name a more soulful fps level from the last 20 years.
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/Super Gore Nest/ - DOOM ETERNAL
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I have to say that area really impressed me. I love gore.
Is this the best level? Can I safely stop playing after having beaten it? I'm getting kinda bored of the game.
dlc when
master levels when
i want more bros
For me it's Nekravol
That's for you to decide.
This level is kino. Hope they have more hell levels in the DLC.
I hope they have more earth levels.
Nekravol II is the best imo
Nah, you got more kino coming your way.
Fuck the Pinkies challenge.
There's like 3 total on the map and they keep dying instead of getting staggered.
Agony 2 is looking nice.
>dude lets take the worst part of DMC5, the qliphoth tree, and make it the entire game!
nice 'soul' bro
Reminder that the devil may cry franchise came out after Doom :)
>name a more soulful fps level from the last 20 years.
Seeing hellscapes in fantasy is quite done, never overdone persay, but it has been done.
I want to see more hellscape Earth.
>that Gladiator boss fight
>the fucking chanting in the OST
Top god damn tier.
what's the 5 you have of above the armor?
In some levels you have to get past "the floor is poison" type of sections, with a rad suit
Super Gore Nest and Arc Complex are fucking 10/10. Such great levels. Gore Nest being my personal favorite.
I wish they utilized more earth levels. No seriously, it feels like a missed opportunity especially with how kino it looks.
Super Gore Nest master level when?
Kill yourself, nigger shill.
Why did the floating tentacle dude make doomguy immortal?
does the regular shotgun have a longer range than super shotty?
>that second phase
As a prank.
he knew some of that shit was not right and the dudes in heaven did not liked doomdude
or maybe he just wanted to give some aid to doomdude when facing the heck invasion
oh right
filtered soul and soulless but forgot soulful
Man that final slayer gate was piss easy. What a shame.
Battlemode is trash. Holy fucking shit how did they release this game with such a mediocre multiplayer mode? No one will be playing this game in 2 weeks, it will be deader than disco because NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY SOME SHITTY 2v1 MODE! There's literally NOTHING else to do once you beat the campaign because battlemode is so worthless. No team deathmatch, no objective games like 2016 had. Yeah, 2016's multiplayer wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad and at least it didn't die overnight like Eternal seems to have. Eternal went from like 50k players and it's not even in the top 20 anymore.
Fucking Bethesda, I can't believe I paid $60 for barely 30 hours of gameplay. I won't even ever play this shit ever again, it's not that the single player was bad, but what the fuck else is there to go back and play this again for? NOTHING.
Doom Eternal deserves to be shit on, just not for the shitty reasons autists here bitch about, but because as a product it's wholly not worth the amount of money they're asking.
To prove he wasn't the villain in this story
Kys multiplayer fag.
Post yfw
I liked the Arc Complex better.
What said. Hurry up.
People who use steamcharts to prove if a game is bad or not are automatically fucking retards, so opinion discarded.
the soundtrack for this level is honestly not of this earth it's so good
>I can't believe I paid $60 for barely 30 hours of gameplay
fucking zoomers are sick in the head.
I'm 31 years old cunt.
that one was ok for me, but the challenge with the pain elementals was hard af.
Thank you Id for making me not feel bad for falling for the ultrawide meme, game looks so beautiful
Ok then fuckboi, what else is there to do with this game once you beat it? Oh wow I could play it again and do the same shit I already did? Who fucking cares.
if you were 31 years old and have been playing games for more than 5 years, you'd know that it is nothing out of the ordinary paying full price for a game in the fucking 6-10 hour range.
You're a faggot liar.
The arenas were so much more memorable in eternal. I dont remember anything from 2016 because everything looked the same.
>archvile ping-pongs me back and forth between portals until I die
I hate these fuckers, I love them
$60 is not worth it for a game that has 0 replayability, a shitty tacked on multiplayer mode, and length that is maybe 30 hours if you play on nightmare and get all the collectibles.
Are doom slayer, doom marine, and doomguy all one person now?
People who approach games, or entertainment in general, with the logic of an accountant are the most braindead dumbfucks on the planet.
They always were
Play on nightmare, play on ultra nightmare, do all the master levels?
cope harder, you shills are so desperate to defend this garbage it's pathetic. Cucking out to a corporation.
i really like the Urdak, music's good, looks good, best boss
Battlemode seems completely one-sided for the demons, all you have to do is hide and spam summons.
I fucking hate the gladiator fight, on nightmare it just instakills you all the time
I liked the Mars/Phobos level better but Super Gore Nest is up there.
Best level though is easily Cultist Base Master Level. Absolute kino.
2016's multiplayer was trash. DOOM has always just been about replaying the singleplayer. Either by speedrunning, or mastering levels similar to mastering a action game.
Personally I don't like doing either of those, which is why I've never wasted money on a DOOM game.
Yes, they do a full confirmation in this one.
every doomguy but the one from 3 are the same now, yes
To the fags saying the game has no replayability I'm replaying it on Nightmare right now and having a fun time so you're wrong and also gay
>final sin
>That ONE arena
>You know the fucking one
>"But wait, there's more!"
They actually plan on releasing free Master Levels overtime fag.
Or they're probably poor
>replaying on nightmare
Most of us of us aren't trash and beat it this way the first time.
I can't remember. A lot of the arenas there were just a fuck ton of enemies because fuck you.
doing the same
I don't know why someone one bash their head against it on NM for their first playthrough instead of starting from UV like the devs intended
Which fucking one, every arena in Final Sin kicked my ass so hard I can't even remember them individually
and? Wow I can replay the same level I already played just with more enemies whoa this is so badass guys! Who gives a fuck, once you beat this game there's nothing of value left, just like with 2016. Beat that shit and never replayed it again because there's no reason to do it. Too short, the story is trash, nothing of value.
Same, just finished it too, how did you deal with the boss btw? I just went with homing rockets then kept sniping the drones rinse and repeat.
Honestly once you know the map in that fight and how she makes almost the whole arena a hazard it’s ez.
Probably because he knew the Maykrs were harnessing Hell's energy and weren't interested in actually protecting the people of Argent D'Nur. Doomguy's story is just a bunch of people who felt bad for fucking over the universe at large handing him powerups so he could become an unstoppable rage god and rip everyone to shreds.
the first arena in final sin is god-tier at least
hope we get more like that in the master levels
I never said 2016's multiplayer was good, it was OK though, a nice few months of playing it but it was nothing spectacular, but at least it gave me reason to keep playing the game.
I mean the one where you get several cybermancubi, two pain elementals, at least 3 cacos, A MILLION FUCKING SHITLASHES, a Marauder and, to top it all off, a fucking Archvile.
Absolutely loved it.
Stop being such a negative nancy
The only post game single player is a single master level, so it's not like there's anything else to do once you beat that.
Because D'Sparil's got some 300 IQ master plan going on. With the Maykrs out of the way he and his brothers are free to dimension hop and cause havoc.
At least until some dude named Corvus stops them.
What do you use your sword charges on? I just keep them for either Tyrants or Archviles because they’re a pain anything else I can deal with fast, other than marauders obviously.
for what, telling the truth? The game is mediocre and has no replayability.
Beat Ultra Nightmare.
Archiviles or whiplashes because they just piss me off.
If we get a decent Hexen game in the new idTech engine I will bust several concurrent unholy nuts.
You are a massive faggot.
What this user said
what place on earth is this supposed to be? kinda reminded me to the 40k imperial palace
Pretty sure any future Heretic/Hexen game would be up to Activision.
So you're never getting another Heretic/Hexen game.
it is and doom man will be the emperor.
>name a more soulful fps level from the last 20 years.
Ahems in silent cartographer.
Not Earth, another planet Doomguy helped out between the events of 64 and '16.
It's widely agreed that the early game is the worst part, why would I want to constantly replay it until I can do everything perfectly?
Yep, it's confirmed several times and even implicitly said in a later cut scene. He's the same marine from D1, D2 and D64. The only weird exception is D3 and that's sort of like it's own thing but they were fighting the same Hell as Doom Slayer. What I liked most about the meme about him talking is that the voice actor does a good job in expressing the whole RIP AND TEAR shit less like it's a meme and funny and more like he's a broken man filled with years of PTSD and rage.
Oh fuck that one, and when you inevitably die it respawns you a little too far so you can't even get another try right away. Thank god for the BFG.
So you're just admitting that you suck?
ultra nightmare is complete and utter bullshit, no one wants to invest hundreds of hours into a 1-life mode.