What retailer do you buy your physical games from?

what retailer do you buy your physical games from?

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whatever is the cheapest

usually pelimies, if it's cheaper in citymarket I buy there instead


The human race, everyone.

I would fucking kill myself at that job

>she buys games

Gamestop, and if it's a cheap game I don't really care about sometimes Walmart


kys cocksucker

I just want to say I've found all of your posts pretty funny. You're cool.

put your trip back on loser

do they get hazard pay for dancing during a pandemic?

Amazon always, but if I HAVE to go to a physical store it's best buy. You can just buy your game without the employee shilling powerup rewards

>$upaHo†FireIsNotДllowed𓃰 !!YLGGDMylUnP

"Enforced fun" always seemed worse to me than just having your boss tell you to work more.

I live equidistant from a Gamestop, Best Buy, Target and Walmart. I usually visit them in that order depending on what I am looking for and if they have it or not. Despite their shitty business practices and all the horror stories I hear, my gamestop is run by some pretty chill guys and they never try to push shit I don't need on me. If that fails, then Best Buy usually pulls through. Target and Walmart are my last resorts cause I live in Miami and they're managed and run like shit.

What you are witnessing here is goyim with their jewmerican master.

burn tripfag
you think its all just a joke but we actually hate you

I genuinely don't think I've bought a single game in-stores since amazon prime launched


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shes a big girl


Oh no, I don’t think it’s a joke. It’s all part of my plan to get anglos like you to absolutely hate me. I want you to reply each and every time and show me how angry you are that you have been exposed as the central asian larper that you are.

dont you only get code inside physical version now?

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>central asian larper
your delusional, you've wasted so many years here, why would you leave? you'd only leave a legacy of hate, i've immediately left threads after i've seen you post. if you're that revolting on an anonymous taiwanese imageboard imagine how unlovable you must be in real life.

There there Nigel. The Gobi awaits.

FBPB. I'm not going to go across town to Target or Bestbuy if I can just go to the walmart 3 minutes away to get the same game for 10 dollars cheaper.

Luckily we don't have to imagine what he looks like

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>no you're a central asian!
lmao imagine being central asian right now

Do people like you irl or do you not contribute anything of worth there either?

I don't understand the question.

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When the last time youve been outside bro? That shit only happens few and far between. Usually the people putting out the physical are either a scummy western company or the publisher shit the bed with the release.

jesus christ that's sad

only for pc games (you can thank steam for that), for console games you get a physical disc/cartridge

I know right? And they think they're European as well, lol.

>white ppl

lmao PC fag detected


I buy from people on ebay who no longer want the game, its usually going to be the best deal out there.

can you post a recent pic? surely you've improved yourself after all this harassment, yeah?

what about nintendo physicals?

also dont you need like 20 of those disks if game have 100GB
i remember having GTA IV on 2 disks

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Pitiful wagies, having to dance for my (customer) amusement... What kind of money do they get? I will take the liberty of answering that myself: it does not matter, value of comfy NEET life cannot be measured with money.

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Before I built my first PC back in '13, I went to Walmart because I worked nights, and I could just pick shit up at midnight. Now that I'm working a normal human being schedule, I get my stuff at Gamestop because they do 9pm releases. I only get like two physical games a year at this point anyway.

is this a fortnite reference

Get corona you stupid french faggot, enjoy your refugees raping your genetically flawed """women"""

At least they're trying to have fun, and spin their shitty jobs into a positive. Every other race seems to be content to be openly miserable, and act belligerent toward customers.

Protip: I was never an American or any type of anglocuck

Imagine being in the center there and just wildly COOF COOFING on all of those workers.

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Being forced to awkwardly dance on camera is your idea of fun?

*or any other type of anglocuck I should say...I don't want to imply that Americans aren't anglos after all

>Dude work retail lmao

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Why would you prefer "Let's gut every package before selling it as new" Gamestop over a normal retailer?

Nintendo gives out physical cartridges for Switch

imagine being american

>what about nintendo physicals?
they use cartdriges which works like the ds (there are some games that just comes with a code like wolfenstein 2 but they are rare and has a disclaimer on the box)
>also dont you need like 20 of those disks if game have 100GB
>i remember having GTA IV on 2 disks
gta v on ps4 has just one disc if I remember correctly. last game I played that required two disks was rdr2 so it's not that common

Usually Target or best buy and even then it's always because I decided to see if they had something there for my playstation or switch while I was already out shopping for something. If I really want a physical version I order off Amazon.

What's going on?


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Now imagine all these people had guns and ideals instead of shopping carts.

That is the reality the government fears.

That is why the media tries to control the masses.

Control belongs to whoever can rally the most swords.

This webm went perfect with the song i'm listening to

why are the carts empty?

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Amazon preorder. If not, walmart has $10 off all new release physical games. Bestbuy price matches if walmart doesnt have or if amazon preorder closed. Gamestop only for used game deals like buy 1 get 1.

Based Amazon sent AC to me even though they were supposed to prioritize important deliveries


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Lining up an hour before costco opens during the coronavirus scare. People who weren't racist and didn't stock up in January and February like normal people.

They are larping shopping experience in communist countries in late '70s.

you sound obese

>you can thank steam for that
Because the alternative was so much better...

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>fired or retain your job based on your dedication to this dance

Here in Brazil I would usually go to Saraiva book stores to get games, they usually had way better deals than actual game stores. Sadly they are closing most of their stores, I would spend hours there reading comics, looking at products and buying whatever I liked at the time.
Now I only order games online or buy them digitally.

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My god, do americans not know about the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

>1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
>2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.


>implying corporations aren't above the law


They aren't in europe, but it seems they are in JEW.S.A.