how do i grind in carnage dimension
How do i grind in carnage dimension
nice literal cunny bunny
cute and funny bunny cunny
Just lost 3 hours of grind in the item world, because the fucking game crashed. I'm sad.
Because these assholes haven't yet, i'll you. You don't grind in the item worlds What the item world is supposed to before is the post game
Post Majorita
I want Usalia to grind her ass on my face.
no she sucks
shit unit
post christo
I really need to finish this game.
Did you have a fucking stroke? Anyways, what that user was saying is: You don't grind in the item world. You autistically min/max in the item world by making 255 attack denizens to all pile onto one max level max shop level weapon for endgame. If you were already doing that though then nice.
post some delicious Usaliass
Yeah so? Red Magnus is hot.
I hope you mean his hotbloodiness
Excellent, but I need more
Quality bunny butt, thank you user.
No problem bro
there's never enough usalia butt focus art out there.
We definitely need more
Have one of mine
very cute!
The dynamic between these two is pretty funny to me.
Yes, she is best girl, what about her.
This thread reminds me of the thing that rabbits do a lot haha
whoa, what might that be user
She's so cute bros i want to lewd her but can't.
It's okay, I will.
is there a costume change to make her take off the jacket?
Max out your sub-classes, because in Disgaea 5 they do more for your base stats than stored levels. Once you max them out, then Reincarnate and use the Elite 4 to level back up, you'll be hitting 10 mil in your base stats (the cap) no problem. From there, build up a Sage and go murder Asagis in Carnage Double Illusion with a Megaphone equipped as a subweapon so that they'll surrender. Keep turning them into Magic Extract until you have one with another 10mil in every stat, then use a Maid with the Evility that increases the AoE of items and have her use it on your five favorite units. From there it's all about getting good Evilities and building up equipment.
Forgot to establish my credibility.
More for the rest of us
>both of usalia's parents have actual ears
>she only has ear muffs
who cucked rabbit dad? i bet it was my boy laharl that rascal!
She has real rabbit ears, she just wears "socks" on them to keep them warm.
wtf bro they're fucking naked
Isn't it great?
When you want to start maxing out items in the Item World, the most important thing is to do so at the maximum difficulty, because the higher the enemy's stats are, the higher your Kill Bonus will be. I don't know all the ins-and-outs of it, but I consider it a sort of multiplier for the stats you gain on the item when it levels up, or when you get a Training Bonus from killing Item Generals, Pirates, and Mystery Room bosses. Once you get the Kill Bonus to 400 you can turn the difficulty back down then kill Item Generals until your stats stop increasing. With a proper setup, you can easily kill enemies with maxed out stats even with a Sage that only has 4 million in her stats from base stats and extracts plus Evilities.
>higher enemy's stats higher your Kill Bonus will be.
Didn’t know this thanks.
I hate this image so fucking much. Why can't girls look at me like this in real life?
Yes that's how living creatures bathe
I didn't know either until I had already put about 350 hours in total across the PS4 and Switch versions, so hopefully you haven't sunk too much in.
Nah, the game's sprite-based so costume changes are few and far between. There are only three in the whole series from what I can remember off the top of my head, with the rest being considered transformations that change their abilities, like Flonne dressing like a pop star, Artina dressing like a nun, or Laharl becoming a titty monster.
>or Laharl becoming a titty monster
they aren't THAT big..
they don't need to be dimwit
That's not very nice.
Fuck yes, I want this on my face so bad.
maybe not bro
remember all she eats is curry
the smell would probably burn your eyebrows off
Curry made of rubber gloves and whatever the hell "Carnage Elixirs" are, mind.
As long as it's mild curry and not spicy....
stop ruining my fantasies user.
More is good.
Dude, your a fucking GENIUS!
>hour of darkness
i hate fotm artists who just draw trending shit kill em all i say
Those are the uglies knees I've ever seen
Literally the worst method for extracts
I need more usalia user.
Kill Bonus is based solely on the Cheat Shop difficulty setting, not on the enemy's stats exactly
A rank 1 item and a rank 40 carnage item will get the same amount of kill bonus per enemy at the same difficulty
If you've got a better method, I'd honestly love to hear it. I need more people with decent stats to get those fucking Revenge Boosting weapons from expeditions.
i wasn't trying to be nice :(
i think you've had enough c-word b-word
You can use Metallia to capture all the Asagis in the map and then snipe the boss with Pram
At 20* thats 22 runs taking roughly a minute each for a full 10M extract
Usalia's usalias.