How do we save the Trails franchise?

How do we save the Trails franchise?

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remove cold steel series
remake it with less waifufaggotry and retards

Add another masked C because we didn't have enough of those

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A game where Rean fights Rean for the affection of Rean, who is secretly plotting to unleash the power of Rean on all of Rean so they can Rean the Rean.

Who knows, Kondo seems to think that more Rean is the answer despite the reception to the last CS game being garbage. His blind love for his self insert will drive Falcom into the ground.

Cold Steel saved Falcom from bankruptcy...

Stop having otaku make the games

>rean is the biggest character on the cover and even overshadows the new protagonist
kondo isn't even being subtle about it at this point.

and now it's going to drive falcom right back into bankruptcy

More Rean.

>ITT: Skyboomers pathetically assmad that Rean's had a much more successful and fulfilling life than theirs

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Remove waifufaggotry
Remove edgelords (except to btfo them a la Estelle in SC)
Remove Light Novel writing
Remove 3DCG shit
Remove holding back, one villain can do it once per game from now on.
Remove self-insert characters (Rean).
Remove dating sim mechanics and have ONE canon relationship shown throughout.

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Let it die, before the disease gets worse

>the Hermit's name is C again
Please god why

We don't. Kondo is a guy who said Trails of the Sky was "embarrassing" with a straight face while talking about how Rean and his games are so complex and deep when in reality all the CS games are interchangeable with any generic shitty Japanese Light Novel you can found.

honestly rean and his sluts ruined the franchise.

>Crossbell game
Just fucking stop.

Rean already saved it.

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Don't forget how their tomboy idol spent most of the last game sucking off Rean in quite possibly more ways than one, haha...

>Greatest JRPG ever made
I want to die

I love how eops love to post that being unaware that it was a localization change. Estelle never said that in the original kek.

Haha, that's our C. Row Alter for you...

You wanted a new game with a new protagonist and setting? Well you can have those but Rean is still the center of the story.


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don't forget how you reancucks keep pushing this fake cuck meme as a cope for the fact that rean himself gets cucked out of 90% of his harem by other men haha...

I'm playing the second game right now, would you say later games are better or worse.

Also Estelle and Joshua are a interesting pair.

The Crossbell arc is also great. CS is when the quality degrades.

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Cold Steel will make you wish you never invested this much time in the series playing the games before it, that much I can vouch for.

Deepest Lore

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Remove Kondo and the Coldsteel Saga from this realm of existence

Crossbell games are solid, but Cold Steel is where the writing and characters become straight up embarrassing.

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Just don't play it lmao
I've beaten all three Sky games on Nightmare 100%, I didn't even finish the prologue of CS1 before dropping it.

But how am I supposed to follow the series to its epic conclusion??? pfft yeah right epic my ass

What's so bad about the franchise?
T. only played one of these games, the first one i think where Estelle and MC is introduced

But then how will you know what goes on in erebonia and what happens next to our plucky heroes estelle and Joshua?

The franchise was fine before Kondo went senile and we got the Rean saga.

Stop believing in /fg/'s retarded memes like

>happens next to our plucky heroes estelle and Joshua?
Nothing happens. After SC they literally just wander around the world doing fuck all and occasionally popping up to help out here and there. The only growth they get post SC is Estelle getting having a fat ass by the time she's in her early 20s.

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They fuck, Estelle gets pregnant and leaves the story for the foreseeable future.

The overall story progresses very slowly because there is essentially a plot reset every 2 games where you get a new cast and setting where the new characters need to go through similar story arcs as the old cast before shit starts happening. All faults you find in the story are only going to get worse as time goes on. Most of us Trails fans are sunk cost fallacy masochists who hang on hoping that the series will one day become what we expected it to be.

Make the next MC female. The undecided almost harem trope is the worst anime trope. And while Joshua was also given a harem, because the MC of Sky was female, he was made to commit to her.
With male MCs though, they'll never commit. They'll always get pussy swarming them and yet remain a virgin to keep things open ended to satisfy the virgin nips who argue over best waifus.
If Rean was a girl, she'd already be practically married to Crow and Crow wouldn't have died. If Lloyd was a girl, she'd be solely in love with the male version of Elie.
If Calvard has a female MC, watch the writing quality go way way up because they aren't pandering to the individual fetishes of every brain addled spawn of hiroshima's mushroom cloud.

> Most of us Trails fans are sunk cost fallacy masochists who hang on hoping that the series will one day become what we expected it to be.
speak for yourself. I've enjoyed most of the entries to the series, including latest CS games.

We don't, we let it die.

I guess Falcom deserves to be fucked in the end.


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I also enjoy them immensely, but I can't help but constantly cringe and roll my eyes to the shit happening on screen.

Go back to Yas Forums and eat up whatever modern seasonal anime shit they're shilling on there then

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Why are Trails fans so tsundere towards Rean. He's not going anywhere, Kondo has made that very clear. Either deal with it or find a new series.

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more of estelle's ass

>implying I can't do both

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>Interviewer: From the entire Kiseki series, which character are you the most attached to?

>Kondo: It has got to be Rean. This whole time these five years... even longer than Estelle!... I've been with Rean since he entered school until the end of Sen 4. There's not really any specific scene/line from him, but I've just become deeply attached to him during this whole time. While I've portrayed him for longer than others, I feel like he's also been the most human character. Estelle was a very pure character... always courageous, brilliant throughout her time. In comparison, Rean has a lot of weak and rough elements to him. He's relatable like how you view your family, you don't always just see the good parts... you see each other's weak and timid sides too. So in that sense I'd say I'm even more attached to Rean than either Estelle or Lloyd. I think Rean is the most deeply (and longest) portrayed character in Kiseki series. By the way, every time I always feel sorry for Rean. Like "Yamero, yametekureee" and all that (laughs).

kill kondo

Yeah that's what I thought you philistine zoomer

>Being embarassed about his writing skills, plot points and revelations
>Being embarassed about his characters that he has said multiple times he loves

Seems like he needs to stop listening to the other writers because Renne's character has gone downhill after third.

By "save it" you mean make it appeal more to bitter incel webs from Yas Forums right?

>I have a special place in my heart for estelle
He sure doesn't act like it.

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Every time someone posts this I die a little more inside

>how dare you enjoy things

>he has a special place in his heart for Estelle
>she hasn't appeared once in Hajimari, let alone any other Sky character
Skybros... oh no no NO NO NO

haha... hey estelle wanna ride the ferris wheel with me?

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Do a timeskip after Hajimari.
Basically do a reset with no returning characters for a game, slowly reintroduce them in the 2nd game and then go full ham in the 3rd game. Don't make calvard 4 games long. 3 is enough for a big country like Calvard. Or even better do another comfy and focused 2 game arc in a smaller state.
Don't do another school setting.
It's ok to use anime tropes but the characters need to be written in a way where you care about them through their actions and interactions again. Cut back on the "character dryly explains their sepia tone backstory" shit, this isnt what made us care about Estelle or Loewe etc.
Hire composers who dont suck.
Design dungeons that arent square linear blocks again.
Bring back art lines but design them so that they dont make 70% of the characters useless.
Bring back canon romances or at least put proper effort into the options.

You cant fix it cause Falcom will never do any of this


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Here are your new protagonists, bros.

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Where would Estelle's story continue to? She got the guy she loves back and their raising a slut loli. I guess they all still have beef with Ouroboros after BTFO'ing Saltmann they seemed to have all but lose interest in Ouroboros.

You can't. For years it was held as being above anime, but it turns out it was anime all along.

So it's a "what if Joshua got with Renne instead of Estelle" story then.

lmao 2 rean

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Remove fucking kondo.
Should fix the horrible waifufag shit, pos exclusivity and taking years till a localizator even sees the script.

Fucking please, TiTS2 already went full chuuni powerlevel on us.

Haha, that's our Rean...
Haha, that's our Rean Alter...

Nah, Swin is more of a grump than Joshua. Read the 3 & 9 books.

>thinking you can stop the Mean Rean Machine

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Calvard when?

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Joshua was pretty grumpy before being kidnapped and forced into a stockholm relationship with Estelle and her dad.

>some fag with a choker wielding a generic animu sword
>a legal loli with a teddy bear

>bonding points
Jesus Christ I had completely forgotten about these and now it feels too late to start over with a complete save on NG+. Any cheat engine tables for CS3?

Reminder that Calvard will have an isekai protagonist with his own fresh brand of harem.

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>Hype up the school festival for months in the story
>Too cheap to pay Hayamin to sing.
>Too cheap to pay their usual Zimbabwean animation studio they use for opening credits for the scene.
>Uses their garbage in-game animations
They don't give a shit.

I really wanna know what weapon pinkie thereis using. Looks like some special spikes?


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Hahachads report in