This is game is IMPOSSIBLE
This is game is IMPOSSIBLE
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no dude you don't get it it's supposed to be complete fucking bullshit
imagine being so dumb you can't handle an easy game like pathologic. literally just use critical thinking and planning.
t. saved everyone on my first playthrough
There are options that let you scale down the difficulty if you want. The fart huffing fanboys will absolutely lose their shit if you do that though but fuck them
I'm playing on 150% difficulty for all parameters, literally git gud.
But if I beat the game with lowered difficulty how will I even play the other routes in the original game?
have you been harvesting organs? doing the hospital quests?
>this amount of cope
filtered by day three, huh?
ever notice that people who like challenge in video games are never as bitter and spiteful as people who play everything on easy? Take for example, or anyone who shrieks about there being no easy mode in FROM games.
people who like challenge learn to roll with the punches and enjoy overcoming obstacles. they're genuinely just better people than the whiners, quitters, and excuse makers who complain about "hard" games. legitimately just straight up better people in real life. maybe challenging video games teach humility and critical thought.
Restart the game and apply the knowledge you gained. This game lets you fuck up and it's great.
Roll with the punches, it's what the entire game is about. If you get locked into a death spiral then reload a previous save, preferably at the start of the day.
There was nothing bitter or spiteful about my comment. Truth is the Pathologic fanbase is full of high and mighty retards like who are beyond parody at this point
In this case, it's a bit of a different issue, because here, it's not about feeling good over overcoming obstacles: it's simply about experiencing the story as it is supposed to work. The difficulty and the narrative are inseparable: Change one, and you affect the other. Which is why us fart-huffing fanboys take an issue with people doing that. It's like playing a modern movie without any sound or subtitles: you lose a fairly integral part of the experience.
As to OP:
Stop panicking, that is the most important part. And try to forget what most games have taught you so far. Scraping by is OK. Losing battle on some fronts is OK. Pay attention to how the game works, and you'll start to see all kinds of options it hands to you that weren't immediately available. Just don't dwell on strategies that work in other games but don't work here.
Trading is absolutely essential. You can obtain pretty much any resource you need in abundance if you pick your trades well. Trade with everyone, especially the kids.
Original is considerably easier
It actually isn't. It's a lot more hands-off so it feels less stresfull, but it actually can fuck you over much more than P2.
nearly everybody new to pathologic has to restart after failing their first save profile. take the lessons you learned as you move forward.
This is something that pretty much all IPL games have in common, by the way. Including the exceptionally bad CARGO!
lol i dont even eat food in my playthroughs anymore i am become the nejel-wa
dont speak that game name here, or anywhere, it is cursed and brings only evil. it is absolutely horrifying and i never want to experience such depravity again. i beat the void
>There was nothing bitter or spiteful about my comment.
You know, except for the "Fart huffing fanboys" part. Interestingly enough, that would also include the developers themselves, who exclicitly tell you that messing with the difficulty diminishes the experience, and openly plea that you don't do it.
But otherwise, no spite or anything, I'm sure.
Is this an endgame thing? Btw I love all the steppe stuff. I wish it was a real language
whats with all the pathologic threads lately
is it on sale
I have no idea, but maybe it's the corona inspiring people to think about the game again?
Nah it's the theme of deadly plague that for *some* reason people are liking at the moment.
You might as well watch a fucking youtube walkthrough if you're going to lower the difficulty. You won't get the same experience.
It was on sale on steam a week or so ago. Also on sale currently on GOG.
An ongoing pandemic might also have something to do with it.
Dybowski knows something about corona.
This. Dybowski created virus to promote his new game. Tell me about viral marketing haha.
Does he?
The only reason i haven't played this game is because i don't trust the story can give me a satisfying conclusion to the question it will impose upon me. Tell me i'm right or wrong.
No story in an IPL games provides answers. They push people to ask, questions, but finding the answer is up to you.
That said, it does outline those questions fairly well, and gives you a choice of several meaningful answers to them.
You're right, the story won't give you the answer. It's supposed to be the other way around - the answer is yours to give to the story.
You're wrong. The game is very satisfying.Also the game doesn't impose many questions. It imposes a feeling of dread and the need to survive. The stakes and purpose of your actions are always laid bare.
I knew it. No way they could wrap it up with all those abstract visuals.
>nearly everyone
is this true? am I one of the few non-shitters itt?
getting out of bed was a mistake
just buy a lot of breads and social distance yourself and the pandemic will pass
do NOT trade precious toilet paper away to the children that's a mistake
the only game that reaches that silly standard is MGS4
>I knew it. No way they could wrap it up with all those abstract visuals.
Well, P2 can't wrap anything up, because it is only the first episode of three. I mean the story has a proper conclusion, there is no cliff-hanger or anything, but you do not get the whole story to begin with, so you can't exactly have a full conclusion either.
That said: Again, the core themes of Pathologic 2 have answers in real life, not in the game. To seek the answer in the game is silly, and it's the opposite of the game's main point, which is to bring into the focus they actual player: to make him answer, not to give an answer for him. It helps and nudges you, but it can't answer for you.
you're simply wrong. the game wraps up perfectly. the abstract visuals don't mean the story is abstract. it's very plain when you strip it down, there's a plague, you're a doctor. you search to cure the plague. you try to help people. you try to survive. you eventually find the reason for the plague and extrapolate a cure. nothing important is left unanswered really.
Ok. What are those mimic like individuals that appear throughout the game? And what about the stage lights out of nowhere?
The mimics are an artistic way for the game to show you certain character's inner thoughts. The stage lights are there because the game is often presented to you as though it were a stageplay. Both are there for the sake of scenery and dressing. I hope you aren't expecting to be told where they came from and what their purpose is in realistic in-universe terms. If you need every metaphor to have a literal explanation for its existence then maybe you should just stick to children's cartoons.
So there's no in universe explaination? Ok then, it's what i thought. Thank you for your kind words user.
>So there's no in universe explaination? Ok then, it's what i thought.
To be frank, it is a little more complicated than that. The game... blurs the line between diegetic and non-diegetic content, by design. In fact it was always one of the games major sub-themes.
So the in-universe and out-of-universe explanations are... kinda one and the same, when you really think about it.
That said, P2 does not expand on the whole meta narrative as much as OG Pathologic did. OG may have gone a bit over-board with it, frankly.
Yes there is its in the lore of the game bro.
correct. they do manage to make the theme pretty robust though, the game directly addresses you as if you were an actor in the play and every time you die the director takes you aside to criticize how you're playing the part and scold you. but if you're asking for an explanation for why it's a play and not real life, then you'll be disappointed. it simply is a play, that's what you have to work with. there's no secret hidden lore about a god who turned the world into a play or anything supremely stupid like that. and honestly the game is much better for it.
Haha dude the whole game can be finished under 30 minutes lmao
It's not entirely correct.
There is a character written so smart that she inevitably becomes suspicious that both she herself and the world are fictional. Her final request on the player is to help her carry out an experiment in which she tests that theory. So there is more to this.
>So there's no in universe explaination? Ok then
Bro the theatershit is LITERALLY THE META
Bioshock Infinite tried and it's fuckin garbage
Delete your reply
That's the one joke that never seems to get old to me.
Oh god, burning those bodies fucking hurt. I love how the game really, really fucking explores the whole "being an adult" subject. It's ingenious.
Was the changeling campaign any good? It is the only one I have never played.
It will probably take them a long time to do it on Pathologic 2, I think I will just play the original.
>Was the changeling campaign any good? It is the only one I have never played.
It does make the story complete. Given the core themes of P1, and the outlooks of the two remaining characters, Changeling's story is kinda necessary to make the image "complete". It had some really interesting character reveals too. But overal I'd say it was the weakest of the three. If Haruspex felt a bit needless and stretched out at times, Changling is ten times worse. Literally one third of her campaign, not doing anything is the optimal choice.
No, it wasn't. Don't let that stop you though.
in universe explanations for meta stuff has always been shit and your taste is shit.
go play undertale. It's more your speed
It has some really fucking interesting tweests with regards to a lot of the less well explored characters, but the last half of it is an awful slog playing hide and seek in infected districts and there's not much to do most other days besides that.
Her patty-cake attacks can cheese most enemies really well though. If that even counts as a positive.
I did not either. I got fucked up in P2 and had to rewind like an entire day a couple times, but never restarted the whole game, and I found 1 shockingly easy. The Void however, I had to restart many, many times from scratch.
>a story is bad if it doesn't outright explain every abstract or subtle thing with a plot device
Jesus christ, kill yourself. Plotfags are the lowest bottom feeders in the consumption of ANY medium.
No. It has a couple interesting quests and is worth experiencing, especially because at that point you should be able to breeze through Pathologic 1 like it's nothing, but it's not good. Most of the days are very trite, boring quests and you always have very little to do. I slept through most of every day and night just to pass time and still got almost everything done.
Should I just spoil her campaign? I have yet to play Bachelor after I finished Patho 2 a few months ago. I felt pretty drained after that, I just wanted to play some dumb cozy games where I'm the hero.
Nice to see the Bachelor putting those whores in their place.
The story is good and has some really great moments, but the gameplay of having to search through a bunch of infected houses at random to find three different characters every day is complete bullshit. Honestly, there isn't any shame at using a walkthrough just to get it over with, since you should have beaten the game twice on your own by that point.
I was really looking forward to seeing how they were going to fix her route in P2, but now it seems like that will never happen.
The Bachelor is a homosexual transman.
>Nice to see the Bachelor putting those whores in their place.
That image is clearly a reference to Marble Nest, where Bachelor does anything BUT putting them into their place.
In fact, it's followed by an optional but fucking Hillarious discussion with the tragedian about how out-of-touch Daniil / the player is.
I figured, it doesnt help that he was dreaming the whole fucking thing
>mfw didnt even struggle too hard with the survival until day 7
only thing that killed me before hand were the fucking worms on day 4 or 5
are people just that terrible at resource management?
IPL for Ice pick Lodge, and ND for Nikolay Dybowski, so what does the rest stand for?
So to my very real surprise I have something called Pathologic Classic HD in my steam library. Is that the correct version of the game?
I honest to god don't know when I got it.
How do I play it? Is it cozy?
With the new game's system, I have no idea how Bachelor would ever diagnose his patients.
>Is it cozy?
It's easier and a lot more savescummable. OG version of the story is pretty interesting, go play it.
As much as I like Pathologic 2 so far (I think that the campaign we have is way better than the original), I wish IPL would focus on a new IP.
The Void had a somewhat similar structure and feel to Pathologic, but it is very much its own thing. It would be perfect if they went for one more "character-focused survival narrative" game with a completely different setting.
But to be fair, if they are already struggling with Pathologic, a new IP is probably not viable financially.
Stop reading the thread right now and go in blind. Yes, it's the correct version of Pathologic 1. Sift through trashcans and take the items inside, talk to NPCs, that is all I will tell you and all you need to know, now fuck off and go play it.