Is The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia worth getting on the PS4?

is The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia worth getting on the PS4?

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I like Nanatsu no Taizai and the answer is, as with any other cashgrab anime arena fighter: hell no.

Is there a single good game based on a shounen anime?

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The IP sucks ass so I don't know why you would consider getting a game of it


Season 1 was great because it seemed like everyone had a chance against anyone. It went to shit when they started introducing power levels.

Jump! Ultimate Stars
Some of the old SNES games were pretty cool too. I think Ranma and Yu Yu Hakusho games were both solid. Of course they were using better source material than big 3.

I heard the Legacy of Goku games for GBA were fun too.

Shonen is objectively the best form of manga and anime.
No one is going to remember whatever garbage you like because it will be buried beneath chadnime.


and Marvel movies are the the highest form of cinema *brofist*

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As someone who just finished season 1 I can tell you that's bullshit. There was 0 consistency with regards to what did and didn't hurt someone in terms of attacks. Every single time someone died (except elf girl from Bon's origin story I guess) it was retarded because five minutes earlier they had taken equal or more devastating punishment without batting an eyeleash. Elizabeth's sister and King's fairy friend were the biggest examples of this. No consistent way to measure what would or wouldn't hurt someone just means that I am no longer worried about any character because no attack has any real meaning beyond whatever the author decides to arbitrarily set it to in order to get some cheap drama in.

I liked S2. Power levels are cool.

Haven't watched the latest one since I heard it sucked.

Alright what did everyone think of the ending?
I can't believe there's going to be a fucking sequel.

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stopped reading when angel shit happened and it turned to shit

Season 2 was decent with a few hiccups here and there. I've been watching season 3 and I still like the story and music, but the quality animation is all over the place. I have no idea what happened.

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All you gotta know is the obvious shouen shit that happens. Main character wins, One character DIES for good, and everyone had a baby.

give me the rundown on what happens

>One character DIES for good
oh boy, Meliodas broke the curse didn't he?

oof that's some QUALITY

the movie was awful don't even bother

just don't bother

dragon ball fighterz

The latest episode was even worse, but at the same time the Tamriel/Samriel combination move had some decent animation. Like I said, I have no idea what the fuck is going on in that studio.

Kongou Banchou was better

was it Baan? He seems the most likely after his huge power spike

he first strike of this battle was hilarious, shit made me cry lmfao

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>after his huge power spike
Animeonlyfag here, oh fuck did they finally buff my bro Ban? He hasn't won a fight in... well, ever.

>First three seasons by A-1 Pictures and the latest season is by DEEN
There's your problem, the studios fucking suck.

jesus christ what the fuck was that? big dude was already in a "being blown back" position before the kick even hit

What the fuck was up with the ending?

He spends so much time having his entire body constantly destroyed over and over again in Limbo that he builds up a resistance to it. He effectively spends centuries in a time chamber where everything wants to kill him and he gets mad gains from it, like top 3 sins tier

I like the giant girl

Yeah, that's the last we heard of him in the anime. He went into purgatory to try and recover Meliodas' emotions or some shit. Glad to know dude got stronger. He's one of the characters I like the most.

Seven deadly sins win against demon king, duh.
Meliodas's brother is the new Demon king in the underworld.
Escanor is fucking DEAD and gone, but he did kiss Merlin goodbye.
Merlin is helping Arthur control his new CHAOS POWER, he MIGHT be the new villain in the sequel.
Everyone has kids. Meliodas has a kid with Elizabeth, Ban has a kid with King's sister, and of course King fucks the shit out of Diane. Only kid that has been show is Tristan, Meliodas and Elizabeth's kid. They're 10 years old now, so a time skip has happened, which the sequel will run off on.

Did something similar happen with OPM? First season was fantastic but the second one was meh at best (except episode 3, that was fucking kino).

what a garbage anime, couldn't last more than 8 episodes

Everyone had kids man. They're doing a damn Sequel. Arthur is going to be the next villain MAYBE.

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i want to bully Diane

>King fucks the shit out of Diane
Based spelunker

I couldn't last more than 1 episode.


>animation quality tanks hard
>every shot of Diane without fail has detailed ass shots
They know their priorities

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Yeah but it just felt so rushed to the point that I thought I had skipped a chapter or two.


>Shonen is objectively the best form of manga and anime


Most DBZ games are quite enjoyable, but some games are just great games in general. It just so happens that FighterZ was a huge jump in quality.

Budokai 2 and 3, Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's Fury, Attack of the Saiyans, Raging Blast 2, Xenoverse 2, and FighterZ are some of the best shonen games out there only rivaled by Yu Gi Oh vidya.

i want Diane to sit/step on me

They're trying to pull a sort of Boruto/Super sequel, so it makes sense that they would wrap up the story so they can focus on the kids. Which is just so damn obvious. The damn title is "four knights of the apocalypse" we know of 3 kids who could be the 3 out of the " four knights", but that is also a theory.

Shaky cam has to ruin everything.

Meliodas single handedly ruined that manga for me. One of the worst written characters I’ve ever seen in my life

This is the only good anime game. Prove me wrong.

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Don't worry here's your new main character. They're HALF Meliodas.

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Which studio is going to do Season 4? If it's DEEN again I'm not even gonna bother.


what about getting fucking stabbed in all your hearts? Or turned to stone then smashed to bits? Or getting your heart yanked out of your chest? What about getting eaten alive by not-a-Titan?

> girl
ok this might be i-
oohhh no no no no nononoon


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I probably would have stopped earlier if my gf hadn't hard recommended it. Turns out she only had a wet bean for the undead guy with the red jacket, can't be bothered to remember their names.

>> girl
user... that's a boy

so are they all giants or is she a minigirl?

Titty monster got shrunk, and the little one is also shrunk. Its a whole thing