GF is bored

>GF is bored
>let her play Animal Crossing on my Switch
>it's been 2 days and she refuses to give it back to me

What do I do, Yas Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:ée_who_does_not_play_games_borrowed_my/


make that fat pos exercise

>>GF is bored
>>let her play Animal Crossing on my Switch

God, you people are such virgins

If that is her then I bet she has a gunt

have you tried sniffing her feet?

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Why did you choose to marry an Orc?

>hurr durr you need to have sex with your significant other daily

Found the virgin

So take it back by force? It's your switch not hers. When my gf used to use my computer and I wanted to use it I'd kick her ass off.

> significant other

Confirmed virgin statement

Found the simp cuckold

>get in relationship with someone for a steady supply of sex
>don't have sex

I don't understand


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>Jaguar Bass
Based OP

>significant other
Retard, women are only for sex.ée_who_does_not_play_games_borrowed_my/

Ofc only a Redditor could marry that thing

my gf has her own switch so no prob for me

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Dude look at that body she could probably kick any user's ass and sit on their face with little to no effort haha

Her feet are absolutely disgusting

Low test faggot detected.

She's the yellow power ranger

Should have made her play Ring Fit Adventure.

Footfags fuck off

yes but they fit the rest of her

>it's been 2 days and she refuses to give it back to me
imagine the smell

Women stop fucking and exercising once they secure a portion of a mans income. This is why all smart men lie to their wives about how much money they make and use the secret cash on prostitutes.

True, if her feet were perfect the balance of nature would be set into disarray.

I'm old and ill, so my libido is very low.

get her a treadmill lol
this too

You fuck off redditard

That ain't it

I'm so thankful I wasn't born white. Truly the most disgusting living things on the planet.

The left leg shadow cast over her crotch makes it look like she peed her sweatpants and that made my peepee hard, zoom in and fap if you agree brothers


Sex is a result of romantic connection between individuals in a functional relationship. You're a dumbass if you go into a relationship for sex alone.

that goblina isnt anywhere near white

why does this have thousands of upvotes?

sometimes I really wonder what goes through their minds
>hum .. what can i do to get upvotes on reddit... OH I KNOW LMAO
>BABE COME HERE i need you to pose on the chair
>why? so that I can take a photo of you to post on reddit!
>... why? to get upvotes! shut up just do it
>ok try to look busy
>NO MORE BUSY ok don't move now
>I SAID DON'T MOVE the camera is still focusing!
>ok babe thank you
>yes you can go
>... no I won't call you back downstairs again in 5 mins for another reddit thread again this time.
>"Fiancée (who does not play games) borrowed my switch this morning to “try Animal Crossing”. She’s now finished the day with her own Switch Lite and copy of the game."

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you dont need to be a footfag to find feet disgusting

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did someone say video game feet?

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>he doesnt fuck daily
Holy shit what a cuck

>bass guitar

so you're naturally submissive, naturally the man in the back

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get your test levels checked

Have you tried sucking her toes into submission to show her who's boss?

your """""gf"""" looks like a 50 years old cleaning lady

>bass guitar is submissive
bassist are usually the only true musicians in bands

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your gf is a fat disgusting ugly bitch with nappy hair and bloated feet and blemished skin. i would rather kill myself than ever see another picture of her. reported for posting disgusting filth.

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that's not a woman, that's clearly a very fat pig

Sex is a result of romantic connection ?
Are you a woman ? Even women say that kind of shit but they don't believe it one second.

post all of these pics

>not playing based guitar

Pop that fucking viagra.

This has to be bait

Fuck off normalfag.

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ok thotposter

You can summon the lust forth Gramps, you just gotta believe in yourself and channel the sexual energies of your fellow degenerates. I believe in you, brave soldier.

Squire is good, big bang for the buck

Horrible mutant feet

>plays bass
>lives in a shitty apartment with his slovenly 4/10 gf
Yep, it checks out.

I feel ripped off if I don't fuck at least twice a day. Usually 3, sometimes more if nothing else is going on.

uggu piggu

What about the bassists who are also the lead vocalist?

Cope as fuck, you know it to be true, unless you play a band without a guitarist and also sing.

what are you pointing at

Bitch has ugly feet


Piss on what's rightfully yours. Show that bitch what's your property. Express your dominance.

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hey Yas Forums do you mind if I fap to your gf's?
some pics?

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cringe opinion
probably listens to green day and doesnt realize their band doesnt even fucking exist without their bass player & same goes for everyone else

Nice fanfiction

t. untalented guitar player

>the one example I know of makes it always true

that fat disgusting goblina ogre is ur gf?

dios mio...

pretty gross desu

what an absolute unit

pee on her to establish dominance

I know and i thought this madman will actually do that.

Why do people think painted nails look good?

Even as a fucking loser on Yas Forums I can't understand how anyone can just be okay with being this disgusting. My favorite part is that she has fake nails on, like that makes up for everything else. Gotta have your priorities, right?

>bassfags out of the woodwork over one or two mean comments
What is it about bass "guitarists" that makes them so insecure?

This is gonna turn out to be a dude that i'm gonna plow

>most succesful metal band ever created by this bass guitarist
>owns the stage like an absolute chad

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Bass can make a whole song if you're not listening to butt rock

t. fucknugget that never played an instrument in his life

bass is literally the most chad of all instruments. guitar is for twinks

>you're submissive if you aren't an attention whore
What about the fact that women are submissive yet also attention whores? You retard.

B-but scott p-pilgrim was beta!!!1

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Stick it in

Not only is the drummer in the back, but he's also behind a bunch of bongos hiding from the crowd.

Usually foot fetishists rarely care about if nails are painted or not. Usually painted nails dont change anything, if feet are cute, then feet are cute if feet are ugly then feet are ugly.

Feet definitely look female. If it is a dude that means he has to be the best of the best at being tranny because trannies get quickly exposed once experienced footfag sees his bare feet.

Why do people get so defensive when anyone makes fun of bass? rofl

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Incels don't understand the importance of bass because they don't dance with women.