What is your opinion on time travel / duping?

What is your opinion on time travel / duping?

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It's cool.

I'm gonna exploit it til it gets fixed. Up to 25 million bells. Gonna try and go for a bellion.

i didn't even consider cheating at this game until i found out the entire first week is a timegated slog
you lose control of museum use for like three fucking days, fuck you of course i'm going to goddamn cheat now i've got nothing else to fucking do

Anti-time travelers are pathetic sacks of shit. I will play my game however I want, kys

It's lame, just play some other shit in your backlog or be like me and have a job during quarantine so you can actually afford to enjoy the game how it's actually meant to be played

I used to time travel to game mystery gift on Pokemon G/S using Pokemon Stadium, so fucking whatever

you lose control of museum use for like three fucking days
explain? i havent played yet

It's a great conversation topic to get retards pissed off.

>how it's meant to be played
these things are mutually exclusive though.

outside of AC it honestly depends on how much of a unbearable grind the game is
like some grind is alright, theres always a balance- but if its just outlandish like you have to grind for a week straight to get one fucking shoe then yeah cheat your fucking ass off. its double justified if the devs made grinding obnoxious as a way to goad you into buying microtransactions that speed shit up, fuck you for making shitty game desgin to squeeze out some more shekels

once you donate enough to nook he stops taking them while blathers sets up
once you donate enough to blathers the tent he's in closes up for a while while the proper museum gets built
its a pain in the ass to block something basic for any amount of time

Absolutely retarded thing to do in a game that is about taking your time and following the real time clock.

>left joycon broke their L/R buttons so I can't do this by myself
damnit, there's always turnip stonks at least

Personally don't care to do it myself, but I understand when others do it. Some people have jobs (even in this quarantine/lockdown shit) or some are just impatient and I get that. It's a slow game. It's one designed to be played in bursts rather than sped through. Some people aren't used to that, but it's fine. People can play their $60 game the way they want, some want to savor the moment and some don't. All I ask is that people don't try to ruin or spoil the experience for those not time-traveling/duping.

Time travelers and dupers can ruin their games for themselves if they want, I am going to be comfy in my town.

The first few days were rough but I managed to find enough things I wanted to do to pass the time.

Time Traveler:
>Haha look, I set my clock ahead to skip gameplay!
Non-Time Traveler:
>Shut the fuck up, we get that you know how to change the clock!

There's no winning side. Both are idiots.

duping doesn't seem to be all that helpful since you still need assloads of miles and materials to get shit done, and you can't dupe non-furniture or clothing items
if you could clone materials this would be a very different conversation but as-is it just seem to be the faggy fashionista's helper

Millennials are such babies.


Time Traveler:
>Haha look, I set my clock ahead to get to more gameplay!
Non-Time Traveler:
>Time Traveler:
>Haha look, I set my clock ahead to get to gameplay!
Non-Time Traveler:
>Shut the fuck up, I hate time travelers, I'm gonna make a post about how much I hate them, while I wait for this thing to be built, since I can't play.

god you're like a fucking bull to red you don't even read you just skim until you can find a trigger word to get angry over

There were a few games that would try to punish you for changing time on your console though, I'm sure this is more advanced.

But the fun of a game is stretching boundries and finding new ways to reach your goals isen't it? I know the first glitch with rare candy in pokemon, where you could just duplicate items with bill's p.c. Shit was awesome.

Who cares? Animal Crossing isn't a competitive experience where cheating matters. Nor is it so focused on mechanical skill where cheating would take away any of that fun. It is a game where you can just do whatever. If people want to dupe and get a shitload of money so be it. It isn't like they are coming to my island to fuck things up.

You're just playing yourself by cheating in Animal Crossing, the whole fucking game is literally just doing time-based chores.

God I love this meme


Feels cheap to me but I don’t care if you do it

I time traveled a bunch in old games, haven't since new leaf, though. Nice to play at a comfy pace.

Shame about my little sister being a blatant time traveler, though. Begs to visit my town and just loots it of its oranges and leaves.

>can't actually build anything until you upgrade your house
Yeah, I'm thinking im gonna spin that crown.
>have to wait 24h to move your house up a few squares
Yeah, I'm thinking im gonna change that date.

Time travelers are the niggers of animal crossing.

I love how time travelers are super defensive but throw a tantrum over item duping.
They are the same thing.

What's the best way to make money without time travel?

Does putting it in the bank ATM make any meaningful difference?

That's just the way Animal Crossing has always been. It's not suppose to be a race to the finish. It's suppose to be chill, and slow. If you really can't wait a single day, then this series it's not for you.

I mean, it doesn't affect my playing the game so I don't know why I should care

I just stacked my fish and bugs on top of each other outside my tent, you need a fucking owl to give yourself instant gratification?

Is there a way I can get specific villagers in the game without going online or using fucking amiibo cards?

bash the unworthy with your bug net
nook miles are for nook tickets only
make sure you have a plot of land open

>Put your savings in an online bank account with a good interest rate.
>Change your internet browser date to 25-3-2120
>Log-in and transfer all your new cash to your current timeline paypal account
>Problem normies?

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Why would anyone give a shit how other people play the game?

Make a Tarantula Island

Turnip stonks. Theres so many anons posting prices that doubling or tripling your investment should be stupid easy.

>grind for months
Literally invest maybe 500k in the stalk market like 3 times, sell at a 500% profit then you're set for the duration of the game's life. Or dupe, the game's bell economy is absolutely fucked now anyway, honestly it's on Nintendo for letting such a stupidly simple thing get through testing. If people want to trade now they'll just use stuff like miles tickets, fossils or rare crafting mats. Personally I'm always asking for fishing bait in return because I can't stand digging up clams more than I already have.

So use your house storage or place them on the ground. It's literally one single day of no donations. God, Yas Forums is full of retards.

then there's this obvious shill

It's good. Fuck grinding. Fuck premium currency.

I don't do it, but I could care less about other people doing it. I don't get why people get so uppity about it. I wouldn't be suprised if this whole debacle is just a bunch of falseflaggers flinging shit at one another- at least more so than Yas Forums arguments normally are.

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AC is about visiting other people's towns and showing off to eachother tho?


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I am not a fan of time traveling right away, but I don't mind it as much if you have already put a decent amount of time in or are replaying. I generally play it legit for a bit and then start to when less stuff is going on.

So what you get jealous because someones ahead of you? Who gives a shit just play however you want.

How come TTers are such faggots this time around? Usually it is a thing that just happens, but now it is a constant stream of
I haven't seen any wide spread posts or memes from the other side. If you are going to cheat and cheese the game least be normal about it. Yeah I can point out how it can ruin overall experience, same as if you are the type of person who reads a wiki before watching a show. It is dumb, but it is a free country.

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Don’t even play the game but people dropping loads of cash in other players’ towns is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of
>some poor fuck sees a wad of cash lying in the street
>picks it up
>his money is now maxed out
>impulse-buys all the things he’s been grinding endlessly for
>instantly loses all ambition to play the game and quits
It’s the most elegant, passive form of griefing I can imagine

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>Nintendo releases a game for 8 year old kids to enjoy that are still learning to read
>Full grown adults with nothing else to do figure out ways to optimize the gains of bells per amount of time spend.

>Nintendo is so dumb for making the game so easy to exploit, hahahaha.

>Bell economy
Lmfao. Imagine thinking this type of shit exists holy fuck.

You can only drop in stacks of 100k, which is peanuts

You have to intentionally be invited to their towns though, you can't just wander into random towns

You have no idea how simple the dupe actually is, do you? A kid could easily figure it out, it's the kind of troll science shit you'd try all the time as a kid trying to break games.

>imagine thinking there's an economy in an online game that heavily incentivizes trading to build up your collection LMAOING AT YOUR LIFE FUCKING NERD
Yas Forums is so painfully retarded.

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The thing I don't get is this need to min max and "complete" a game like AC fast. What is the hurry? No one will beat the game and have epic PVP loot before you. Can't play much each day? Good news, you don't need to. I get you want to impress your twitter friends but the game will still be getting attention for a while don't worry about it.

If you rush to the later stages of the game you just hit a bigger grind wall, where more resources are required. But cause you skipped it all now you have to make up for wood and iron stocks along with nook miles. Also missed out on all the balloon shit, random gifts from villagers and shit like that. I saw someone begging for Japanese furniture cause he TTed and hadn't popped any balloons.

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Kind of idiotic and pointless.
Do what you want, I guess, but right now I'm already sitting comfortably on millions of bells just by playing the regular way and taking advantage of turnip prices.
Once my money runs out I'll have an incentive to make more, which in turn will give me another reason to keep playing, and a goal to work towards.

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>Online game that heavily incentivizes trading
Not at all. Its not some autistic MMORPG. Only trading I see consistently is fruit, but thats expected. Nobodys charging millions of bells for clothing or furniture, don't be a retard.
>Hey user I like your hat can you catalog order it for me
>Sure, throw me like 10k and Ill snag one for you
>Thanks senpai
Only time it would get pricey is if youre actually asking for something worth millions. Dont talk about AC when you clearly have no idea how the game or its community works, dipshit.

It's their game and they can play it how ever they want.
It's like any other game having bugs and glitches people use or abuse. They aren't using anything outside of the game to do these things, so power to them. Time traveling is just a part of how the game functions by side effect. If people want to do it, power to them.
If things get patched, it gets patched.

For myself, I'm never going to time travel or dupe. I like the slow burn, daily activities and to play how the games intended.
What always makes me smile though, is when people get snippy or defensive or upset at me when I ask about it.
"Oh, you time travel?" "Oh, you duped?" Is instantly met with just "BUT BUT BUT"
or I mention I'll never time travel because I don't like the idea personally for myself, and they think it's a personal attack or something. It's like they have to justify it. I'll even state; hey man, I don't care, it isn't for me but you do you. But they still get buttmad or have to justify it

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dont care, you're going to ruin your own experience not mine.


I'm just waiting for save editors to come out, so I can get the villagers I want.

Indeed, remember how kids 'hacked' the first pokemon by changing day and night time? Or copying rare candy with bill's p.c? Or using step-counter to get the daycare to boost your pokemon's level by 99?

It's meant for kids to enjoy, it's never meant to be a 100% hardcore waterproof concept that can't be exploited. Now we have full grown adults accusing the game to easy to exploit and nintendo not testing it, wtf, please spend your time better.

don't give a shit, if you really need to cheat in a game for 10-year-olds then so be it, but at least just shut the fuck up and quit acting like an annoying obnoxious cunt about it 24/7, thank you very much

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Fantastic. A time traveler containment thread.

>Only trading I see consistently is fruit
Then you do not play the game and are probably just living vicariously through streamers like the inbred zoomer you are.
>Dont talk about AC when you clearly have no idea
Says the windowlicking retard denying the existence of a trading economy because his personal experiences with the same 20 people do not align with the simple fact that large quantities of something being in circulation makes that something worth less. /acg/ is not the community at large and was lucky to reach 50 posts a day until NH launch, BTF is where you do real trading and meet the real stingy fucks.

Shut the fuck up, retard.

haha system clock go brrrr

Post more Galko please

It hurts to be confronted with the truth, doesn't it?

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You dont have to play it like it was meant to be played to enjoy it. Some people play it like a cute version of sims and thats perfectly fine

>It's their game and they can play it how ever they want.
It is silly that this constantly needs to be said, cause usually it is something just taken as standard in any conversation. If I see someone playing DMC and they only use one basic combo, I'd say hey the game is better if you mix it up a bit. That isn't met with ACTUALLY THIS IS JUST WHAT I FIND FUN! Cause it is fine if that is all they want to do, but clearly there are mechanics in the game that push you towards certain things and maybe there is even more fun to be had if you adapt.

Comes off as some kind of reflex action cause the people using these exploits knows they don't like engaging with big parts of the game.

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Why? She is a coalburner

Fake news

*buys a switch with animal crossing just to time travel*

I just put everything outside the museum. Was probably more fun seeing them stacked all over the place for a day than having to turn them in. I have the whole rest of the game to turn them in the instant i get them

I would never do it because it would ruin the game for me. You dont have to play it the intended way though since you paid for the game and some people like playing the game more as an interactive dollhouse rather than real time.

>AC is supposed to be slow and COMFY!
Since when is grinding comfy? Legit question, since literally every other game with grinding aspects gets panned here while apparently AC gets a pass.

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>abuse time travelling
>abuse duping
>have all features unlocked
>have an infinite amount of bells
>but still have to grind to get access to all the different crafting materials, crafting recipes, to fill your catalogue, and to fill your museum
congratulations, you just turned the game into a boring grind for yourself. imagine catching fish and bugs and nook miles for hours and getting absolutely nothing in return, since the ingame currency has already been invalidated by your cheating shenanigans.

I think people are missing the entire point of animal crossing by doing it, but who cares, it's not my island and it doesn't touch me.
Do whatever the fuck you want with your game, you payed for it, I just wouldn't do the same thing as you.

Twitter trannies get upset easily and they are a much larger part of the playerbase this time around. It used to be just kids who played the game for what it was and TTers were a very small minority

>heavily incentivizes
not really

Jesus christ that projection. Gotta love how you instantly jump to claiming someone is a "zoomer" or goes to /acg/. Yeah you're right dude all those people who want to trade fruit and help others out and help get people furniture they want are all shill bot accounts, maybe russia or china.
I don't know what hellscape you live in but maybe you should take your meds. There's hundreds of thousands of posts on tons of gaming sites right now where people are enjoying the game with one another, helping each other get desired items, etc. etc. I haven't seen one post trying to be some skeevy MMO market manipulating skeevy kike. It's fucking animal crossing. No one gives a shit.
I can't believe I would live to see the day someone genuinely was screaming about a fucking "economy" in animal crossing. The only thing Ive ever seen worth big boy dosh in AC was that 7-11 set in New Leaf because it was STUPID hard to get unless you were a nip.
I'm sorry you can't just have fun user and all you can think about is some imaginary economy boogeyman.

Grindy how, you low IQ mongoloid?

Playing normally i get a 100k in a hour or so, just by doing random easy shit like catching a few bugs and selling fruits. you don't NEED to grind, just take your time.