Why does SMT have better waifus than Persona?

Why does SMT have better waifus than Persona?

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Quality > Quantity

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Damn bros why did she had to join law...

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zelenin is a male name


She cute tho.

>implying Law isn't based
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a chaosfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are developing, fighting, indoctrinating, and killing for an ideal for at least 76 hours of grinding solely so you can go and get killed by someone stronger than you. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little alignment - killing the weak, asserting your dominance, making sure you're on top of the food chain, purging messians, jacking off with Lucifer. All of it has one simple result: your chaotic world is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck you and take it all from you.

Created the perfect godless world? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random oni who had nothing to do with the way you created it, who inherits it. He gets to stamp out the weak every night. He gets the benefits of being the dominant king of the hill that only is possible from all your hard work.

As a man who goes chaos, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 80 hours of your life simply to choose an alignment for another chaosfag to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Such is a Samurai’s skill

Finished Nocturne a few days ago, it SMT4 worth playing?

Raidou 2 chaos is best chaos. Lucifer is generally fine with neutrality. It's still telling YHVH to fuck himself. That's disregarding SMTIV bullshit.

Buy all the dlcs as well

SMT4 sucks. it has nice music though.
lucifer is normally happy when you tell god to go fuck himself, yeah. he doesn't even mind law much as long as it isn't YHVH pulling the strings.

Nemissa is, by far, the most overrated girl in MegaTen.

yeah those 5 people who played soul hackers really need to shut the fuck up

She may not be praised widely, but people who do praise her act like she's perfect when in actuality she's completely dull.

The only based law route is Devil Survivor.
Or Naoya's in DeSu and true demon.

>When she closed the lust jar
I'll admit, my dick was not ready for that.

>Buy all the dlcs as well

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You clearly haven’t played Soul Hackers then

In general devil survivor is just great, am I a retard for preferring it over every other subseries?

DeSu routes in general were based.
DeSu2 routes were different enough to feel fresh though.
Nah, everyone has their preference. I'm more of a mainline fag but I can appreciate most subseries.

Isabeau was underrated as fuck. I blame the artstyle

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door.

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I have, I just wasn't overly fond of Nemissa. She's not horrible, but she's nothing special, I'm not even sure that she's better than Hitomi.

>am I a retard for preferring it over every other subseries?
What are you talking about? Did i done something wrong?

I always go with Walter and loce what happens to her.
And you are, by far, the biggest faggot in this thread.

If you don't spoil yourself with the plot then sure. I enjoyed it a lot since I went in completely blind

I'd ejaculate inside of her for the purpose of repopulating Tokyo, if you get my drift.

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I meant love, kek.

She's very hot but also very stupid. I really dislike 4A's superpals so I guess I'm biased

Why does Atlus release 90% of their games in unplayable consoles that should have never gotten the support thet got?

There were many times I was playing through 4A that I just wanted to ask them why the fuck they were even still here. Especially when they congregate in your fucking bedroom no less.

Boring ass shit fucking whore

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Fucking tomboys and brown girls from Strange Journey, man. Them the good stuff.

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The Atlus character designers really need to work on a porn game.



Please stop re-opening the old wounds.

When its ready, patience is a virtue user, I believe in you

Why not make a fangame or a romhack instead? Then we are occupied to more Megaten content when SMTV is going to annouched, Megamanfags does this during the whole hysteria of "Megaman is dead" meme.


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Why does Devil Survivor have better girls that both mainline SMT and Persona and any other game series?

Yasuda's gravity defying tits

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anti-grav tits

Yoohoo sucked and the only good aspect of her were her antigravity tits

I only played the first game, but the only girl who was even alright was Amane.

I've only played nocturne. Is it normal that I find some units incredible waifuable?
What kind of dumb fuck could let go the first pixie who joins you?

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>What kind of dumb fuck could let go the first pixie who joins you?
Hilariously enough, there’s actually an in-game reward for holding on to her until the endgame.

waifus are just archetypes with a few details changed while SMT just goes straight to the source and uses the archetypes from their mythological basis’s


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I love his wings design.

This looks like a clusterfuck of a design, less is more

idk man

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>hurrr Satan shouldn't have six big titties

Who dat? I haven't played older SMT games, so I assume it's someone from the SNES era.

It's obviously an effeminate Flynn

It doesn't look like him. Except for the hair, and I know that older SNES SMT titles had this glove... Thing. Oh well.

The gauntlet is called a COMP, or an arm terminal. COMPs were originally designed by a scientist known as Stephen, who also developed a demon summoning program to simulate ancient summoning rituals to call forth demons, and also store them as data within the COMP. Most SMT characters that use demons in combat wield COMPs, including the SMTIV characters. The main exception are the guys from Nocturne, since that game is more about survival of the fittest.