Animal crossing thread

Post dodo codes, houses, outfits, and passports

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Other urls found in this thread:!RRZUyaJb!fPgrO_8CbPrsFvYdD7FMTw

Are there any upgrades that require spending a ton of nook miles later on? I feel compelled to grind them.

any good southern Island's with good shark fishing?

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What room do you get after the three side rooms when you pay off the 750k loan? Basement or Attic?

Looking to do some shopping. I can provide oranges or a fortune teller kit

Top then basement last

I'm sitting on 55k Nook Miles right now, I haven't got the new Resident Services though, and I assume some new options open after that. But I won't be able to check until Friday.

anyone have a good turnip price on their island?

QR Code dump.!RRZUyaJb!fPgrO_8CbPrsFvYdD7FMTw

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (1567x864, 2.64M)

Butts, I'll not bother grinding out this loan then, I was hoping basement. Do you happen to know what the basement loan total is?

I've just got a gold nugget from a rock, what do I do with it? Sell it? I've not got any DIY recipes for it.

Oh hey some of mine are in here, neat.

Save it to make Golden tools with later.

2.6mil, I paid it off by duping and now Tom offers to customize my house for free once a day

should I buy a switch and this game? Is it worth it?

How the fuck do I get some of the missing DIY projects from Tom Nook if another player on my island got them, like furniture?

Turnips only selling for 30 here. Anyone have something good?

for this game alone? fuck no. but if you're interested in other switch games, like odyssey, sword/shield, luigi's mansion, etc., then yeah. the portability for playing bayonetta 1 and 2 is quite comfy.

every thread without fail, theres this faggot

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Yeah I'll get other games


where are you at southern chads?
I got a full stack of iron for you.

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night time here, come chill n pick fruit and catch fish


northern, sorry

Please, post turnip prices! I need to make money!

Anyone have an able sisters' yet?

Are you still open? Are your stores still open?

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why does she wear the lipstick?

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yes and yes

500k in the saving's account and this little faggot shuts down the place.

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sahara is also here!

>retards complain about online when posting dodoo codes publicly

Dodo codes weren't meant to be used that way which is why it always sucks when you try to visit a public code

I need sharks!

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when does sahara get to your island? day 7?

That's nothing. I have 2 mil I can't get to

Damn it's taking forever to get in here


>Stop playing multiplayer wrong!
>You aren't meant to open your island to the public!

If you want to watch cutscenes all day, go ahead. I'm just telling you how they designed it

Its poorly designed, as is anything Nintendo do when it comes to online

Not really. The devs don't want people to publicly post their islands and designed the online to discourage it.

Do identical furniture items stack in storage?

no, sell em

1/4 is more than nothing.

A ghost just showed up on my island.
It's haunted. AAAAAAAAAAA

How do I move to a new island?

This is a shit excuse
Nintendo are constantly behind when it comes to online, you could play 2v2 online vs randoms in Smash without both being on the same console on Wii U then AGAIN on Switch. Can't make a party then go online in Mario Kart 8, couldn't do it in Splatoon either
Nintendo need to hire people who understand what is expected of modern games multiplayer

ok zoomer

it's one person, i'm telling them to stop but they aren't, sorry

Funnily enough the majority of old games have a better implementation of online than Nintendo games. Even fucking SOCOM on the PS2

ok zoomer

She showed up to mine today, and I'm at day 5 or 6 or something.

accurate and truthpilled
retards will defend them to the death no matter what, though, look at Smash's online

should i get this game? ive never played AC before.

Idk should you?

This is my first AC game and I'm enjoying it immensely


if you know you'll get other games the buy the two game voucher for 100
AC is 60 and whatever other game you'll get for it will be 60 if not 70 (smash, botw2)

The floor tiles are very nice.
Also what's pic related, didn't have a preview?

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also my first, I'm enjoying it a lot
took it to the shitter when I first installed it and stayed there until the battery ran out


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Did anyone want a crown?

lovely house

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