Huuuuuh g-guys?

Huuuuuh g-guys?

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So Cid is now a simp?

the FF7 translation was fucking terrible

cid isnt in the game but yes he will be neutered because that is more natural

it wasn't and now it''s rewritten. Fuck trannies

>Natural conversation
Is that before or after the sound engineers forced the VAs to talk weirdly because they refused to change the character animations from speaking japanese

If you watch the fucking inside the making of videos, they explain that the OG writer wanted to rewrite all the dialogue for FF7R because it would be fully voice acted. The original, read-only script was by design more explainatory, and would sound awkward if spoken by actors in a scene-for-scene copy.

Fuck you clickbait cocksucker OP.

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Aaaaand then soul was readded

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They absolutely have different speech animations between Japanese and English. Watch literally any trailer and they have a Jap and Eng version.

this poster are sick

Probably just getting rid of “Let’s mosey” and Barrett’s Ebonics. That’s pretty disappointing but I wasn’t looking forward to the game regardless

You can hear him do this in the demo. The chance is there.

i fucking hate this clickbait trash so bad

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The lips speak English. I think KH ReCoM was the last Square game to have bad lip sync. Square NA just has bad voice directors.

Tifa's new dialogue leaked

>bu-but tifa...


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>Gideon Emery, who plays Biggs in the remake, in particular noted how the actors were having to match English dialog to the Japanese-speaking movements of the character's mouths. On top of this, no two members of the cast were ever in the same room at once during the recording process, leaving the sound engineers with a lot of work to do to match up the lines.

almost all ps1 games had stiff awkward writing that ruined the story
cope, boomer

He had a flip phone when that was all the rage.

The only thing they're forced to keep is the awkward grunts and sighs that litter every movement with Japanese dialogue
>Character adjusts positioning slightly

hahaha xD its like remak3 i got that reference xD

This has mainly to do with the fact pre-PS2 JRPG dialog was not designed to be voiced. It comes off awkward as fuck. Also, have you played the FF7R demo?

I wouldn't hold my breath.


aren't you rushing a little?

Attached: Tifa_room.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>On top of this, no two members of the cast were ever in the same room at once during the recording process, leaving the sound engineers with a lot of work to do to match up the lines.

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They just have to match the timing. It's not FFX levels of bad where they didn't change the animations at all and Yuna was forced to say shit like a-go instead if ago.

>Up to date with "modern games"

>modern games

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>make a remake because no one likes modern garbage
>remake it in modern garbage fashion
why does this keep happening

Why does swearing make Yas Forums seethe so much?

problem is ff7r's va is clearly going to be more similar to ff13 than to ff12 aka lots of grunting to fill in dead air and exaggerated delivery

Notoriously so. SCEA handled it for Square and the end result was awful.

That's fine. The dialogue could always be better and it was always a translation meant to be cool and contemporary at the time. It'd be weird if this game that's vastly different from the original would keep the exact same dialogue.

In the grand scheme of JRPGs? Not really, but certainly bad enough to convince Square to have their own in-house translation team. And aside from nonsensical changes FF8 immediately had way better translation.

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I dunno

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>Cid will no longer be allowed to call Shera a cunt because that's misogyny

I hate modern games.
Source at 10:07. Turn on closed captions

>On top of this, no two members of the cast were ever in the same room at once during the recording process

this is one of the things the US recording industry needs to adopt from Japan.

>Yas Forums: when you're translating a work, you have to do it as literally as possible, otherwise you're changing things!
>Squeenix: ok, we'll make a better translation for the FF7 remake

How it is
>they are gonna rewrite the dialogue so it feels more natural to speak rather than being self explanatory dialogue that sounds awkward when said outloud

How Yas Forums reads it

>I really need the word cunt to be placed into a game otherwise it will break the immersion

And they wonder where Autism came from.

Huuuuuh g-guys?

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That's not important dude, you sound like a gamers rise upper (cringe). All that matters is amazing graphics and action combat.

I did, it was dope and I laughed.

yes, that garbage translation is absolutely bad enough to need to be changed fundamentally

Unironically this tho

Imagine being a final fantasy 7 remake fan lmao. Get fucked.

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I love all these people claiming they loved ffvii who are now acting like everything about the original was awful to justify all the changes made in the remake.

Cid being a crass asshole is part of his character and is necessary for his development, especially later on when he becomes nicer to her.

Beautiful as always

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>All that matters is amazing graphics and action combat.
You sound like a fucking retard and the combat in remake is ffxv levels of awful.


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You can just tell this guy has lots of sex (is based).

>Japanese game is voiced and animated by Japanese first
English cast has to record using the Japanese animations and then animation changes happen fucking idiot.

The Jap and Eng versions absolutely have different speech animations:

He makes tea and invites barret to fuck his wife now.

we don't need your cunt here in this thread, yet here you are.

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Just admit you never like ffvii instead of trying to force people to read your shitty post.

So this is just about Cid, right?

Why does the newest build turn up the contrast so much that it turns everything black. What is Square thinking?

I guess Cid is gonna be completely reworked then

read the post before writing retarded shit, you mongoloid low iq nigger

FF7 wasn't a paragon of writing by any stretch, go play the original if you want absolutely 0 changes

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>They brought Balthier's voice back
>As a doomed character
Why the fuck would they do this? He should voice Cid at the very least.

nice strawman zoomer , the ff7 translation is notorious for being fucking garbage m8, there are issues with the remake and this is not one of them

thank god, the original dialogue was often really clunky and awkward

also how is this news? from the moment we saw the trailers they obviously changed and added a ton of dialogue and the demo showed the same thing

crab asshole can still be delivered without specific lines. I'm all for keeping shit the same, but you need to have just reasoning.

Then again you're a honkey, you wouldn't know anything outside of your pinky race.

Cid's gonna be in the 9th game they sell these marks for 60 dollars.

See? It just doesn't work when talking like a baby.

they could always give him a second character to voice.

Based schizo poster

Wow, so they're making Barret a weak bitch soicuck too. Well, at least it's not just the white people this time.

>To sound more like a natural conversation
Yes japs have always had a problem with this

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It's done for original productions (usually). For whatever reason the industry can't be assed to do it when dubbing though

>ignores that honkeys invented nearly everything

I'm going to pirate and play it to see how far from the original they drifted and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it, suck my fucking balls

>natural conversation
>Remake sounds like the VA's were asked to emulate Kingdom Hearts delivery

He's gonna be an emotional little bitch, mark my words. Damn shame too. Classic Barret was awesome.

Join the thronging hordes of sweaty Twitter fans looking for any change at all, no matter how petty or inconsequential, so they can complain #NotMyFF7

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God, I forgot how handsome Basch is.

>implying twitter checkmarks aren't jizzing over the cross-dressing tranny glorification scene

Yeah man they were really celebrating trannies in 1997.

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Another thread where Yas Forums rages at the symptom of the problem.

That's fairly common in voice acting due to scheduling

It's called auto lip sync.
They only need to make few visemes of he mouth then run the recorded audio. Doesn't matter if the voice is Japanese or English

A viseme is a generic facial image that describe basic sound

I'm talking about the remake user.
They were mocking the shit out of them in the original game. Did you not see the trailer that showed the remake version of it?

>those environment textures compared to the character models
Looks fucking awful

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The problem being that Japanese can't write for shit and the story is unsalvageable?

You're delusional if you think the joke isn't still that Cloud is a giant twink and he's crossdressing to seduce Don Corneo. I don't think Square-Enix was thinking about Twitter checkmarks at all when they made the scene but you certainly were watching it.

>he was actually looking forward to this garbage in the first place

>men's room

I saw it, user, that doesn't mean I don't think you're seeing things that don't exist between-the-lines.

There's no way to translate the og bluebox dialogs into something that's not total cringe without rewritng them.

Boy the guy even saying that stuff about "be pretty gender doesn't matter" himself being a flaming queen flew right over your water-filled head didn't it

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