Games to play with only one hand

Yoo Yas Forums, I recently shattered 3 tendons on my right hand and I'm looking for some games I can play with only one hand. pls help me, I spent 3 weeks without any vidya.

pls no VNs I really don't like those

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you need two hands to shitpost efficiently, though

Outrun and Daytona USA

Yo, what the fuck
Theres a skeleton in your arm

Almost any turn-based RPG

How do I stretch and warm up all these tendie wendies in the hand? How do I stretch and warm up all the wittle muscle wuscles in the hand? Asking for a fwiend!

Half-Life Alyx has an accessibility mode that lets you play with one hand.

Any turn based game.
Divinity OS2

wh-what.. that's fucking spooky bro, don't scare me

how do you even fuck up three tendons

>trying to catch a broken plate so it wouldn't make a mess
>look at hand
>there's literally a hole in it
>can literally see some white stuff inside
>start laughing aloud because I just saw the bones

it was horrifying.


Black & White for mouse-only, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup for keyboard only. Have fun and heal quickly.

Darkest dungeon is on sale right now my dude, been missing one arm for few years now and i can still play it

Baba Is You

Panzer Corps

>been missing one arm for few years now
Did you try looking under the couch cushions?

Strategy games can oftentimes be played with one hand only.

Take your pick.

also OP here, the worst thing about it is that it happened just as I was about to fight Gwyn on Dark souls.
I had to beat him with one hand using the keyboard.

nice recs anons, please keep it coming

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Old point and click games like Broken Sword.

you can play pretty much every turn based game with a properly set multibutton mouse

also most autobattlers can be played with one hand

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Bayonetta has a 1 hand-mode.
For obvious reasons

strategy or city building games only need a mouse

you can play Earthbound on the Snes or Snes Classic with just your left hand, D-Pad and the L button to interact.

Almost every point and click adventure every made. Use ScummVM for older titles.

Good luck recovering OP, hope there's no passion you have that uses hand finesse. I know a guy who dropped a knife through his hand. His hobbies were guitar playing and knife throwing and he lost the ability to do either.

That being said, when you say vn, are you talking actual vns or games that people who hate narrative, decision based games call VNs?

any jrpg really lmao

last evil, absolute kino card game

is dragon Dogma playable with one hand, I really want to play it.

didn't know that, sadly it only works on easy difficulty.

VNs as in anime VNs, also I've always wanted to play guitar, guess that's out of the picture now *sigh*

Eternal slav game a.k.a. Heroes of Might And Magic

crypt of the necrodancer
civ 5
ftl: faster than light

try Civ V or HoMM 3, can get both for pretty cheap and both you can play with just a mouse.

>turn based games
>racing games



What did you do to have that happen?

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To the moon
finding paradise

Plates arent that heavy that they break 3 bones fag

Tendons aren't bones, retard.

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The Silver Case. It's a 1999 visual novel with light puzzle solving by Suda51 about a bunch of cops trying to catch a serial killer who murdered corrupt powerful people 20 years ago and became a legend in the society of the 24 Wards, a metropolitan homogenized "perfect" city. Of course there's A LOT more going on under the surface.
It's still one of Suda's best works, and one of the best videogame stories. It's basically Metal Gear Solid 2 before Metal Gear Soild 2 except a lot more sober, noir, and without all the stupid anime shit. Although the story does go some pretty weird places.
It goes on sale for super cheap quite often on Steam and PS4, it's worth a shot if only for the stylish presentation and amazing music.

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Bravely Default for the 3DS can be completely played with only the left hand.

Broken plates are sharp if you didn't realise

Suikoden 1 or 2.
L1 is mapped for confirm and L2 to cancel.
That is what i played left hand only when i burned my right thumb.

Consider playing slay the spire if you like card stuff or strategy. You can play it with just the mouse.

Play cock hero with your left hand OP

I just press the bottle to my chest using my my forearm and open it with my left hand. but sometimes it's either too tight so I have to call someone to open it or I just press too hard and the water ends up getting sprayed everywhere.
washing my ass tho...

broken plate, also had to run for 20 min just to find a hospital, it was fun.

pic related do break tendons

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you could learn how to play mahjong

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Dragon Quest 8's controls were designed to be played with only one hand, so go play that.

Fallout 1 and 2. You play them only with your mouse

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Gothic can be played with one hand, it takes a little getting used to but you get there bro

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playing cock hero arcade right now.

>Super Monkey Ball
>Dead or Alive Xtreme series (I believe every game in the series can be played this way but I don’t clearly recall how for example the sea-doo races work.)
>House of The Dead/light gun games (time crisis, and...many others!)
>all final fantasy games can be played one handed.

You could challenge yourself and try to get good at a SHMUP.

Classic RPGs
Heroes of M&M 3
Master of Orion
Age of Wonders
Osu if you're not a bitch nigga

Stronghold Crusader

You can play practically any GBA game 1 handed
WASD for movement
E and space bar for A and B
and whatever for L and R like shift and R

slay the spire
which i have also been playing one-handed because i almost cut my thumb in half the other day

Isn't it amazing how reflexes can screw you over like that?

It's even in the title. :^)

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B&W really needs the keyboard for camera control.

I think I have some good suggestions, OP

FTL is very accessible but a has a lot of depth. you can pause with middle mouse button.

Deeper games:
Silent Storm- turn based ww2 shooter, better than XCOM imo
Crusader Kings 2
Planescape torment, I think

Super Mario 64

All Illusion games are designed to be played one handed

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Just use your feet bro

Will you jack me off? You give off the vibe that you give good handjobs.

Why would you let that stop you instead of just adjusting? Is it really that painful?