What went right?

What went right?

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Good gameplay loop

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inb4 zoom zoom post

literally just jump lmao

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what do you do after you finish the story? is there any endgame?

metadoom v7

>Throat singing

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Master levels are really fun but there are only two of them right now
get anything you didn't get the first time around
practice for an ultra-nightmare or extra life run

Platforming is fine, it's just traversal between arenas and technically forces normies to develop verticality.
But fuck those "warp gates" on Urdak. The one where you need to jump laterally from a hand/foot hold wall, think the 3rd platform set after starting the map is bugged as all hell (the jump mechanics of the platform) sometimes you make the gate sometimes you eat void. It's inconsistent as all hell and I've done extensive testing. Hardest dumbest jump in the game because of the RNG.

1. Filtered consolecucks
2. Filtered zoomers
3. Filtered toasters

Yup, it's hella friken epic.

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great level aesthetics

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some more from the same level

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Sounds like something out of PS1 Doom or Doom 64

Just remember as you praise this consolized, casualized bing bing wahoo glory kill arena trap five enemies on the screen at once mumble rap rpg bastardization of a beloved franchise, you are sharing tasted with one of the worst trip posters who ever existed.

>Why yes, Arc Complex was my favorite level. How did you guess?

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Not much, unfortunately. It's a massive disappointment and step back from the last game.

>What colors should our game have?
>Anything else?
>No, it's set in hell
>So were the first games but they had more than one color

you're a massive faggot and should shut the fuck up

>When most of the complaints are that it's too hard

That's right, kiddo. I also like the Half Life series, Metro series, and STALKER series so if you like any of those you are on my side now hehehe


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Nobody says it's too hard.

adding female demons

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Super Gore Nest is the most soulful and greatest level in an FPS in the last 20 years.

Not him but i'm interested about what you don't like about the game. I have only played to slayer gate 1 but it's pretty enjoyable.

You do know there are levels also in the sentinel homeworld right? Which are a complete contrast to this as well as your city/office level it’s so obvious there are people here shitposting for the sake of it.


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No one cares schizo

He cute.

I like the level design, and I really enjoy the shorter arena battles and the combat encounters outside of the arenas. Some of the arena fights just go on for fucking ever, though.

I actually found the arena battles in Eternal much shorter because of the pace of the combat and the combos you could do, allowing you to clear the arena much faster than before.

A big improvement over 2016's Hell

The fact you're given the tripfag more attention by posting this really shows your lack of intelligence.

Grow up. Muh fugga has more balls to post his pic on an underwater basket weaving board.

He's also protecting my real identity so he's helping me out both in notoriety and privacy. He's my favourite orbiter right now.

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I finished the game, but I don't remember hearing this

this is a flat out lie

Platforming was my favourite part.
Over-engineered combat the hated part. Doom 2016 had it better.

Been in the game since 93, had titties since 04.

I really like the soundtrack, better than 2016.
Slayer gates are fun as well even tho 2 slayer keys didnt spawn for me due to some retarded bug.

nudoom blows fucking nigger cocks.

The Doom franchise remains a overall solid franchise. Every one of it's titles remain enjoyable. Even Doom 3, the "not-a-Doom" Doom game, is still a great game.

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I also cannot handle games which don't have inbuilt aimbot

Good marketing.

bing bing WAHOO! Do a glory kill! Follow the objective marker! You're a big boy now!

based coomer

>bing bing WAHOO!
it's funny that you shit on Mario considering that original SMB is infinitely harder than Doom 1994


Does anybody have high resolution images of the levels? The ones you see in the level select / loading screen

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A good game ruined by centering itself around one fucking mechanic that was rejected by anyone who had some standards back when it was introduced in Doom 4

If the game had Vanilla DOOM ammo capacity and wasnt completely based around glory kills. it would've been an excellent game. but right now its just a fairly decent one.

And before you ask, yes I did finish the fucking game, took me around 15-16 hours on Ultra Violence.
And yes, you will most likely reply to my post meme arrowing the difficulty.

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I don't remember this really ugly red fog/tint. Are these console caps?

>Ultra Violence

>doom eternal is red
you're literally thinking of doom16
doom eternal has far more color than your tiny contraribrain thinks

There are two colors in Eternal: Red and brown.

guys I just played DOOM 2016 for the first time some week ago and got to the second level, then I quit the game. started it up a few days ago and the save spot was at the start of first level, where you get the armor and helmet. wtf? why would the bitch delete my save

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I honestly enjoy the low ammo. It makes me be strategic and line my shots with purpose. Kinda like a puzzle.

Doomgirl and Momrauder from Womb:Maternal

There's definitely some truth to that the further into the game you get; the game for the most part gets easier as you progress. But because of how intense it is and how punishing it is if you fuck up at all it makes the longer fights exhausting. Dying to a Marauder or to some Hell Knight that ran up inside your asshole at the end of a long battle can make the game kind of annoying.

Its a safe game for casuals to eat it up but has the strategy and momentum for the hardcore crowd.

A lot. There were some small nitpicks but I love it so far.

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Cracked by Bethesda