Is there a mod to make the main character white yet?

Is there a mod to make the main character white yet?

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Dios mio

Why don't you make one yourself?

Clitoris has 8000 nerve endings and it still isn't as sensitive as a white guy on the internet.

there is three animations in the entire game where you see your hands without gloves, you fuck

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Could not give less of a shit about la creatura, where are the guns?

>Absolutely retarded post

why are you following pewdiepie's trend of games?


Based Brown woman

We all know niggers can't swim and are afraid of water. That makes this the best horror game ever. It's about a black dude trapped on a water planet struggling to survive.

>SJW devs make the character nonwhite even though the devs are white
>SJW devs refuse to add real weapons because they have a moral stance against stopping your wife from getting raped
>SJW devs fire less SJW devs because of their stance on trannies
>SJW devs only let you kill shit like their mom told them they have to or else, half assing it entirely

Shameful, the game is carried on atmosphere and sound design alone.

Why would anyone fucking bother? The game is entirely first person

everything she said was true sweaty

>equating asking a simple question to crying because the tide went out
This is the typical female brain on display here.
Take note.

why do people like subhuman so much? is it because of pewdiepie?

well, white guys abolished slavery because they are sensitive faggots, so I guess you are right.

Black people should make games for black people.
White people should make games for white people.
Chinks should make games for chinks.

Can anyone tell me a single "Black game", a single example of one game being made entirely by black people, for black people?
It's pathetic. And it's entirely the fault of these liberals who stifle them by letting them be a small part of an almost entirely white team, so that they can claim to be diverse. Rather than allowing blacks to go out and do their own thing.

Your understanding of history is as weak and pathetic as your heeitage.

niggers didn't free themselves, user.

She was completely right, based, and redpilled you dumbass.
Have sex

Whites are a cancerous race that are dying thank god

I don't think so.

>stealing posts from women on twitter

Yes, and it got the most (You)s in the thread. Think about it.

>Come into thread expecting Subnautica mod discussion
I should have known better

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>wtf you cheated because you had allies!
t. nazis

At least my heritage wasn’t slaves or killed by the police

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You never see the character.

cause youre baiting like a fag, derailing threads. kill yourself you retarded troglodyte

>SJW devs make the character nonwhite even though the devs are white
Oh it's that a rule now? Aren't you supposed to be on lithium, tubby?

Six yous in a bait thread isn't too spectacular

allies means they guys that did all the job?

if you samefag enough it can look like a master bait thread

>Black people should make games for black people.
>White people should make games for white people.
>Chinks should make games for chinks.
Why? you sound mildly schizophrenic.

shut the fuck up tripfag

i wish you had some english teachers as allies to help with your poor command of the language

I didn't realize that everyone walks around on eggshells to prevent offending white men, rather than trannies, niggers, cunts, spics, and chinks on the internet.

>all the triggered replies
lmao, this really is true

oh wow i never heard that joke before

bruh, it's not the fact that you're white. It's everything else about you, you look like Beans from Even Stevens

>>Absolutely retarded post

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>be a clear majority
>be a sensitive faggot when someone calls you a name
>t. kim jong un

They do, just look at yourself and your reaction to this game. The lack of self-awareness here is baffling.

I never thought I would see the day in which a black woman was based

she's clearly some sort of arabian/indian mix

yes and cotton picking machines were made for a reason

Chinks already make games for Chinks, always have.

It's just retarded white people being the bitch of the world. Making games for other races like the cucks they are.

>t. kim jong un
what did the nigger mean by this?

The real eyeopener is that it has nothing to do with south park. Women of all races take pleasure in trying to humiliate and betray the men of their own race. It doesn't matter the race either, they're the first to open the gates for invaders and spread their legs.

*incomprehensible monkey noises*

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Like all ybois

All this statement does is make the question of blacking a character “just because” more...arousing, for lack of a better word.

>OP asks about mod for making character white
>you somehow translated that to good discussion

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>OP asks about mod for making character white

Making him white wouldn't make him look any less retarded, either slap a helmet on him or take off the head entirely like in the beta

Jesus Christ you fat fuck, take this (You) and stop posting

And you're retarded for thinking this wasnt bait

Stay seething anglobese cuck

Create your own content then gatekeep who can be apart of it. Also learn corpoRATe speak, instead of asking for a flat out white character, ask for instead different characters models and keep insisting until you get what you want. And when they object, you call them to racist for not giving you a character that reflects your lived experience.

it wasn't
and if it were, you took it