Game has meaningful moral choices

>game has meaningful moral choices

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You shot him didn't you

No, he did nothing but help you, and was suffering all his life being mind controlled. He deserved better.

>mind controlled
Did they make being a demon not a choice based on life?
wow what faggots. Demons are irredeemable. That is what makes them demons. There is no going back, no wiggle room.

Doomguy is the best LGBT character in history

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All demons are irredeemable except for that revenant

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>help you
he had to be put under mind control and manually controlled, if he had his own free will he would've tried to kill you instantly
get the first shot in user

But what if daemon were frends


All demons must die. I felt a little bad about it but it's nothing personal


Demons are made for RIPPING AND TEARING

Demons are made for FUCKING AND SUCKING

>game has obvious foreshadowing

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i spared him and felt good about it. I would have been cool if this revanent would have come back and assist you in some small way (something brief) if you spared him.

Like the wolf in RE4


Woman detected.

Fuck off gays and watch me hit this whip

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ill ban you

watch him come back in the sequel and do some heinous plot related thing and was only allowed because the majority of players let him live in this game.

Demons are no different than xeno, they are all scum.

Literally made for BDC

Why wouldn't you shoot him? You didn't actually feel compassion for a demon, especially not one you've killed a million times before?

What if the Demons transformed into cute girls and try to seduce Doomguy to avoid being mercilessly slaughtered?

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Sounds like some punk ass weeb ass shiet, get outta here fuckboi

those exploding demons are cute up close. I can't shoot them.

This was the only good part in the whole campaign

Damn... how can da cat do dat??

kill yourself

The demons are already cute

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how the FUCK did they train the cat to do this

true dat

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Are they cute girls though?

What would possibly be the outcome of having a remote controlled demon other than having your enemies use it against you for sabotage?

he wouldn't care

die retard

No you silly anime tranny

This is problematic and demophobic

I blew him to fucking smithereens. It's what Doomguy would do, and it's the reason why it switches to the Super Shotgun right away when nothing is around, unlike any other weapon where there's plenty to shoot with.
I never left clicked as fast as I did then, because it's the will of God and my Christianity was being tested.

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But Doomguy doean't attack anything that doesn't attack him though.

I'll plunge my cock straight into your prostate and we'll see what you'll be worshipping by the time I'm done, christboy


I was planning on it but I was busy checking out the craftsmanship of the super shotgun and then the platform violently dropped before I could execute the demon. All fucking nigger demons must fucking hang

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>Killing non aggresive doot boy
I wouldn't hear of it

Lies, even in E1M1 you can and do shoot first.

doomguy hates anime

I blew him away without a second thought

His mancave has unironic anime though.

He has guitars, demon funko pops and bunch of tabloids. Nothing anime


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based christfag
cringe demonfag

Bite the pillow fuckboy

>b-but he has a transformers comic.. that's anime right?!

>spares this fag
>still kills the cueballs

Damn I wish my cat did that


yes. demons are parasites and must die

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I grinned from ear to ear while watching the ssg animation blowing his brains all over the wall

>DOOM eternal literally uses a slowed down hand animation from the L4D2 jockey for the revenant section
how the FUCK are they getting away with it?

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because they animated it in a way that similar but its not literally and ripped animation so its fine and legal.

Give it to me straight, Yas Forums. Can you use the sword? This is my buying decision.

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Yes but not until later in the game
It has limited ammo you have to find similar to the chainsaw



Yes but it needs charges like the chainsaw and you get like maybe five before fighting the final boss of the whole game. And unlike the chainsaw you don't get any ammo and plus you can't kill the Marauder with it even though it would make the most sense with the "clashing of blades between villian and hero" type of trope.

them yes


>You shot him didn't you
>yes and I felt righteous doing it
No John, YOU are the demons.

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