Holy fuck this is so BORING compared to the last two, who in their right mind declares this one the best out of the three?
Holy fuck this is so BORING compared to the last two...
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2 > 1 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andromeda
Anglo games tend to be boring garbage.
why are you playing an rpg if you want to play a shooter?
You're supposed to play them in release order.
don't you have a bat to eat, Min?
This whole series is a complete waste of time and proof that BioWare has never made a good game
Just finished Andromeda, wtf was I in for?
people with taste
There is no need to argue, since a burger like you can't understand good wrinting and world building. All he want is drama and shooting things.
Nostalgiafag children who think the first game had good writing for some reason, instead of being the usual Bioware dreck except with tiny Xbox levels, terrible combat and awful forced arcade segments.
2 > 1 > 3 > Andromeda
People claiming otherwise are probably taking the piss
>tiny Xbox levels
>dosens of different worlds
>Maco's exploring
Yeah, do tell me about those tiny Xbox levels, me2retard
>and world building
World building only improved in ME2
it was a decent game, just a bad mass effect...got way more shit than it deserved, there are worse games out there
Funny, I found Mass Effect 2 to be the biggest chore to play
>constant retconning and forgetting what happened in the previous game
>improved world building
1 Had the best story
2 Had the best characters
3 Had the best gameplay
All of them had pretty neat atmosphere.
ME1 has, objectively, the best gameplay of the series.
>bb-bubbbb-b--b-b-but muh Gears of war clone
it did have good writing, and exploring the levels felt so comfy. ME2 in comparison cuts out the exploration, and its only good track is copied from a NFS game.
>dosens of different worlds that are all just featureless hills with different backdrops and the occasional status effect
wow very impressive, reminds me of daggerfall
>Broken, unfinished, non-working, non-responsive combat is better than a tried and true functioning thing.
You'd unironically pick a hotwheels over a legit car and claims its "objectively"
I know. It's less about pew pews and big booms and more about exploring the universe and the characters and story...
Racist baizuo neckbeard. Don't you have a shitbull to jack off and yoga practice after?
ME1 was a Gears of War clone, just a bad one
Mass effect 1 WAS a gears of war clone
Yeah I love how enemies run directly towards me screaming ENEMIES EVERYWHERE and GO GO GO, sweet gameplay
>spam pistol to win
no, you're just an idiot
still better than me3 though
I haven't had a crew member hit on me in HOURS! BORING!
If only you could buy taste, eh, zoomiers?
1 is better than 2. 2 is literally side missions the game whereas 1 gives you enough time and space to really immerse yourself in the universe
>le boom zoom
Retard alert
at least the romances didn't feel as robotic and lifeless as in ME1
Not a single person on this board over the age of 20 unironically uses the terms boomer and zoomer
>trundling across empty planets to go to the same copy+paste moonbases is immersing yourself in the universe
You need higher standards
Gameplay, yes.
1 > 3(-ending) > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andromeda
> 2 is literally side missions the game
Explains why it's so good.
Yeah I only use them ironically, you fucking zoomer
>le generic bioware formula
good story how?
>I have no idea how to manage items, grenades, team skills, and my own at the same time
ME2 was a babby version of combat under the guise of fast-paced combat because of the newer cover system
That's the burden you strap on your back when trying to cash in on a franchise name. Don't want the burden? Drop the in-built marketing gimmick.
still much better than ME1's broken item and combat system
>>constant retconning and forgetting what happened in the previous game
>source: my ass
this is more of the shit trend that makes hard mode just turn enemies into sponges
how? it's movement is not similar to gears at all
Newly arrived to the galactic stage humanity discovers they are on the eve of a lovecraftian galactic scale apocalyptic event that there is no preventing.
That's why story in 3rd was inferior. They thought the stakes they laid out made logical sense to "solve".
ME1's story was the precursor to an "on the beach" swansong of modernity and high level sentience.
>Lets make it about the hero pushing a button and winning the day instead. -ME3 ending.
>Within a few days, the last pockets of humanity are dead. The empty, windblown streets of Melbourne are punctuated by the rise of dramatic, strident music over a single powerful image of a previously seen Salvation Army street banner: "There is still time...Brother".
Lovecraftian horror is about how there are much larger god tier cosmic forces out there and humanity is but ants on an ant hill. ME 1 laid the groundwork for such a story and leaned heavily on lovecraftian themes.
ME3 gave you a "Good guy, happy ending button" because two things, the dark energy early story was leaked so they scrapped it, and 2, the publicly traded EA mandated that you have a good guy "happy ending button".
The reason why ME3 ending sucked and was so controversial was because it's incongruent with logic for all that was laid out before.
ME1-3 should have been about the extinction of not just the human race but all high level sentience in the milkyway.
MEA could have then been "good guy rebirth" instead.
Hell, want to really be smart about it - make MEA trilogy about the making a deal with the devil to "Save" the milkyway. Cosmic gods vs. Cosmic gods would make more sense than what we got.
If you understand storytelling and literature you would understand that ME3 was a travesty. ME2 was a middle child but could be largely ignored.
So there are these things called collectors, and they're powerful enough to destory the Normandy right... so they're then abducting humans in the terminus systems because they know that attacking colonies in the attican traverse is too dangerous. Like yeah that's a great idea to make the villains so weak they have to attack defenseless colonies and get BTFO by the first colony that gets AA guns from the Alliance, hmm maybe we should change that... nah fuck it anyways so they're abducting humans to make a human reaper so that they can, uhhhh, so they can harvest Earth I think, yeah let's say harvest earth. Okay so Sovereign and a whole Geth fleet couldn't take the Citadel, but they'd never except an attack on Earth by a human reaper of all things! But anyways this has nothing to really do with the reapers since Harbinger already had an ace in the hole with the relay in Batarian space... but trust me the suicide mission is like so badass dude
It's actually canonical. Tip - what happened to the dark energy plotline? You don't remember what I'm talking about? Play ME2 again then, it's there, it was just dropped because some of the prelim plans of the story were leaked and they scrapped the entire thing.
It's why ME3 had great character story resolutions but defeating the reapers was due to a random deus ex machina asspull at the 11th hour. 3 games and the "main plotline resolution" is revealed and executed as an info dump in half of the third game.
They were shit in every game. So having way less is the better situation.
You need a higher functioning brain.
>There's impending doom, serious shit going down. We better spend our time coddling crew members and fixing their daddy issues or else they won't take the main mission seriously anymore
The absolute state of you.
They didn’t lay the groundwork at all lmao, BioWare had no idea where they were taking the reapers from the start it was all vague and wishy washy
Every single mass effect and dragon age game is absolute cancer that raped the industry. Anyone surprised by 3's shit ending is so fucking backwards retarded for not seeing the writing on the wall for years in advance. How dare you support the downfall of the entire industry by buying these leukemia simulators.
Speak for yourself kiddo
It's the best because it was actually trying to be an RPG instead of a Third Person Cover Shooter with dialogue options and incremental number boosts.
Sounds great.
>So there are these things called collectors, and they're powerful enough to destory the Normandy right...
>implying Normandy is some kind of invincible ship
>nah fuck it anyways so they're abducting humans to make a human reaper so that they can, uhhhh, so they can harvest Earth I think, yeah let's say harvest earth.
Nope? But agree mentioning that Collectors would need to attack Earth was retarded
>But anyways this has nothing to really do with the reapers since Harbinger already had an ace in the hole with the relay in Batarian space...
You do realise Drew already left when Arrival was finished, also, codex have a few hints that Alpha relay was supposed to work in different way.
>. but trust me the suicide mission is like so badass dude
Well it was really better done than ME1 (which was basically babylon-9 copy) endeing sequence and made a great contrast
>It's actually canonical. Tip - what happened to the dark energy plotline?
It was hinted in ME2 and ignore in ME3, so your point is..?
The game forgets plotlines within its own fucking plot, remember how Shepard fucking died and how that never had any effect on the story beyond the first couple of missions because it was a cheap excuse for a two year time skip to effectively retcon everything you did in the last game?