Thoughts on Charlotte, the first female axe fighter in the whole Fire Emblem series?

Thoughts on Charlotte, the first female axe fighter in the whole Fire Emblem series?

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Tits too big.
I prefer compact axe wielders.

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I want her to findom me


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Female axe fighters off to a bad start.

>posting a wojak
now greentext me and post a wojak mutt


Thank God they recovered

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I just got Fates special edition, and got all the extra shit. How busted are the DLC classes, and should I use them on my first playthrough of Conquest?

Why are unga bunga axe women the best?

tits too small

if you play fire emblem consider suicide

I prefer club wielders.

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They're not that broken, just go for it if you want
Though there are 2 DLCs avaiable in Coqnuest that allow you to get infinite gold and EXP, so as you can imagine doing those completely defeats the purpose of Conquest's limited resources, so keep that in mind

Xander’s wife

Wish they had given her defined muscle tone, deserves it more than that bitch Rinkah with painted on abs and her 0% str growth.

I didn't play 3H, but according to the wiki she isn't a fighter

*is the superior axe girl*

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Weird how'd they put something like that in the game, but thanks for the info.

You should probably play it then because Hilda is definitely meant to go down the fighter class tree

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>the first female axe fighter in the whole Fire Emblem series

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Wields swords also, so she doesn't count. They're talking pure axe fighter with no other weapons or magic.

Shes the "I never try but when I do im fucking amazing" character.

Hilda is really good at smashing the fuck out of things with an Axe.


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Fake abs and fake tan

So not a fighter?

but she is cute and she is trying

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She is a fighter. Play the game

>Starting class
try again

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Her usual Class list is Noble ->. FIGHTER -> Brigand ->Wyvern Rider/Warrior -> Wyvern Lord

So yes, she is a fighter

My Fates fav character and much better than Purplehair McBoobs. Axes are my favorite vidja weapons.
Too bad the only version FE Heroes has is the bridal one with the cumspoon. I want my barbarian wife!.

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Never ever.

I like her a lot. Also, her battle panties turn me on like no tomorrow.

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Not true

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Needlessly complicated to use. Her biggest hindrance is coming at level 10 with underwhelming stats at chapter 13. Extra funny when you look at Benny who joins at the same time at level 15 and ready to promote. She is frail and speedy axe user which means not only that she really is working with just two stats, Strength and Speed, but also that her being underleveled is far more notorious as she struggles to double when she joins and she takes more damage than she deals out.

She has a less flamboyant advantage, however, found in her class and her personal characteristic. She finds a role in the niche of a cheerleader her class offers a pairup with Strength and Speed, as well as her own supports increasing the same ammount. By the time she's a married and as a berserker she gives a whopping +8 Strength and +5 speed (enough speed to double anything they otherwise tie).

So there are two ways you can take Charlotte: the hard trial of leveling her up, leaving herself actually as a stronger but slower, innacurate, less defensive infantry version of Camilla with a much higher crit rate to instantly delete large threats. For this you can give her the free dlc Paragon Seal as no one else in Conquest really warrants it.
The other way you can take her is immediatly promoting her and using her as a backpack to push someone's stats. This has various of advantages as well: Her newfound immediate speed gain coupled with her already high strength makes her readily useful in the chapters 13 and 14, gives immediate access to berserker's crit boost, makes her gain levels faster as a Berserker so she has quicker access to Rally Strength, and most importantly she's right away giving +5 strength and +3 speed to whoever she pairs with.

Tl;dr: if you are going to be using her as a backpack, might as well promote her as soon as she joins.

I thought the healer princess from Awakening used axes? The blonde girl who was Chrom's sister.

>still not a fighter
Keep trying, not that you'll find any female axe fighter who came before Charlotte anyway

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It's complicated. They a start off in a generic class like Villagers in Gaiden. You can make them whatever you want. When the timeskip comes around Hilda starts out with the Warrior class as her canon class so she's that, but she never really has to go through fighter.
What she does have is a strong affinity for axes

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Edelgard is the best axe girl

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Immediately outclassed by Edelgard and Hilda the very next game.

Why did they have to do her like this?

It wasn't her starting class or weapon though. Charlotte was the first female character to start as an axe wielder.

Indeed and Lissa underperforms horribly as a War Cleric.
And yes Charlotte is the first female fighter just as how Subaki was the first male Pegasus.

Xander's cocksleeve.

That image makes her look like she's evil or something.

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well she is both evil and ugly soo

Whever wrote this seriously needs to watch at least one 3dpd bestiality video.

she really doesn't look like she can weild an axe, let alone a sword.

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She’s not evil, she’s just passionate about battle!

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She is evil unless she gets her sensei cummies

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She makes a nice stat backpack for Xander.

A male character's (preferrably Xander's) cocksleeve for those sweet stat boosts, useless otherwise

>looks like

IE is notoriously really bad at balancing their games.
It's nothing new.

she won't even have her sensei's babies

I like her design and personality even if it's a little one note just like every Fates character.
Too bad her accuracy and durability are no good.


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Love my based wife

It's cute how you can be so wrong.

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yes user, we all know gorillas are pretty good at getting at tall places what about it

One could then argue the Petra could be the axe fighter girl.

If you wanted to go this far then one could argue Machua or however you say her name from Fire Emblem 5 was the first female infantry axe user.

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You know what time it is

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Just stick to Sylvain, he outperforms her in every single area.

>now greentext me and post a wojak mutt

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A lance to the tummy will make her gloomy

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No she isn't. She is pretty middle of the road in terms of physical characters in 3H.

*S-Supports you*

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Not in feh. She's canon assassin.

But she wields an axe, she's strong against lances

I hate simps

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tbf she has enchanted strength thanks to the crest of flames, so maybe that jump is possible.

We do know that the boar can lift a horse with one arm.

I never understood the memes with Hilda in the first place. Was it just that they didn't expect her to be a high strength fighter? She's always been pretty average until she got on a wyvern, and then she was being carried by it.

I don't know, she's alright if you put her in a str boosting class. She gets 100% crit chance with 100% hit rate if you do everything right.

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In FEH she is a pegasus riding dagger user.

what the fuck
why does this exist

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is she not wearing any underwear?

>posting the inferior version

are you new?
that has been around for years

flayn stop lusting after byleth
what would Seteth think of it

This is now an Edelgard von Hresvelg thread.

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cut me some slack user, i haven't been to that many FE threads and now i'm glad i haven't

>master tactician
>ends up in a five year stalemate when she had every conceivable advantage

>Rinka berserker
Know your place, trash.

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If she was called Holst and had an older sister who was a hero of the land she would be a deeply unpopular character.

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is that on an emulator? How well does Fates run on it?

What did you do to her wyvern?

It's a high cut leotard. All the female berserkers wear it. I checked. For scientific reasons of course.

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I don't think I've ever seen any other version, please enlighten me user

Think about Edelgard
Dream about Edelgard
Listen to Edelgard
Watch Edelgard
Serve Edelgard
Bathe in green alien invader schizo dragon blood in Fhirdiad's burning ruins after liberating Fodlan with El while kissing and grabbing her firm yet delicate butt.

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She reclasses to Wyvern Lord after she gets Axefaire.

Pretty great, I get some stuttering audio inside the shops of all places but in regular gameplay it runs smoothly

Generic Berserker is the best berserker.
I miss capturable enemies.
Three houses is so boring.
You can't do anything fun.

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