Lets see em. Post your own and rate.
Most Played Steam Games
Aside from ASSFAGGOTS and having more hours in DS 2 than DS 3, solid taste user. 8/10
Play Factorio.
I like bamham
underage b7/10
I haven't played Civ, CS:GO, DD, Monhun, or PayDay in Years and they're still up there.
Noice but what did you do in Subnautica for 68 hours?
I've played much more STALKER and Morrowind from GOG and pirate versions
I'ts more than 10 because fuck you
idk how to view it including games under 100hrs
profile> games
Rocket League might be the most consistently fun game I've ever played. It's just always fun.
Also, Jedi Academy surprisingly has a small handful of JA+ servers still online.
Can't post right now but I know them very well.
1. Hollow Knight - 944
2. Dark Souls: Remastered - 491
3. Witcher 3 - 288
4. Dark Souls 3 - 258
5. CS:GO - 243
6. MHW - 144
and the rest are easily below 100. Though on Persona 5 and Fire Emblem 3H, I have well over 300 on both. If only they were on PC.
May as well add Elden Ring too when it comes out.
ty bro
what would assfaggots be
i did not enjoy skyrim
>Noice but what did you do in Subnautica for 68 hours?
Not him, but . I played Subnautica EA once pretty early on, then another full run with 1.0. About a year and a half later, I did a final run with some mods.
I feel completely done with it now and milked every piece of gameplay out of it that I could. Shit gets kind of boring though once you realize that leviathans are not a threat at all, and the sense of danger & mystery is gone from the world.
go back
My tastes are shit so i will not
2: Team Fortress 2
3:Dota 2
Most of the stuff I play is not on Steam though, except for MTG, which is missing my 1000 hours on MTG 2013 'cause I pirated it instead of using steam.
i remember collecting mtg cards, tho i only collected them for pictures, as i didnt have anyone to play with......
than i lost all my cards in bus....
i don't play video games...
>endless legend
good taste
>Europa IV
What do you do in that game?
Haven't played most of these in at least 5 years.
paint maps
yes im based
who said that?
his schizo mind
>schizos are addicted to assfaggots
yeah sounds about right
mobas lives rent free in your head, might want to watch who you call schizoid
each 5 minutes click some buttons and wait
i hate that game
>492 hours
Is it really that good?
Planetside 2 is a fun game.
i feel bad for you
I have 3k hours in league I would know
how f2p friendly is let it die?
Honestly surprised these are my top time consumers.
>Having steam in your mothers tongue
privileged cunt
okay nigger
based planetchad 2
>Grand Theft Auto 5 ~700
>Left 4 Dead 2 ~500
>Arma 3 ~600
>DayZ SA ~400
>DayZ Mod ~400
>Monster Hunter ~200
>cities skylines ~80
It's alright, but the gameplay, variety and length of the game are just right for me.
Well balanced.
>500 hrs in doki doki
fucking how?
he played it for 500 hours
Im not proud of this
>gtav higher than sr3
disappointing, 7/10
I probably have a thousand hours or more in rotmg, but I mostly played the browser version
>956 hours in fo4
I'm physically repulsed.
How did you get so much in hollow knight? Did you try to do the gold bindings all at once? Cause that's just torturing yourself for nothing
Terraria chads
SR series s buggy as fuck on PC, don't even start
Not really, but the subscriber experience is great for the first 150+ hours
>purple team
fuck off faggot
red team best team
2 is iffy but 3/4 ran like butter for me, even on linux
i like base building and robots
Yes. Shame that 2 is the best. I really fucking want it.
Nice hours noob
Just built my first PC last month, only ever had a gay little laptop before that.
2 has more replay value than 3 and is better
Good thing this doesn't show my other client games like PSO 2.