Anyone else here think 7 was a better game than RE2make?
Anyone else here think 7 was a better game than RE2make?
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both are shit
i've played neither
7 is clearly better
all are shit you fag
and not even at horror
RE7 is more funny than scary
does re7 feel like a real resident evil game? i never played it because it just looks like a shitty horror movie rather than a real RE game.
Yes but I don't like Resident Evil games that much
7 has soul but is too short
2remake is soulless but is the perfect length, and the girls are cuter.
If you try to kill everything you can find yourself low on ammo constantly, you mix herbs together or use spray, you can kite enemies and stab them to save ammo, and there are wacky puzzles and bosses. Its as RE as RE gets.
7 could've been so much better if the Bakers chased you more, also only having one enemy type was fucking stupid.
RE7 is an actual new game and not another godforsaken remake so it's automatically got that going for it. But it's also just an all around excellent game.
I have not played RE2make yet but RE7 in VR is one of the best videogame experiences I've had
What was stupid was Lucas being an impossibly well funded super genius producing endless scooby doo traps. They have decent setting and then take things too far and it becomes comical.
Both have the same amount of replay value since the DLC for Remake sucks and after the first playthrough of the A routes the game adds nothing of value beyond the graphics update and the DLC for 7 is fantastic, but the game is shit after you leave the house until the short barn section.
Both are wasted potential.
the wife being totally in control of the bees is pretty cartoony too.
The concept of a mold bioweapon mind controlling people is strong enough to stand on its own.
7 was great for pulling horror out of the post-Amnesia clone phase. It brought back a detailed maze-like map, actual gameplay, and resource management. Much better than a half-baked first person "stealth" walking sim. RE2 was one of the funnest zombie games that I've played but 7 was still more memorable and had more charm.
i was not a fan of lucas either but i did like the ship and mine sections unlike a lot of anons. was lucas actually the one who set that lab up down in the mines or was the leftover from another company? seemed like it was way too much for just him.
let's see
>tight corridors on a large ass house
>puzzles that involves weird shit that only jap people could came up with
>save spot
I barely remember the details at this point. I recall reading something about Lucas being helped by an outside party though.
7 tried to fill the void that PT left and succeeded. The series needed a reboot anyway
its crazy how fast the REmakes have lost thier charm. i was so excited for 2 but 3 just looks like more of the same, im sure it will be fun, but i could have waited another 3 or 4 years before we got more raccoon city.
im very ready for Resident Evil 8, i hope all those rumors about first-person, ghosts, werewolfs, and knight zombies are true. sounds like it will be full of soul.
How can people whine about this game when they don't even bother to read the files that are spoon fed to you?
Lucas was contacted by the biocorp company after Evelyn entered the Baker residence. They basically game him whatever the fuck he wanted in terms of money and lab equipment in exchange for him feeding them information on how Evelyn developed and behaved and taking samples. Lucas set the lab up himself, but he has outside help. All of this is explained in detail in the files the game spoon feeds you.
so where does the rebooted RE go after 3? think they're gonna jump straight to 8? or maybe make a new original scenario that sets after 3?
>7 tried to fill the void that PT left and succeeded
Imagine actually thinking this is true
As far as I remember once Evelyn came to the Bakers mansion, Lucas was contacted to work for some organization. If I remember the notes in the lab right, that place was run by said company who used Lucas as a mule so to speak.
They're probably going to go Remakes 1-2-3, original RE4, RE7->RE8 as the new canon and just pretend RE5 and 6 never happened.
Looks like streamerbait to me
>does re7 feel like a real resident evil game?
No. Not at all.
t: oldass RE fag who was tricked into buying this shit day 1.
The connections, that's the name of the new big bad in the shadow for now. Lucas was working with them, up until he was going to screw them over.
Seven pushes the "story" ahead while also providing a new way to experience the game (kinda like RE4 did), the other is a graphical update to an already told story.
RE2Make is good but suffers from shity design choices, such as emphasis on runthrough time and no headshots.
is it realistic to expect that 4 will be released next year though? I mean they didn't waste any time with 3 and it was a surprise to most people.
you do not have that certified badge. you are a a fake resident evil fan who came to this all new addition of resident evil to from fortnite.
i am a real veteran of the RE series and i have that certified badge, and i love RE7
think they'll use the RE7 chris for future appearances in the new canon?
No, there's no reason to remake 4. It's not as horribly dated as the PS1 games, it doesn't conflict with the Remake canon, and it's honestly just so damn good that a remake is almost guaranteed to be worse.
sorry dude, i played the game at launch and the dlc packs once. it was quite a while ago and i may have missed some of the files
>Eats Outlast shit and RE2: FortNite edition
>calls others zoomers
Post your collection.
It's as close to old-school horror as you can get in the modern age. It's got resource management, an interconnected map that you slowly unlock, and you have to weigh every encounter with fighting or fleeing. The puzzles aren't as good as older games and obviously the first person causes gameplay differences from fixed cam. I recommend it tho, it's a pretty good return to form. I challenge the doubters to name a modern game that does old-school style horror better.
7 is really entertaining up until the ship. It falls apart during the last 2 hours. REmake 2 is far more consistent.
The zoomies already LOATHER RE4, as it does not play exactly like their post-X360 era twin-stick shooters.
And besides the obvious lo-fi visuals, there's nothing dated about the classic RE games. They just don't make such games any more.
The game was 10/10 until Jack died. The rest of the family sucked.
7 is nothing like Outlast. I’m sure you haven’t even played either game if you’re stupid enough to compare them to each other.
Lucas is fun. Marge is disgusting.
>It's as close to old-school horror as you can get in the modern age
Bullshit. The AAA just don't even care to try, because they know that the casual normies will buy anything they shat out at them.
>I challenge the doubters to name a modern game that does old-school style horror better.
You think you're smart by limiting the choices to "modern" shit only? Obviously things will magically look better on the paper if you live in a vacuum.
Pic related and Cry Of Fear still would like to have a word with you.
i hope so, would be cool to play as a cleanup crew and spec out gear and squad members for missions. reformed blue umbrella is an interesting idea. kinda hoped the bsaa would play that role but it always seemed like they just went off on their own thing andleft the grunt work to the no name npcs
fuck RE. when's Dino Crisis
>7 is nothing like Outlast
Okay kid.
>y-y-you just haven't played the game!!!
Now where have I seen THIS ""argument"" before...
>there's nothing dated about the classic RE games
This is your brain on contrarianism.
>Cry of Fear
Oh im laffin
Funny you mention that because I feel RE2s enjoyability drops off massively at the sewer section. It picks up a little bit at the umbrella lab but never hits the high of RPD.
>literal digital-only zoomie
>actually bought shit like UC and ORC
all I need to know
Name 10 things dated about them without mentioning the 240p graphics.
>blurring out your games
retard. what are you afraid of?
Everything in 7 was better until the old grandma plot reveal.
You're right but it never gets as bad as the ship/mines of RE7.
I wish my brother.
Of us laughing at his shit tastes
expect it but it'll play like remake 2/remake 3
not that user but i double up on all my physical games with extra digital copies and buy games like uc and orc so i can suck capcoms dick
even back when I was a kid Regina's outfit was always a weird thing to look at.
RE7 is the second best RE game behind 4.
>Cry Of Fear
brehs i'm a lifetime fan of Team Psykskallar and yet i know Cry of Fear is shit anti-horror.
I specified modern because RE7 is one of the few newer horror games that doesn't require nostalgia goggles to enjoy. The older style is fun, but like older horror films, they just aren't as effective when held up to modern tech. The only other game I can think that tries to move the genre forward without devolving into a walking sim or shitty action game is Darkwood. I haven't tried Cry of Fear but maybe that's one too.
>Cry of Fear
is a neat game but let's not pretend it's any good alright
The classic RE games are way more fun than the newer ones, and I like the new games.
Capcom rules of cool. Spec ops doing a night operation, with her red hair being noticable from the other side of the island.
How the fuck is RE7 in any way similar to Outlast? Because they're both first person? That's literally the only similarity.
Only until the first person mod came out for RE2. In first person RE2 is a far better game in every way.