More like Gaytendo!

More like Gaytendo!

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thats not heather from fire emblem radiant dawn, so its wrong

>Partner means romantic partner now

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That could mean business partner.

Partner doesn't mean it's gay, gay just want it to be fuckin gay. He legit probably means business partner. Fuck I hate niggas sometimes fuck you gotta make a big deal outta everything for?


can't wait to see how bad the sales for this liberal trash is lmao

What’s the next word that is going to make Yas Forums seethe to unimaginable levels?

>Partner can only mean a romantic relationship
Obsessed faggots literally grasping at straws.

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>she doesn't know

>Fuck I hate niggas sometimes fuck you gotta make a big deal outta everything for?
Why do you come to Yas Forums and post in the Yas Forumsbait threads then?

>it's another faggots are desperate episode

Imagine having that fag on your island lmao

Someone post the Utena reference

>retards think "partner" immediately means "person fucking my asshole" and not things like "guy I work with" or "southern slang for friend"

lol ok

even if it is a gay character that's nowhere near the first one from nintendo anyway

Reminder that Gracie has always been and still is an okama (badly passing tranny played off as a joke) in the Japanese version.

Animal Crossing fans are weird.

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I come here to look at gaming tips, meetups online, not for gay shit or accusation of gay shit. No gay shit, yeah didn't come here for gay shit, nothing against gays but it's not all about you fucks.

It might as well mean romantic partner. Everybody knows this game is for degenerates and trannies anyway.

It doesn't matter what the fuck it means. Arbitrarily and automatically assigning "partner" to "romantic partner' is mentally ill and fucking retarded.

>sells 12 million copies

Is the real secret behind success being tolerant and accepting of other people and sexualities?

Show me a Vidya Character that use the word Partner(Pardner) without being gay.

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Could be a bad translation

>User has been banned from Nintendo Online services

The real secret to success is to make a good game
I'm homosexual and buying Animal Crossing because it is a good game
I will not be buying the Last of Us because it is a good movie.

what's terfs?

Oh shit, somebody get Billy on the phone right now, we need another article on this

trans-exclusionary radical feminist

>First oppenly gay characters
Somebody forgot about the fags in Fire Emblem.

Why do you people keep talking about him saying "partner" when the real evidence is the following sentence? "He's soooooooo talented" makes the character sound gay as fuck.

Wait but what about the S at the end?

*puffs pipe*
I guess this woodchuck DOES chuck wood.

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>Partner always means romantic partner
Im fucking tired of these people so damn much.
Guys can't be just friends with guys anymore because "he migh be gay"
Girls can't be friends with girls because they might be lesbians.
Im fucking sick and tired of this fucking shit.


There's gay only supports in Fire Emblem so that's completely wrong.

Once again, homos and liberals latch onto things that have nothing to do with them initially, only to claim its success as their own. You're all fucking narcissists.

In the Japanese version "partner" is friend.
It literally means business partner. Just the gays are fucking at it again trying to make something gay when its not.

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Heather is based. Kyza is still a subhuman.

>this somehow means he's totally a faggot and his "partner" is his husband
Why do these fucks reach so hard?

Who gives a shit
t. gay fag

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Gay's can get married now, so referring to a significant other as a partner isn't a statement anymore. He probably means his work colleague or something. C.J. is a beaver, and beaver's make dams in colonies. You should feel embarrassed that homos live rent free in your head.

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I'm embarrassed that homos live, period.

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No. It's just Treehouse.

>partner means romantic
Why are these people so desperate to grasp at literally nothing and turn it into something it probably isn't.

If you hate terfs, you're sexist and should be canceled

>Woody too Buzz: HOWDY PARTNER
i fucking hate these faggot, not everything means “gay” fucking retards

It's Treehouse being faggots as usual.

They wouldn't exist if God had a problem with them. He may condemn what they do, but they're still part of his plan.

They exist so we understand why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Ah yes, allusions to degenerate sexual tendencies, that's what this cutesy kid's game about anthropomorphic animals needs.

>sin wouldn't exist if God had a problem with it
nice smoothbrain logic

The world is in the midst of a global pandemic. Everything will change more severely than 9/11 and the 2007/08 recession combined. This is not the time for bitches to be basic or trannies to run their mouths about being oppressed.

No, it means romantic partner you sick homophobe.

what's your style?

I want to fuck Rosie.

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hmm I wonder what the original Japanese says

to be fair, that is a word gay people use instead bf or gf

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We wouldn't exist if God didn't want entertainment. A giant Kumbaya circle would be boring as fuck; sin makes things interesting.

which one user?

doesn't means that no one else uses it or that if you use it youre gay

That doesnt start with an s tho

I'd see "Terf is a slur!" on school whiteboards frequently at my school, to the point of obsession. Seriously, who gives a shit?

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Does anyone know what word was actually used in Japanese here?


>can't wait to see how bad the sales for this liberal trash is lmao


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Arthur Morgan is canonically heterosexual

>everything is according to gods plan
>so i should just sin it up, he clearly meant for it

lol just like the gender option change

Are they openly gay though? If you do not try to romance them, do they start talking about packing fudge with their boyfriend?

I'm tired of this shit being news

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i remember a day my brother called his friend´s gf his "partner" and everyone quickly assumed he was gay lol

>be me, fat female translator for nintendo game localization
>late shift, most people have gone home
>at computer checking social media
>trump tweeted again...
>getting angry so try to focus back on work
>scrolling through text that still needs translating into comprehensible English
>see a character referencing his associate
>get an idea
>look around to check nobody is looking
>adjust purple pointed rim glasses
>begin frantic typing
>force in a LGBTBBQ++ reference in character text
>feel rush of excitement
>feel diabetic shock coming on
>calm down with a can of soda (diet version because I care about my health)
>munch on weekly supply of company donuts to reward myself