What have you been fighting/grinding for, user?
All MH games welcome btw
Monster Hunter
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I feel like Furious George wasn't as good as people were hyping it up to be, feels weaker than T. Rajang.
after using simple weapons like hammer and gunlance, i gotta say
trying switchaxe for the first time is rough. im supposed to be aiming for amped sword mode at all times right? but by the time i get into amped sword, my meter is too low and i gotta switch back to axe. once its high enough and i finally get another opening to attack, the amped mode is basically gone.
how the fug i use the swaxe?
Switch axe is a fucking grug tier weapon with a smaller viable moveset than the hammer. It's not that hard.
Focus and Power Prolonger will help out with staying on Amped Sword during more time.
>have stable connection all day
>make Lunastra investigation
>lose connection while preparing my stuff
>Lunastra is such a terrible monster that the game itself doesn't want me to do her
Love Gore, but why are feelers so tedious to get?
Farming Raging Brach. Still not a single Reactor.
Because it's one of those part breaks that has to be done when the part is in a certain state, like Glavenus's tail cut
Because you need to gimp yourself to not kill it before the feelers actually break.
>got my first two 100% clears with pubs, max rewards
>got one (1) rigid dracolite between both sieges
Just going for monkey hearts and reactors
Don't plan on making the weapons, I just feel like I don't have enough and I don't
I am trying to get my Jagras master set together
I finished the main storyline and unlocked the guiding lands, but now I don't know what I should be going for.
>rerolling for teostra technique awakening
Bubblefox for some of its materials.
It really isn't
The fight is too easy mostly because of the area it starts in
Nothing but constant wall bangs, mounts and because of the ice you get more opportunities to wail on it while it recovers
why yes I do exclusively play dps glaive
just savescum
I should be doing more safi runs since thats where the best gear is at the moment. But ive fully upgraded my main weapons for both characters.
I could go for shatter versions. Is there non elemental/ailment versions of his weapons maybe?
Was using Shara's CB before since the flat damage was real high and i didnt really have to care about elemental weaknesses.
Tbh i dont have to really give a shit about dragon resistance either with safi weapons.
Even if they've got elderseal and dragon elements, they're so strong.
There are only element/status safi weapons
ok well good to hear but this reply did not help in any way so thanks
>All MH games welcome btw
No. Classicfags shit on us even before World came out, then start crying when they're threads don't reach bump limit and are slow as fuck.
Go the fuck away.
Just grind for the augment materials you need for whatever you want. When you hit MR100 you unlock Ruiner Nergigante.
Currently doing Safi for those sweet Dracolites, might do Kulve when Safi goes away so i can get the emperor nuggets for the Layered armor and see if any of the upgraded Kulve weapons will be any good.
I really want to replay an older MH and this whole quarantine bullshit is a good excuse, but i gotta stomach the R button on my 3DS being a bit wonky after years of use
>turn on GU server cheat with my XX
>2/3rds of the rooms are chinese
>nobody uses lifepowder
I might as well just keep playing on the jap server, shit.
>long shell spamming is the best way to play the new wide GL
>people out there have trouble with Ruiner Nerg
ive never used any of the ranged weapons, i want to try. so...
light or heavy bowgun?
Just wait until we see what kind of monster Long 7 will be
light for elemental, heavy for spread and pierce
They nerfed the hell out of Furious by giving him the "knock out of enraged" mechanic only you hit his head instead.
Also his damage is crazy low now.
Still a really fun fight though
Thanks, might focus on getting a sleep or poison weapon and then call it good on safi.
Based statusbro.
>mount monster
>teammates shoutouts are sexual innuendos
Just fought Nakarkos for the first time in Guild 3 star.
This is the worst end game monster. Caesar us is better, fucking Shen Gaoren is better. I didn’t even die
>doing Safi
>mount him
>all 3 teammate shoutouts are variations on "Did you take it out for dinner first?"
The first Nakarkos fight is to just repel him, you didn't even get to see his true form where he does a hell of a lot more. The Wycademy even still thinks he's a hydra at the point in the game you're at.
>Mount me next!
These people need to fucking kill themselves
Boner cuttlefish is kino in G rank though.
I mean how do you go from Gogmazio and Dalamadur to Nakarkos
I regret the decision, that i sold my 3ds with 3 Ultimate/4 Ultimate and Generations, to buy World for the PC (Also i havent used my 3ds for a long time, and its sad for it, just to stay in a room to collect dust). Also im waiting already for a week for my new gpu, so i can restard World again. I WANT IT NOW!
He's better in High Rank
I like Nakarkos he's cool
Compare gog to egyptian mantis please, he's the G rank final boss.
the road to mr 99 is hell
I just want silverlos armor already
You only need MR69 not joking and Coral area on level 6 for Silverlos
I dont know guys, after getting my safi LS I feel like im playing just for the sake of it, im kinda bored actually.
>fighting gog
>it starts flying
the only good mount message I've ever seen is
I hope you fall off
Does he nuke the arena when he does that? I've always farecasted because I've read that he does.
>Fighting Ahtak-Ka
>Get to the final phase
>Special perspective mini-cutscene plays where the mantis finally gets serious
>Proof of a Hero starts playing
He starts spinning around and shooting a tar beam that hits fucking everything in the area
>can now fit agitator 7 on frostcraft GS builds together with full crit stuff and focus
Jesus fuck
'Member when five really good skills was pushing it?
>Stop catching my Dracophage bugs!!!
Front facing Monsters are always goofy as fuck
>Always liked the look of gunner armor in older games.
>Try ranged.
>Expensive as fuck early game.
>Can't play ranged for shit, also no friends to aggro the monster for me.
>Quests take a lot longer to complete compared to blademaster.
Why am i such a shitter?
show up in guiding lands already, i need dragonholds
What did you just say, asshole?
Chinks are the biggest plague in GU servers. I entered an Old Fatty match a few days ago where everyone was pinging at this one retard to get to the Dragonator at the start and when he finally came 3 minutes later, he hit the button while Fatty was on the other side of the stage.
The 3* version is nothing, Nakarkos is kino at HR especially if you don't know about his gimmick
>mfw elemental aquashot
Why was it hyped in the first place ? It was literally a Rajang with more damages before. No new moves, nothing.
I'm trying to get the Barrage Earring in GU and Arena is making me realize how much of a shitter I really am.
>only fought Malfestio and Khezu so far with both runs ending between 9 and 10 minutes
Not even confident enough to go for A Ranks in the others yet.
have you tried not sucking?
Use aerial DB's on Khezu because that shit dabs on him hard. I can do 5 minutes solo with them
Try to use weapons and styles you're familiar with.