save the frames :O
Based anti-funners.
>fake animals = real animals
>Is Tom Nook exploiting you
I am beyond fucking tired of this shitty "Tom Nook is a capitalist pig XDD" meme.
it's adorable how PETA thinks video games have any sort of responsibility to cater to their misguided political views
Does peta want to euthanize Tom Nook?
It still blows my mind that PETA is real and not a long-running joke. I get people wanting to protect animals, but their methods are so extreme and wacky, it's just comical.
No wonder there is such an uproar about him.
A non-jewish banker and everyone flips outs.
Surprise surprise.
he even has a line early on about his accountant being mad at him
nook being a jew is the biggest meme the man works a hard graft and earns every bell
They will eventually. It already happened with this game, after all.
What the fuck is Peta's godamn problem?
>video game has animal in it
Are they so toothless that this is what they have to stoop to?
But they're a bunch of pixels. They're not real.
i think you're confusing PETA with QUILTBAGs
imagine being useless leftist cunt, your life is empty. So you are looking for things to be angry about.
It should be obvious at this point that PETA is a false flag campaign by the meat industry to make vegans and animal rights activists look retarded. Which is kind of pointless since vegans do a great job of making themselves look retarded all on their own
no interest is like the best part about sharia law
>PETAphiles still thinking they matter
Go firebomb another pet food factory you absolute clowns
No it's just owned by someone who really fucking hates animals and knows how to do the most damage.
How am I supposed to NOT think leftists aren't mentally ill when they keep doing things like this?
If pixel meat is not vegan, so are vegan steacks.
They have to do something to get attention to themselves after killing most of their animals.
Why fishes and bugs are considered as normal animals? You can talk with a dog or a bird but not with a sardine or a worm.
Fucking speciesist game.
The joke is the fact anyone takes them seriously. They've been an outrage company for ages, yet retards still haven't caught on and cite them as if they are a legit organization
Ignore the newfags, they’re unable to imagine people who disagree with them outside of politic terms.
Dumb nogs probably think PETA being mad about vidya is a post-GoofyGoober issue, and not something that we saw back in the Bush presidency.
>some tweet cap
Peta is a scam.
There is also a normal-ass owl that can sometimes pop up on the notice board. There's clearly a very large difference between the animal-people and basic bitch animals. Also keep in mind there are octopus and frog villagers.
What's the problem?
I see the blur between reality & fiction in people's mind more & more these days...
It's not healthy.
what happened in 2006? adoption rates dropped off a cliff
We will all have worldwide government mandated hormone therapy and castration before PETA will ever get a single fucking thing.
Everyone realized they were assholes and they're not relevant anymore.
>look this up
>it's real
>multiple posts from them about it
Fucking Christ I hate PETA
Hell if you consider the normal rate of inflation, Tom Nook is LITERALLY giving money away and losing it as he doesn't make any return on his loan.
Leftism is anti-hierarchy. Killing animals implies they are below us on a hierarchy. Therefore Leftism is against killing animals. Unless you can prove that all humans are equal but animals are not
Why do people even care
They just do this because they are sure gamers are retarded enough to take it seriously
I should have a job there and make up shitposts
The US housing bubble finally popped.
>ursury is now good
What the fuck is wrong with people
They're just trying to stay relevant. They do this regularly when a new Nintendo game comes out, because they know people will be paying a lot of attention to it.
They take donations in the name of animal welfare but kill over 80% of all animals given to them.
>According to its 2014 recent filing with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), PETA euthanized 81 percent of the animals who ended up at its shelter.[123] According to VDACS, PETA took 3,017 animals into its shelters in 2014, of which 2,455 were euthanized, 162 were adopted, 353 were released to other shelters, and 6 were reclaimed by their original owners.[124]
>Virginia's Senate Bill 1381, enacted in March 2015, defines an animal shelter as "a facility operated for the purpose of finding permanent adoptive homes for animals."[121] PETA opposed the legislation and risked losing access to euthanizing drugs if it did not comply with its requirements.[121][122]
by your logic, non-leftists are pro-slavery
The actual article tells you about how racoons and tanuki's have it rough, so to give him a break.
Why? What's wrong?
They don't think that. They are just exploiting the situation for easy marketing, so their tax fraud organisation can continue.
Some are. Slavery is a form of hierarchy. Nothing I said mean that a hierarchy must have slavery though.
>Is it vegan to catch fish
Yes, you're not eating them, they go in the museum
>Is it ethical to catch bugs
Most of the bugs are trying to fucking kills me
>Is Tom Nook exploiting you
Nothing new
Stop giving human values to things
look uh, i'm not a furry but... tell me more about this cutie
tom nook was kind of an asshole in the very first game
Nooks repayment schedule seems pretty reasonable but since you never really get a chance to shop around for house upgrades. He could be marking up the cost excessively and making his profit there. Not saying he does but he could and you'd never know.
Compared to the GC villagers who would take your rare item and give you a ugly chair for it he's a saint.
PETA has always hated Nintendo games, go figure theyd hate AC too
I remember some elephant seal eating your fish in front of you raw in exchange of furnitures in previous game
I like peta now
Based, fuck antipetfags
PETA must be comprised of the most miserable cunts imaginable
Both PETA and Yas Forums are the most miserable people on the planet.
Is it ethical to let bugs exist?
How the fuck is PETA still existing?
You'd think with all the outrage culture and veganism shit they would be dead by now
You forgot ResetEra.
It's an obese 50 year old guy
Hi /lit/, don't you have a book reviewer to stalk?
what app is this
This trend with people of reading deeper into things than is nessecary just to find shit to complain about is fucking old. It's like some sort of desperation to look enlightened. They do this shit to everything these days too.
I usually lump in PETA with ResetEra because of how extremely insufferable they are. Just like I lump in Yas Forums with any far right cuckold.
Hit a nerve, did I, Yas Forumsack?
I'm honestly not sure, if the animal obsessed veganfags I know arent into peta and tend to support other less shady groups.
oh, like a vtuber or something? i like the design
>I usually lump in PETA with ResetEra because of how extremely insufferable they are.
Fair enough.
>Shappy de boop muh Yas Forums
Your not fooling anyone, cuck.
Based Peta
By that logic nothing you said means that leftists must be against killing animals then.
Do you read what you type?
>it is le muslim so it is le bad
usury is a sin in all abrahamic religions. jews dont care though because everyone else is a subhuman but them
We also should jail every person who play FPS, because they're basically murderers.
>Mentioning PETA or RestEra good
>Mentioning Yas Forums bad
ok sweaty :)
They got the profit from another means. Might be from fees or admin cost. Or simply just rename the "interest" part into some arab sounding name.
Trust me, absolutely no banks want to lose money. Sharia or not.
Also for people who think tom nook giving zero-interest rate is an act of benevolence, look up modern monetary theory.
Tom Nook is the only billionaire I support.
I said Leftism is opposed to hierarchy. To justify killing animals requires humans to be above them. Rightism accepts hierarchies but that doesn't justify doing anything to those lower on the hierarchy. The hierarchy of what is allowed to eat what can be different to the hierarchy of what is allowed to own what.
Don't mind me I'm exploiting this rug.
They're not killing those pets, they're saving them
Daily fucking reminder that Tom Nook donates most of his money to orphanages, the man is literally a saint