John Carmack is fucking based

John Carmack is fucking based

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based on what?

someone post the brain in a jar story about carmack

Man I can't even decide which side to pick. One of the worst multiplayer FPS of all time or a washed up hack who thinks his opinions matter!

>Praising anything from Roegan--or any other podcast, as gospel
>On a suspect as easy as Overwatch

Low-hanging fruit

This is the guy who made Skyrim, he really should just sh*t the fuck up

It's Carmack, not Romero.

Nice bait try harder faggot


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>Shlomo Rogan

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He's somewhat based, but at the same time you have to remember that this guy doesn't enjoy video games. He's a code monkey. He built the engine for good games, other people used those engines to MAKE good games. Just look at what happened when Romero left id.

Just read all of Masters of Doom. It's an excellent book.

Bioware shill detected, go suck on Molyneux's ballscack

what, youve never time travelled?

a little worried, ngl

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When did he make Skyrim?

After he made the blunder that was Bioshock Infinite

And who does Rage appeal too?

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Lmao trannys btfo and whore moms btfo

Oh, I see, you are retarded


That's gonna be a meow from me bro

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it’s okay, user is just posting from the iss.



>"when Carmack was 14, he broke into a school to help a group of kids steal Apple II computers. To gain entry to the building, Carmack concocted a sticky substance of Thermite mixed with Vaseline that melted through the windows. However, an overweight accomplice struggled to get through the hole, and opened the window, setting off a silent alarm and alerting police. John was arrested, and sent for psychiatric evaluation (the report mentions 'no empathy for other human beings' and describes Carmack as 'a brain on legs'). Carmack was then sentenced to a year in a juvenile home

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on a red pill

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>a hack
This is the point where being a contrarian just makes you look like an uncultured imbecile.

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I don't know what happened but I am the guy infront of him I'm feeling pretty based

God damnit now I'm going to have to remember details of a whole new timeline. Thanks you fuck.

i wonder if they would let him buy an anarchists cookbook

Carmack is a tech guy and he's been pushing gaming tech since the 80s. He's the guy who reads university theories and then finds way to make them functional user products. He's responsible for Doom, Quake and all it's off shoots indirectly and now he's working on VR. VR which is so cutting edge there is a lack of people on Earth capable of understanding it and refining it.

Romero is a hack. Carmack is an autistic genius on par with people like Stephen Hawking. And this isn't jerking him off, he's literally that smart with some of the shit he's pulled off. Taking theoretical tech and then making it run on home PCs is fucking amazing.

fucking this.
But Yas Forums as always doesn't know shit about videogames

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The timelines are shifting again aren't they?

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based on what?

Rage was such a good game, right?

based on true events


What's a "useful" player?

This is when I stopped playing Overwatch.

Fucking piece of shit game. One of the shittiest design teams in the world. Lost this bitch 1:2 and decided I'd rather play fucking shitty N64 80s movies games.

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very fucking based. Overwatch is normie crap.

It’s a fact that quake 2 and everything else he’s worked on since is about as fun as munching on cardboard

on your mum last nite

That some weird shit happened when I posted I feel pretty based.

√i post best post

Animal Crossing: New Horizon meta creeping into reality.

He is. Doom and Quake are his best games, and Romero is the reason those games are good. I mean, look at Quake 2...

stay there kudasai

weak bait

And that'll be relevant the moment he becomes a game designer.

>rather play shitty N64 80s movie games
A good decision.
Go play batman on the genesis.

They do, user. Carmack's talk with Joe was the best JRE episode I've ever seen.

Carmack was big on pushing VR, he knows a lot about useless things.

why is everyone so worked up over the skype replacer

surely you do not expect me to use steam wheeze

I love to play casual on tf2. I mostly main scout and heavy. Would I like overwatch?


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>and heavy

Ok zoomer

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he erased time

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leap second maybe

Yahtzee really puts it the best, you have the guy with the tech know-how and then you have the creative dude. Separately, they went and shat the bed in unique fashion each but when combined, they basically built a foundation of gaming to come.

a true story

oh, already?

lol romero my ass. yes, the maps in original id games were masterful but when romero left id he has not done one iota of anything of importance. in fact, everything he has touched has turned to shit.

non american here, quick rundown on this show?

based and legolaspilled

And so has everything Carmack touched since. It's funny how they seemed to need each other. Quake 2 and Daikatana both blew.

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I just started playing Overwatch the other day its ok

Does he technically get credit for Deus ex?

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ur mum lol

But don't you know Carmac is nazi and he hates women.

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And yet, he seems to have a better grasp on how to take advantage of available technology without pushing the player's engagement aside.
I'll take a tech-inclined turboautist over self-proclaimed cinematic experience "prodigies" in charge of videogame development.

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Holy fucking shit it's real

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>useless players
>he means trannies and sjws
highly doubt that is what he is implying without even watching the video

Holy shit, THIS. Where the fuck does this "Romero is a good game designer" even come from? At least Carmack is consistent in terms of tech and coding. That spic fuck never made a good game at all after Quake and Doom

>He confuses Carmack with Romero
Yo need to be 18 or older to post here.
An excellent game


highly debatable because at least carmack still innovated in 3d graphics and then run his own fucking rocket company, and THEN got into developing systems for VR.

romero? appearing at conventions...signing autographs.


Right, and Romero, now unchained by the restraints of working under Carmack, went on to produce the WORLD-SHAKING MASTERPIECE that is Daikatana.

Daily reminder that John Carmack is going to create Skynet.

but who was phone?

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Wow, thanks for screen capping that, there was simply no other way people could verify it for themselves.


It's not like the both of them really need to work. But Carmack likes to code, and Romero likes to fool around.

nigga got King Crimson'd

Imagine creating a company that makes spacerockets and not being able to put a single rocket in space

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I actually vaguely remember this interview. What he actually said is that due to the game's design, even players who are useless for their team still have fun. But the headline makes it sound like he's calling all Overwatch players useless. Never trust headlines, especially in video game "journalism" (not that real journalism is much better).

based on what

...pumping gas.

That's fine.

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never forget

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Is he right Yas Forums?

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>talking shit on Quake 2 MP when romero played and even promoted shit since he loved it.
hello ZOOM

Wtf I love Carmack now!

I thought Carmack was doing AI stuff now?

well he did make Sigil which is great

get the fuck outta here

Hes an overrated bitch, he won the tech race in the 90s and now pretends he is some oracle of gaming tech. If he didn't come up with his shit someone else would have. Also Doom and Quake are boring as fuck and Carmack is immature as fuck.

He went and build a rocket company and it failed. He pushed for megatextures and that failed too. He is running purely on hype and VR was not pushed forward by him it was Palmer Lucky.

They cut the hardline, it's a trap! get out!

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>never forget
>some shitty top 100 article
no thanks, it can live in your head instead


Quake 2 is mediocre at worst , I've noticed Yas Forums has gone from tolerating quake 2 to despising it

well maybe not that far but a game with great story and a shit gameplay loop might aswell be a movie at that point

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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Literally who? I don't speak middle aged

The one who stay in the basement of 2fort with his fren and spam "L" key while holding the brief-case.

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This. It's also the reason why he pushes VR so much. He enjoys the tech, not the games. A good developer knows that the artistic improvements are more important than tech improvements

it was different times. now there's a shit ton more media capacity and bandwidth to enable fully voiced/acted story driven games.

Valve just keeps doing it bros!

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>Unironically wearing a shirt like that
>Being fucking based
You can only choose one.

This shit is funny considering how much lore Doom eternal has

fuck you. quake 2 was great

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he wasnt wrong

wtf its real
what are we witnessing

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that everyone will skip when they replay the game if its good enough to be replayed

I could agree with that. Low server times, huge hitboxes, and like three buttons to press at any time.

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It's funny seeing newfags reaction about Carmack and how he isn't just some guy that helped made a good game but a legitimate high IQ genius who probably could've rivaled Hawking if he wasn't way more interested in programming and has a intense "Fuck you, I do what I want" personality.

this post and replies to it proves once again/v/ is the dedicated newfag haven, first time they see this
not like it needed any further proof

I don't even want to know who the top 60 people are if Carmack is that fucking low.

Any list where he isn't in the top ten is absolute bullshit.

I mean Christ, fucking Source was derived from the Quake engine.

>I have a small white penis

yeah. i remember bioware mentioning that was one of the reasons for reduced dialog options in mass effect 3 - people just skipped it all (on first play through) of me1 and me2. plebs.


based chrono warper
cringe timelet

Fucking Call of Duty has used a modified Quake 3 since the first one.

Oprah for Meatheads and Midwits

Server vs clients time right? Riiight?
(if this doesn't have a technical explanation I will begin to worry)

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“Modern games, things like Overwatch, can be jumped into a lot more easily because teamplay is another aspect of that, where if you’ve got a team you could be on the winning team even if you suck,” said Carmack on episode 1342 of the podcast.

Read more: Overwatch fans mortified by jersey error

“You might have really great players that are kind of covering for you there. You can jump in and have the chance to say ‘Yeah, yeah, I won,’ even if you didn’t contribute at all.

"You start off being completely useless and then you slowly work your way up to being able to contribute effectively for your team."

Segment starts at 21:12 mark for mobile users.

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Carmack compared Blizzard’s focus on teamwork in Overwatch to one of the most famous games he helped create, Quake. The legendary developer believes the series, for which he founded the base game engine, is a far more competitive player-vs-player experience.

“Quake gameplay winds up brutal, tending towards blowouts,” he said. “It was frustrating, and it did not have the approachability for new players. It wasn’t so clear when we were making it, but it’s a brutal game. Players could take control of games, leading to blowouts."

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This meme gets repeated time and time again but the engine is so heavily modified at this point it is stupid to say this

What a lad.

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I guarantee Carmack has not given one iota of thought to anything he's worn in his entire life.