Bleeding Edge

This game came out yesterday and it seems nobody gave a shit. What happened?

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Why would we give a shit?

>came out yesterday

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>nobody cares about tranny games

Those arent tranny designs

Yea Yas Forums is exaggerating it's failure a lot atm. Nobody was looking forward to it in the first place. Nobody here played it but everyone hates the character designs because they don't want to masturbate to the characters.

what the fuck is this shit
who asked for this

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no one cares about your shit tam tam

>ugly art
>unconventional game style

Despite what shills try to lead you to believe, no one here cares about Xbox and Xbox users don’t care about original games

It's worse than that, looks like a disgusting Overwatch/Borderlands fanfic crossbreed.

Just fucking buy it

It's so fucking bland.

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>another hero shooter
It's like you're trying to fail on purpose.

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>ninja theory
>hideous character design
>another multiplayer game

>What happened
Not a single white male or cute females in sight.

I feel like I've seen this game a couple dozen times before just in the past five years.

>buy Ninja Theory
>first game is shit and dead on arrival
Think MS is already regretting this?

Who does this kind of character appeal to, really?

It's not even in the top 20 top sales. Don't think it's even top 30. I live in Portugal but I think these top sales, at least without loggin in, are european union numbers total

Microsoft really can't catch a break

Nah, if Hellblade 2 ends up flopping then maybe

>they don't want to masturbate to the characters.
I'd fap to Gizmo and Cass


>le ebin rebellious scenes
>dystopian future
>cartoonish violence
>battle royale
can it even get any more soulless than this?

>battle royale
It's just a generic 4v4.


so it's even worse than a battle royale?

this is what ms bought ninja theory for? lol
sony won

Prime example of a company that doesn't learn from others mistakes

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I'd have bought it if it weren't more online only arena trash.

>multiplayer focused game on 2020
>not free to play
lol what?


think deeply about why you let sjw btfo compilations dictate what you want to see in a game. Is a large woman with dyed hair just off limits forever in video games because the real life versions are politically obnoxious?

Akshally it's a hero Brawler
The melee combat makes it totally unique and fresh

Forget about political shit man, she looks fucking gross.

>Not a single white male
The dude dead center in op pic looks pretty white

What the fuck. Is this a moba? It looks like a total disaster.

>Oh hey, this looks ne-


another hero shooter i guess anons? who the fuck cares about it

>That Battleborn artstyle

It's like they want their game to fail.

>lords of salem ripoff character
>zarya BUT FAT!
>urban japfag for zoomers
hard pass

>Oh boy guys, I can't wait to play the new TUMBLR Lands game!

Nobody ever asked for this garbage.

>Trailer has non stop action
>Game is extremely quiet
I played F2P games more exciting that this shit.

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>No music
>Most characters visually hit like a wet fart
>Poor hit indication to show you're taking damage unless you look directly at your HP
>Underwhelming mobility
>Only 4 players on a team
>Large amounts of downtime
Yeah no, this is awful.

It does make it different actually. If this wasn't $30 I would at least try it but currently I'm confident it will be dead in under a month.

reskin of overwatch, yawn.

>Ninja Theory
>hero shooter

Bring it back

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this unironically looks fucking terrible, the gameplay especially.

This and add some more mad world tracks while you're at it.

>another hero shooter style game

have developers not learned from battleborn, lawbreakers, gigantic etc?

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this is seriously one of the worst designs i have ever presented for a game
they're all trying to copy blizard but blizzard realizes that you actually need attractive designs

no but it does look shitty.


how do you call this art style? the same as battleborn and lawbreakers. also why do all games with this artstyle suck


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Ugly doesnt make a design bad if the intention is to be ugly.

>This game came out yesterday and it seems nobody gave a shit. What happened?
It's shit.

Terrible character designs, terrible level design, dull gameplay and boring modes.

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They call it "stylized" but in reality it's just cheap materials and no real style. It's not a style when everyone is parroting it from the same workflow.

I guess you could call it cheap.

I'll never forgive Sega for not marketing this game at all.

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garage punk

it's a kinda neon coloured Mad Max with a cast of pretty cooky characters


It looks nothing like Battleborn or Lawbreakers. BB is pure cartoony alien stuff, Lawbreakers is some shitty realistic crap.

I like fat chicks and even I find her offputting.

you think after battleborn and lawbreakers they wouldve learned that trying to make a character-shooter with horrible characters isnt a good idea

i tried watching the trailer to this and it felt like i got an aneurysm, shit is like what an old person imagines video games are

my dick

There's something inherently unappealing to it. It's like they try to strike some balance between cartoonish and realistic, and it just looks awful.

me for shit talking purposes

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Not only did they not market it well but they also fucking delayed it for no reason at all. I had my fun with the game though. I'd kill for a pc port though.

It's just a bad design dude, chill

>game was fully localized and completed for months
>sega delays it forever just so it can add a tiny little boost to their fiscal report
>people stop caring and the people who did care just imported it
Sega is cunts
Although I do remember it having commercials in my old uni's bookstore, of all places

It's on game pass. It's 1$ user.

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does every video game female need to be attractive? why cant some be repulsive? do you throw a fit over the covetous demon from dark souls 2 as well?

looks like a f2p game

I just now realized its lawbreakers cause theyre breaking the law of gravity

they really shouldve tried advertising the one feature that had that made them stand out. and then made the rest of the game not garbage

that's what's going to happen in a few months

if you think its possible to have a well designed fat female character with dyed hair, you're not the kind of person im addressing.


You call it fresh-college graduate



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some of the worst fucking character design i've ever seen. it's not even about "hurr the girls are intentionally ugly i can't even coom" they just genuinely are overdesigned and look like dogshit while also being completely forgettable. no soul whatsoever.

Gizmo a cute

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>everyone hates the character designs because they don't want to masturbate to the characters
I swear you faggots are more obsessed with cooming than actual coomers. It totally couldn't be because the designs are all just visually unappealing.

wait, people have to pay money for this shit?

The covetus demon doesn't even look human and is also a despised as a character for a myriad of reasons.

"Designed by Shareholders"

Game still has some coomer material, at least.

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At the core of Yas Forums is a bunch of disenfranchised, bitter, white beta incels. Some would say the tortanic meme was the start, but in reality that was when their frustration from all sources started coming to a head. This all manifested as slacktivism and eventually the birth of the alt-right political movement after Steve Bannon weaponized the frustration by telling a bunch of lonely virgins on WoW that they could get back at society by voting for and licking the corporate boot.

Modern Yas Forums is mostly just a support group for for the above people who couldn't move on from video games, so they instead spend their days lashing out at them. For these people, new games coming out takes on a different meaning; instead of being excited to play them, they're excited to tear them down in any way possible- this is now status quo.

i dont like using this word but this game is 100% definition of soulless. you can feel that nobody in dev team had any passion to make this game

>does every video game female need to be attractive?
Not super attractive but at least not repulsive. Why do you think 99% movies cast average to good looking actors for their main characters?

>why cant some be repulsive?
Because it's harder to empathize and feel connected with gross looking characters.

>do you throw a fit over the covetous demon from dark souls 2 as well?
Of course not, it's a monster specifically designed to look like one and you're supposed to kill.

not that user, but I do want characters to be beautiful, specially if I'm supposed to be playing as them
making villains in games/movies gross abominations is common because people will hate those characters more easily (it's just lazy, all characters should be beautiful, even villains). But this is a character that is supposed to be appealing to players (because players are supposed to want to play as that character). Who tf finds ugly things appealing? Ugly things are the opposite of appealing

the assertion that you just cant have ugly characters is retarded. Kill yourself coombrain.

>What happened?
Did you not look at the picture you uploaded?


ohnonono default substance painter materials. This game is definitely overblown

>melee brawler with shitty graphics

>no lolis in microbikinis
Yeah thats gonna be a skip from me.

I'm guessing her initial design was a bit too white huh?

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