I watched a streamer play Doom Eternal with a controller

I watched a streamer play Doom Eternal with a controller.

It was the most pathetic thing I ever saw.

>enter encounter
>camps one part of the map the entire time
>can barely hit anything
>can barely stay on platforms without falling into lava
>takes easy to dodge fireballs to the face constantly

Why do people do it? The streamer was Mike Matei, btw.

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>>can barely stay on platforms without falling into lava

I had this happen a lot, though.


cool story zoomie

Well Mike is trash

>use input device not designed for FPS games

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It's almost like controllers aren't suited to the genre. Hmm.

the developer of the game can do it on an inverted controller
maybe he should just gitgud

It's not due to the controller, it's because he's a fucking retard. I've done Nightmare on 2016 and Eternal with an Xbox One controller. It's obviously inferior to KB+M, but Matei has nothing to blame but his own retardation.

I'm sure it's hard to manipulate something like a controller with such Big Hands

I think main problem is that you have to let go of the right stick while jumping or dashing. Plays best with an Elite controller.

>Why do people do it?

why do people do what? watch streamers? i dunno, they must be ultra retarded or something.

You don't watch games when you're not gaming? okay grandpa

>I watched a streamer
that's honestly even more pathetic than playing with a controller

>his whole life revolves around videogames

ok zoomer

zoomies filtered

The game literally filters normies on a fundamental level. It's like Sekiro all over again.

It's because you played it on PS4.

I've played on UV and Nightmare and seriously, I don't see how anyone can clear this game even on UV with a controller.
A Nightmare Slayer Gate on controller must be literally impossible even for zoomies hopped up on Adderall.

I play games exclusively with a Switch Pro controller and it's not as bad as you'd think. Aiming's not as good but if you're smart you can still get precision weak point shots, the weapon wheel provides a short reprieve with the slowdown. Really the only clunky thing is the D pad swapping grenades and enabling Crucible. Gyro aiming would probably make it even better.
t. just got done with the fifth Slayer Gate on Nightmare.

you watched Mike Matei
I can't help it
I don't know why the stupid fuck played plenty of fps games with mouse and keyboard but then used a controller to play doom eternal
it is like he just wants to go against the grain like the autist he is
for fucks sake
worst of all, I confirmed he is playing on PC, so it is not a matter of having the copy on a console

You can tell it was designed for KBM and they didn't even test it for controllers.

This is why most shooters take a “””realistic””” movement approach, because going fast and controlling the camera sucks the biggest dick on a controller. Same reason sprinting usually restricts your turn rates and why aiming-down-sights usually slows you to a halt.

*360 noscopes u*
heh nothin personnel gramps

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Jokes on you I play on Switch so low framerate and autoaim carry me

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Im UV on PS4 and played a bit on PC. The weapon radial is retarded, not to mention you have to wait a solid second for your directional input to even register on the wheel. I'd rather press triangle 5 times if i have to.
Im looking forward to my PC playthrough.
Turn the sensitivity on your analogs' up and disable motion blur. Make triangle/Y swap weapon and then RB grenade.

I'm pretty good with it on my shitty piss4 controller, can I hook a mouse and keyboard up to my piss4?

>Make triangle/Y swap weapon and then RB grenade.
don't tell me the default is the opposite of this

And completely turn the smoothing off.

Why are you here?

Can confirm, however the one change i listed is the next preset entitled "classic"

Not that hard for me lol (playing on UV, bumped it up to NIGHTMARE out of curiosity)
And this is the same fag bitching about people using save states

now you clearly see consoles ruined fps

But Counter strike came out before consoles became the norm?

Not him, but close. Switch weapon is RB, grenade is LB. Flame Belch is X.
I play with the default control scheme, and I've already got 16 hours in so I'm not gonna change it anytime soon. But yeah, sensitivity's way up, motion blur and smoothing are both off. I use Air Control, Seek and Destroy, and the Blood Punch Shockwave health Rune I forget the name of.

why do you m/kb cucks seeth anytime you see a controller? You're not playing the game, who cares.

>doesn't use bumper jumper
should be default control scheme for any fps

you are a brain damaged retard

Oh yeah default is LB equip, RB weapon swap and triangle flame. Felt more natural to have the shoulder buttons control the shoulder things.

The goddamn designer of the game plays with a controller. They fucking suck.

then continue getting upset over absolutely nothing

Who did? Hugo? He plays with KBM mainly, but he does practice with controllers too. He's pretty good at it but guess what? He still dies while using controllers

>he needs keyboard and mouse crutch to carry him in doom
fucking pathetic

PS4 version has Gyro tho. People would play better if they stopped being faggots about "muh waggle" and actually used it to see it's a superior way to play shooters with a controller

I beat the game on Ultra Violence with the PS4. Only lost 2 lives in total to the Slayer Gates, and I did those as soon as I could. I also suck at FPS games. If I can do it, so can everyone else

I see controller users as nothing more than pathetic dumpster fire.
Playing doom with a controller, absolutely disgusting.
When switch comes out, its gonna be even worse, not only are they using their shitty joycons but they will play the game at fucking 30fps, imagine that.

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>lets REALY see what the slayer can do
>a little fov change. little MOUSE AND KEYBOARD

When the Switch version comes out I'm going to 100% it on Nightmare again with the Joycons in portable mode and there is nothing you can do about it.

>sensitivity h 75 or more
>sensitivity v 65 or more
>smoothing off or Remap jump to a bumper
>Remap chainsaw to L3
>Remap dash to R3
>Remap alt fire to bumper
>Remap melee to Left Trigger
Whatever else put on face buttons or directional pad

There. Now play some fucking Doom.

motion control assist during aiming is the only thing that can surpass mouse and keyboard user

RE4 on the wii is the best version because of that.

>I'm going to intentionally wade upstream through a river of shit and there's nothing you can do about it

What? You mean an old Xoomer who's shit at and hates new games and spends all his time playing ancient shit and horrible NES games was bad at a modern game that takes skill?

you act as if Doom has an actual m/kb pedigree. You didn't even need to aim in Doom 1 or 2, and the most effective tactic in Doom 3 is firing a shotgun pointblank.

>I'm going to have fun with videogames and not bitch and whine about control schemes on the internet and there's nothing you can do about it

>I watched a streamer
fuck off zoomer, kys yourself

Fps should be played on VR.
only fags use mouse

It's objectively worse to play on a controller, but it's perfectly doable. The auto aim on controller is pretty generous and basically snaps you to weak points if you're aiming somewhat close to them.
The focus of combat is on movement, and you can jump and dash around just fine with a controller. Just invest in the Blood Fueled rune to give yourself some leeway when maneuvering around a pack of demons.

Don't tell me you actually play videogames as an adult, no one is that pathetic

Retards, its never about being able to complete it on nightmare or whatever using controllers. It's about what you can do with a mouse and keyboard that your true skills truly shine.
Try to replicate the webm with a controller without all t he gayass weapon wheel i fucking dare you

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extremely based of him if true, giving us DOOM the way its meant to be played and dabbing on controller cucks

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PChads win again

The only thing you can't do without the weapon wheel is switch to the SSG at the end, but it doesn't really seem necessary

You're missing the point, so what? you wanna keep using the same two weapons throughout the whole fight is that it?
The point is that you can switch to any weapons you want on the fly, without breaking momentum, quickly and efficiently. No need for a weapon wheel to slow down time.

Literally all of this is doable on a controller, and the gameplay in the webm isn't even very good, Flame Belch is wasted on the air and doesn't hit a single demon, not to mention you wasted a whole Ballista shot on a fucking Imp. Switching weapons for no reason doesn't suddenly mean your "true skills are shining".

It takes less than half a second to switch between weapons, even with the weapon wheel.