura for ripping of his idea.
Aranea is the best FF girl
>but hot damn, those hips. Made for breeding
are we talking about the remake? The only one who got good hips in the remake is tifa. Aeris body is just totally flat overall
>pitch black
It looks very bad from in some scenes
Damn her eyes are so pretty
It's quite an accurate averaging of many faces.
Most ugliness comes from having a feature that is too/not enough pronounced and taking an average masks all of that.
People won't have their skin fucked up at the exact same position for instance, so any blemish gets washed out in the average. Look at or They both have flawless skin, which is expected.
There is also the issue of facial symmetry. I guess with a big enough sample there are as many people having their eyes too much to the left/right up/down, so the averaging is at a perfect position.
aeris looks like a malnourished tranny. Tifa all day
I genuinely have two non-fat classmates with bigger tits than these. I live in fucking Portugal, we're malnourished over here. Pathetic.
post pics, or you're full of shit
Ok that's enough for me
Nobody cares for your fatass friends
>Doxx yourself so we can just delusionally say "THOSE AREN'T AS BIG" and "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT"
Nice try, tranny
You are the dumb faggot who brought them up. If you can't provide pics fuck off
retarded tranny detected
Same. Nu-Tifa is essentially flat by vidya standards. I thought this was supposed to be a Fantasy.
Well, then your classmates plus Tifa look better than malnourished tranny Aeris.
>have two non-fat classmates with bigger tits than these
Thats nice, they have big tits.
Now hows that relevant to the thread?
Tifa should be something out of fantasies. She was a sex icon. She's been dulled and nerfed hard. It's another attack on boner culture and you're a fucking faggot if you stand for it.
Nu Tifa fags are trannys from restera. What else did you expert from them?
Still between Tifa and Aeris I go with Tifa since she has a much hotter body with a super cute face. Aeris lost every appeal to her body.
I have a friend that has bigger tits than OG tifa.
>Aeris lost every appeal to her body
>her hips are gone
literally why?
i literally see the same but ok
Trannies have small hips. Remember, these new designs are meant to look achievable fo "people" transitioning.
Man, that dissidia Aeris was literally perfect, the tranny remake version can burn in hell
Tifa isn't Tifa anymore. She's just a generic Kpop idol now. Aerith is meh looking. Jessie is the only hot one but now she has the personality of an e-celeb thot and a flat chest.
I hope they don't fuck up Elena. She was the only cute girl in AC.
Holy fuck
>A-durr, I don't see the problem
>Durr, what are you talking about?
>Hurp hurp, tits are still massive
>Herp, hips the same
I would genuinely love to know if you're a shill or just a drone delusionally fooling yourself
This. I don't even like Aerith but that dissidia dress look literally perfect on her.
The differences are insane.
I hate her new dress with a burning passion, she looks so sapless it fucking hurts. Aerith having that tight dress and having breedable hips was a cornerstone of her appeal
you are literally the most overreacting retard ive ever read
Enjoy replying to your own posts with the others 20 Unique IPs. You would get more interactions on Twitter than posting here but this anonymous chinese cartoon board is perfect for autists so it's hardly a surprise
Here's a pity (you)
Try the "Discord invasion" angle next, cope-kun
I like the texture on her new dress but the style of the old was far supireor.
>Dat Dissidia
Holy shit based. Would it have been so fucking hard for Nomura do make her like this?
She had an ass before ....
Cloud loves Aeris
What the fuck is wrong with NuTifa's chin? Why does it jut out like that? It looks off.
>Once again just a couple seconds apart
Dumb Aerisfag.
KH1 Aerih looks really fucking close to her original. She's cute
Aerisfags have not much room to talk themselves. Since she has literally a tranny body and a aids face