Reminder that if you think this guy is too hard than you are nothing but a shirty player. A false gamer

Reminder that if you think this guy is too hard than you are nothing but a shirty player. A false gamer.

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Good thing I only play fully shirtless so my box fan can properly cool down all my fat rolls

>everytime I queue as a demon my teammate has Maykr Drones

oh yea, cuz being "TRo00O GAYMARRR" is anything to brag about.

Nah it's just a shirty game

kek this

he's clearly not wearing a shirt

The problem is that I take healing field and you get these drones automatically with it. I guess I could just not spawn them, but I don't feel like it

why would people have trouble with him when theres literally a popup telling you how to beat him at the start of the fight?

I feel like that secret encounter to kill him in under 30 seconds is there to teach you how to deal with him. Honestly I thought you could only hit him once when countering him but that was way too slow so then I found out you can shoot him like 4 times in a row after a counter by just quick swapping the SSG and Ballista, and he often tries to attack you again right after that so you can just keep chaining/stunlocking him like that and he'll go down in like 10 seconds easily.

That's not really the problem with him though. What's shitty is when you have to fight him in an arena chock full of other demons. Unless you're playing a babby difficulty it's hopeless to try to kill him first so you have to clear the entire arena while that annoying cunt is constantly up your asshole and you just can't do anything about it. It's not about it being hard, it's just an unfun way of increasing the difficulty.

This fight doesn't fir very well with the pace of the game though and only certain people will find it fun. If you're struggling with him it's nothing but a frustrating fight due to the amount of bullshit he can throw at you and the fact you can just flat-out ignore damage. If you're good against him, it's a boring slog because you have to wait for his pathfinding to decide to get close enough to you and enter the brief period of time you can hurt him in. Plus he has an annoying habit of dodging right into you and blowing you away with the shotgun, messing up your spacing. And you never encounter them alone so you have to take your eyes off him to deal with trash mobs.

Honestly, I do like Doom Eternal but almost all boss encounters have been disappointing. Doom Hunter was the most fun one.

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He's only bullshit when you're dealing with tons of other enemies or when he spams his gay wolf friend

he's not hard, he's just unfun.

More to brag about than how much you've dilated, tranny.

because Yas Forums is full of casual shitters who can't follow instructions

He's not hard, the pacing of fighting him is just so different from the rest of enemies
Should have made him more like a human opponent you'd fight in an arena style match

hes tricky the first time you deal with him because you arent sure of exactly what the window is or what his abilities are and you dont have enough meatbags to steal health and ammo off of if youre getting fucked.

Thats all. Its part of the ramping difficulty, cunts would be whining if they added an enemiy with huge amounts of health and damage, rightfully. Instead they give you an enemy with a difficult moveset and skill requirement and everyones crying.


>super shotgun
>super shotgun
So difficult wow the darksouls of video games

I fucking loved DOOM 2016 and beat through it on max difficulty several times. I enjoyed the flow of combat a lot. Other games I enjoy
>all soulsbourne games
>starwars battlefront 2
>titanfall 2
Is this game worth $60 on the PS4 marketplace to play during quarantine?
I didn't mind the chainsaw and glory kills in the first one, so I guess I'm not a doom purist.

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They don't drop resources in multiplayer.

and yet thousands of retarded idiots are bragging on twitter how they beat souls games and sekiro
you are just coping with the fact that you are being filtered

yes, very. I'm suprised with that review of 2016 you don't already have it honestly.


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Marauder is only as difficult as the enemies surrounding him. 1v1 he's a joke, but if you've got pinkies and mancubi traipsing around, then it gets a bit more complicated.

I'm just trying to be careful with my spending. I haven't bought a full price game in years, and with the hit the economy is taking I'm measuring my costs carefully.


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Other than one or two questionable enemy designs and the lack of Classic maps, I cannot name a single thing about Doom 2016 that Eternal doesn't improve on. The main gameplay, its mechanics, music, map design, enemy variety, boss fights - it's all better. Eternal is the perfect sequel.

It's GOTY. Start on the hardest difficulty you'll be just fine.

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I beat that encounter without quick switching, he staggers long enough for 2 SSG shots even with the reload animation

If you're worried about that, just get the physical version and resell it once you need cash

Stop talking a load of shirt.

Playing on controller sounds like a massive pain. Even on keyboard it felt like I didn't have enough keys

Fuck yeah guys. I'm doin it. So hyped for this shit.

I'll just download. If it's that good I'll have no egrets.

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>shit on the Slayer from 50 feet in the air
>the moment he focuses on you use your soul shield, deploy hazard zone, and scoot away
>re-engage when your buddy comes to fight
>repeat until Slayer dead

Also lmao you can box the Slayer into a corner or against a wall by trapping him with spawns. Hell Knights work really well since they're so aggressive.

Not him, but I never play KB+M so I'm not very knowledgeable on how much better it is. I always get mixed up on what keys to press, and the mouse feels wrong. I use a Switch Pro Controller instead - recently I beat Nightmare without SSG on 2016, and I'm halfway through 100%ing Eternal on Nightmare. Feels natural to me. Is KB+M really that much better?

My favorite build right now is Racecar Mancubus
>Acquire the Smokescreen speed boost perk after round 1
>Fire smoke screen
>Break the sound barrier on my way to the Slayer and then dump all my flamethrower fuel into him

Feels amazing man. Why is playing Demons so fun?

hell yeah brother

I don't have a friend to do the double speedy mancubus build sadly

Only ever played on ps4. The weapon switching is a little clunky and imprecise. I imagine have a wheel or num pad would be a huge step up (which is a pretty big deal in DOOM but not unmanageable) Otherwise I have no issues.

Is the Pain Elemental shit in Battlemode or is it just me? After your shield goes down, all the slayer has to do burst you down and you're dead in seconds.

It's more natural to switch to any weapon on the fly instead of slowing down time and picking from a wheel. And obviously it's much easier to track enemies with a mouse.

Remote detenation and sticky bombs help me cheese him, he blocks the unmayker even when his eyes flash

Beware that you're going to have to be very fast on turning around and dashing a lot in Eternal. The reason why KB+M is so good for Eternal is that aiming becomes much easier when you're flying around at mach 5 through enemies ontop of every button being easily accessible.

FYI for people with Codex/Fitgirl version: custom skins don't show up in main menu when bought from the fortress, UNLESS you clear the DLC master level, then afterwards it will update with the skin. No idea how or why this is the case, but it works.
You have to do this every time you unlock a skin, so save your batteries until you've got enough to get all 3 suits (classic, marauder and praetor) then do master level Cultist Base. No idea if this also applies to ones granted from milestones.

>Doom Hunter was the most fun one.
I liked it, but the whole "Here's a Doom Hunter! BUT WHAT IF THERE WERE TWO OF THEM?" bit is everything I dislike about the game in a nutshell.

Yeah, I've already 100%ed UV on Eternal, but Nightmare's a much bigger step up than 2016's Nightmare was.
I'll admit that I can see why aiming and turning around with mouse would be better, and I don't have the best time in the world sniping Arachnotron turrets and Mancubus cannons - but it gets the job done. Keyboard keys are just so close together, and I've had a controller in my hand since I was 5. I can't even do the original Doom on HMP with M+KB.
Nightmare's kicking my ass, but I'm not giving up.

using KB+M lets me flick shot behind me instead of having to kite while runnign backwards

You have to use cover as well, the shield isnt just a "stay in the open unchallenged card". Use the shield to boost away and dance around a vertical structure. If the Slayer continues to focus you, keep structures between you and him while your teammate gets some damage in. If you want more dashes to keep yourd distance, get the Fit Meatball perk after round 1. The moment he focuses on your teammate, get back into the fight. Repeat as needed, and when the Slayer is low use your shield launch attack to put big damage on him.

Also ALWAYS keep your spawns topped off, regardless of which demon you're playing. Spawn them at the start, and the moment one goes down, replace it.


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Is anybody else just not really liking Battlemode, or is it just me? It's starting to click with me at this point but I still find myself just wishing it was 2016's MP instead.

anything but shirty. plase.

Same. Battlemode ended up being a hard pass for me.

I'm normally not a fan of any multiplayer, but Battlemode just feels like a secondary mode for a primary multiplayer mode that isn't in the game.

He wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t have those stupid wolves


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>I believe that he is... DOOM.
>The Slayer's time is now.
>Your fight is eternal.
>There is only one dominant life form in this universe - and it carries a steel-barrelled sword of justice.
I fucking love this game.

I was enjoying battlemode, playing demons is fun, but as slayer I kept dying from not being able to find a zombie to glory kill, and it frustrated me so I stopped.

He filters casuals faster than Alex Jones filters his tap water.

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You think Doomguy is weirded out by the religion forming around him?

I discovered very early on that you can cheese the fuck out of him with any exploding weapon, since the radius circumvents the shield; with a bit of good aim and timing you an juggle the fuck out of him until he dies. He's honestly pretty easy.

I bet he's indifferent to it, or maybe he hopes it'll get humanity to follow in his footsteps, stop being retarded, and learn to defend itself against demons.
I liked the subtle stuff they did with his mannerisms in this game. Like how his head bolted up when the Khan mentioned the Icon of Sin, as if he just remembered it.

coping virgins playing on journalist mode replied to this

I don't think he perceives anything but "does this help me kill demons?"

That actually helped a lot, thanks, user.

Gain elemental shits on everything from orbit.

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hijacking this to ask if anybody else can't acess one of the weapon mods in the fortress of doom. I used 4 batteries as soon as I could in the game to unlock both weapon mods but despite having both batteries in one of them the gate still doesnt open. I've closed the game and reopened, reloaded from checkpoint and progressed without it but nothing makes it work.

>game isn't afraid to actually unapologetically celebrate the player character like a complete badass
feels refreshing honestly

The DOOM twitter account retweeted this guy. The marauder basically exists to teach noobs about weapon combos in these games.

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What the fuck kind of cross-hair is this?

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Ace Combat is the only franchise I've experienced that consistently sucks your balls.

They're really blurring the line between action games and shooters, huh? If Doom 666 isn't straight up first person DMC I'll be mad.

but this is doom 6
doom, doom 2, doom 64 (3), doom 3 (4), doom 2016 (5), doom eternal (6)

Fuck this game. I already beat Sekiro I don't have to prove myself for this shit.


>Marauder isn't overpowered, you just didn't use this game mechanic we never told you about

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So far I like it. It's pretty fun and sorta has that party feel like playing Mario kart with some friends. 3 person games are super comfy. I'm terrible with the Slayer and keep dying super fast. Playing as demons against a good Slayer player is super fun though

No FPS game is worth 60 dollars on a console

He's not that hard but boring. "Wait for openings" bullshit should stay in Souls and other japtrash.

>RT to save a Slayer
Honestly I like this lol. The fact that demons who have killed other players can appear in your campaign and fuck you up is super cool. Trying to make everyone better so that doesn't happen as much is nice. I haven't seen one yet though, what about y'all?

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Except you don't even need to do that. Just shoot him once when his eyes flash and you're still gonna kill him. Just play on a lower difficulty if you can't handle getting good

not hard, just annoying, like hitscanners in doom 2, that's fine,every doom game has "that" enemy

how do i switch between ballista and ssg if 5 and 6 are hard to reach

Every time I scroll past this thumbnail I think it's Shao Khan.

Don't feel discouraged if you start on Nightmare but quickly step down to UV or even HMP, there's a fair bit of new mechanics you have to understand before you play at the right speed; once you do switch back to Nightmare and never look back.