>not a single good MMO
what happened Yas Forumsros?
Not a single good MMO
Archeage Unchained you idiot, fucking retard.
Go play it, NOW. It's the only hope left for MMOs.
wow happened
>Archeage Unchained
not op but fuck you it's trash
where are the good mmo modern military sims? I heard about a top-down rts-like one a while back but completely forget the name.
Good MMOs are very hard to make, WoW sucked all the oxygen out of the market and then proceeded to drop all MMO features and has just been Diablo with chatroom cities since Wrath
Also devs trying to revive it bite off more than they can chew ie Camelot Unchained
Only hope left is Pantheon
what about ESO?
>what happened Yas Forumsros?
Two reasons:
1) Every MMO wants to be the next WoW
2) Devs keep rewarding people who don't play the game with things like convenience, Pay to 2.5x Exp, Returning Players Bonus, etc.
Subhumans like you happened and people don't want to play with your kind.
>Archeage Unchained
It's shit, complete shit with the only redeeming qualities being the sandbox mechanics. Too bad that these mechanics are hidden deep below an ocean of shitty design decisions and one of the worst game communities I've ever experienced.
You know old school runescape exists right? The most pure mmo left. The best thing to happen was for it to be playable on mobile so I can grind while I watch my kids during covid19.
whats trash about it?
FFXIV is fine
Where did Everquest go wrong? They were the kings of MMO.
MMO's stopped being unique, and all became lame ass WoW clones. It's all been slowly dying for a while because of it.
The days of Star Wars Galaxies are over.
eso would be fine if it wasn't for the absolutely terrible and boring combat
>terrible and boring combat
shut up faggot
10 people being online in the same location stopped being a novelty.
also social media happened.
Maybe it's a doomed formula.
I know one mmo thats latest expansion got rave reviews and has a playerbase thats only growing. Maybe you should try it.
lmao, how can you even argue with that? it's the worst combat of any mmo ever- what positives do you have to say about it?
You dislike MMOs then, plain and simple. Go play your rehashed FPS games user.
Ha. Money snake completely killed the game, but now everyone treats it as "the oldschool experience".
Also, everyone is way too autistic about efficiency and nothing that can improve the bad parts will ever pass because of them.
Unironically, RS3 is as good if not better now, but all the autists can't handle the "EoC", which they made automated to the point it's literally the same as current OSRS combat.
Nothing happened, MMOs were always shit.
It's called Maple Story reboot server, no partialism retards allowed though go away. MMO's can't exist nowadays because everything is metafagged and compiled into a database, datamined, mapped, strats leaked, and theory crafted by st*eamers for the brain dead retards to parrot.
Bad mentality that took the risk out of dying after Velious. There was no terror turning the wrong corner and wiping your group and having an hour+ long CR. AA's were fun and so was the massive amount of content in POP but after that the game was mudflated and shit with SSRA and nothing to do but collect clickies, key, and bane weapon shit. Instanced raiding then killed it outright. Raid target should be contested, not everyone should get it if you see them in the EC tunnel it should be a massive epeen to gawk at.
>can't handle the "EoC"
zoomer pls go
it stopped becoming a videogame and became barbie dress-up: collectathon edition
Case in point.
If you're so adamant that you're right, you surely can explain what's wrong with EoC, right? All the time I only hear people saying "it's bad" and "it changed too much", but never any specifics, L0l.
"Massive" is no longer a thing.
Why did this happen? What went wrong?
There's FOXHOLE and Running With Rifles
I'm having fun questing in WoW classic OP.
People caught on to patches/expansions constantly resetting equipment power level because "think of all the new players :((((" so the only items with any permanence left are the cosmetics.
I'm probably wrong but
>MMOs are okay, some pieces of gear are iconic
>League of Legends is very popular f2p game, with skins as main source of revenue
>MMO devs like it, doesn't impact the gameplay but lets them make money
>add skins
>gear is no longer iconic
Don't trust this tranny FFXIV is fucking trash.
Anything online can't be good. Only true gamer experience is by playing locally with little sister sitting on lap
Top upcoming mmorpgs, from highest expectations to lowest
>Ashes of Creation
>Ascent: Infinite Realm
>Amazon's New World
I wanted to try Crowfall, but by the time its out, I will be maining one of these 3 mmos.
Pvp is so bad in this game. Amazon' New World will be a pvpers dream game.
The trick is to hop from new release to new release, to experience a fresh new game with a bright eyed, bushy tailed community that just wants to enjoy and learn. You get about a month, maybe a little more, before it dies a horrible death to efficiencycucks and minmaxing turbospergs.
PSO2, for example, is amazing, I've met so many people who are just playing the game, doing missions, not caring if they're the best or not. But I know in a week or two it'll be fucked six ways from sunday and absolutely unplayable.
Just go into games, knowing they're on a timer. Enjoy them while they last, and don't look for anything permanent. You will never have it unless you settle down on some giga-beast like ff14 or wow, and get set up with a guild for the best experience.
gaming became mainstream
Except they backpedaled on PVP and now it's a side project, and not even open world in new world. I don't think you've looked into it since like 2017 user. They turned it into a themepark with housing letting you farm shit. All the survival elements are gone. As is most of the major pvp.
>Actively killing the genre he claims to love by playing terrible games and giving money to bad companies
>perceives himself as the only true fan of mmos, which he has redefined to mean his favorite game only
Like clockwork.
Can we talk about how Chronicles of Elyria went bankrupt today?
The fucking post was hilarious
>80% of the post is recounting successes from 2019 and early 2020
>oh btw we ran out of money and I laid everyone off
>don't worry, the true treasure is the community we made along the way
Why are you clowns always so vague? You can't even explain yourself when you say something is bad. It sounds like you don't even play the games you're mocking. The way you all describe things can be said about anything.
But in reality I would not call FF14 bad. But ARR and HW are some of the most boring and miserable parts of content you need to slug through before the game becomes even mildly fun. Like who enjoys throwing rocks at beetles for 200+hours.
Because they're shitposting on purpose to get (you)'s.
Because all the Joe Normies that outnumber people actually playing the game are paying a monthly subscription so they damn well feel like they've achieved something during the 1 hour a week they can log into the game between juggling their thirteen jobs and fifty kids, and it certainly won't be raiding, pvp, or anything else that requires effort.
I agree, they need to delay everything and get that rework done.
That's when the game gets good though.
>oonga boonga
>I HEARD ON Yas Forums
As usual, no legitimate claims against the game. Not responding anymore. Gonna hop back into Archeage Unchained, which is the absolute best and full feature MMO you can play currently.
Because people are more than happy to pay 15 bucks a month to kill something on 50 characters for a cosmetic that has a 0.01% drop rate over and over. And guess what? That shit requires almost zero effort to implement.
This isn't an archeage thread and I'm not here to educate you, just laugh at you.
DC Universe is great if you like the DC universe.
Someone shit on Realm of the Mad God, I saw what's coming next month and I really want to play it again.
the dying cries of a child with no argument
Not them, but I played the original release of archeage, and while it was fun for a while, it ended up being a big pile of wasted potential. Changes made to "appeal to westerners" removed a number of gameplay aspects like bounty hunting and bots and hackers completely fucked the economy for many of the in game professions. Unchained promised to fix many of these issues and revitalized and innovate the game, but not even counting the disastrous launch, they have failed to introduce anything majorly worthwhile, and the small improvements they have made are all too little, too late. Apart from what other anons said about the abysmal community, the game has devolved into an endless grind for gold and daily quests without introducing any new or interesting ways to make money. Not to mention that they completely ruined 90% of ocean content.
tldr: Unchained sucks
>Complete story in 2 days
>Spend the rest of the time grinding for tokens to get better gear for shitty pvp
Not them, and I don't hate archeage, in fact I've got more than a few maxed out archers with mythic shit in KR.
But in the western version, there's no GMs. There's no one policing shit so bots run rampant, they claim all the housing (or did on base), they farm gold and sell it, and are never stopped because they refuse to make it more difficult for them to make accounts. You can make 100+ accounts in around 2 hours. Unchained has a little bit more of a barrier to entry, but not very much considering they don't ban even if you RMT.
>this level of cope
>Full feature
>All content is locked behind an energy wall
>Any engaging content like crafting/exploring is made obsolete Because daily's give the best rewards
>The flying is kool though
i am coping with the vast amounts of literally nothing presented to blow me the fuck out. how will i ever recover?
If you don't do periodic soft progression resets it becomes impossible for new players to ever progress since nobody will be doing the original progression. Wanting everything you do to have some permanent, tangible goal is aids you should be trying to get better gear because you enjoy it.
>You dislike MMOs then, plain and simple.
I dislike shit MMOs, not MMOs in general
>>Have a cool ''politics'' system
>It's easily manipulated by a handful of autists/hackers
>>Have a cool vehicle system with fully functioning boats and cars
>Make it fill fuck-all of a function outside of a single gimmick each and maybe some goldmaking with fishing
>>Have a cool housing system that provides people with gameplay benifits and reasons to work togheter
>It's easily manipulated by a handful of autists/hackers just like the ''politics'' system
>>Have a cool class system
>it's inbalanced as fuck and even after 7 years on the market they have been unable to fix it
>>Have and intresting PvP/War system
>It's easily exploitable thanks to gold exploits/chinks selling gold and higher level players endlessly ganking lowbies since they gain more ''honor'' from doing that then any other PvP content in the game
I can't find anything positive to say about the leveling so I'm just going to say that it is completely pointless, was made WORSE somehow by the Unchained update and is so god damned boring that 90% of the playerbase quit before ever reaching any of the fun stuff in the game. It's so bad that it makes Runescape leveling look fun, something that is so notoriously boring that 90% of the playerbase just uses bots to skip it.
You bulldozing your way thru it for no reason instead of enjoying the world there is your own problem.
I also specifically stated its good if you like the universe the comics take place in.
Your post is about your autism and needing to fast clear an 11 year old game for some reason.
>didn't play the game
And with that, the argument falls apart entirely. Good attempt user.
It always been like that. Only newfag a and retards didn’t make themselves look good.
LoL is fucking cancer.
But this cosmetic shit in MMOs was a thing way before it existed.
>good if you like the setting
>try to get thru it as fast as possible proving you had no interest in the setting at all
I'm gonna miss eizouken
Post kanamori
>Name aspects of the game that can only be learned through playing said game
I'm just one of the people that left this sinking ship.
>The trick is to hop from new release to new release
>You get about a month, maybe a little more, before it dies a horrible death to efficiencycucks and minmaxing turbospergs
>This game released 8 years ago, for example, is amazing