What are the worst trends in gaming?

What are the worst trends in gaming?

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Expansions marketed as sequels. Overwatch 2, path of exile 2...

Everything twitch related

Generic soulless sameface in jap games.

Devs putting zero effort into the overall aesthetics of the game anymore
Devs focusing so much energy/money pandering e-celeb faggots
E-sports/competitive focus
How western devs are actually afraid to make good looking women anymore
Less focus on making fun games and more focus on making it an "experience"

Most of this is a problem with western games though.

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>Game releases.
>Exclusive/retailer specific DLC packs.
>Game of the year edition.
>Enhanced edition.

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You. You're the worst trend in gaming.

Dunno, but I do wonder if coffee is good for you

DOOM Eternal is the latest example of this
>Devs putting zero effort into the overall aesthetics of the game anymore
What the fuck was wrong with D44M's UI or main menu?, and who the fuck OK'd all the changes to the visuals and general direction?, everything feels so muddy.

Always online

Always online

Powerful female protags and the Male characters being weak as fuck

Politics in video games. Probably the worst recently, if not at least the most obvious.


The menus look like a free to play game to me

Being gay.

It is

>curved displays
>60hz screens (illegal in fed. states of micronesia)
>lack of headphone jack
>locked bootloader
>anti consumer practices

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Ugly cosmetic shit like rainbow guns in Gears of War.

Console and mobile games.

Surface level graphical realism in place of interactive gameplay based realism.

unfinished games

Threads like this.

Shit games

ASSFAGGOTS, Battle Royal and Cinematic Experiences.

>removable batteries being a thing of the past
>forgetting notches, ruining your displays
>lack of microSD support
>useless features serving no purposes but pumping the price up anyway

What the fuck went wrong in the smartphone market to end up with chink phones like the Asus Zenfone 6, Mi 9T pro and gamer phones being the best choice for a consumer? Fuck this market. Actually let me remove what said about gamer phones, those don't have unlocked bootloaders or very little to none community following on XDA allowing for custom roms. This timeline sucks hard, at times I wonder if I shouldn't just buy a one plus 5T from back then and be done with it.

i'm willing to compromise some things when it's replaced with something more efficient

for instance
>expandable storage ousted in favor of fuckhuge 256gb storage and home NAS
i'm okay with that, however.

>be me in 2015
>get nexus 6p
>amazing phone, looks, feels and functions great
>fast forward to 2018
>phone stuck in boot loop
>reach out to google (bought via google fi)
>"sorry bro, we can't support that. go talk to huawei"
>talk to huawei
>"sorry bro, we can't support that. go talk to google"
>fast forward to 2019
>le epic class action lawsuit has arrived
>file suit
>fast forward to 2020
>get 350 dollar check in the mail

fuck these companies. suit up if they fuck you. zero respect for these pump and dump parasites looking to make a quick buck off their planned obsolescence

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surprised no one said lootboxes yet


Lootboxes are gone

PoE2 will be free, it's just there for the marketing.
I won't defend blizzard they are dead to me.

How are those trends gaming related, faggot?
Most of those could be concluded with
>Apple did it so should we

Every multiplayer game has to be competitve or try and be the "Next game on twitch" instead of being fun.

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>movie "games"
>artificial difficulty
>fetch quest "games" (do this for me, do that)

art direction:
>western character "design"
>dark environments
>apocalyptic hellscape #18,383
>anti-consumer practices
>developers generally not listening to community feedback in any way and then getting surprised when people dislike the game

>every single playthrough streamer
>every single person who makes a feature in a game political

toys to life

Extreme focus on marketability and monetisation. Obviously a game needs to be profitable, but the focus has shifted from getting sales through making a good game that people want to see and onto wringing as much money as possible from a game by mass-marketing it to drooling retards and whales that drop huge sums of money on microtransactions and other wank.

Nothing wrong with the competitive focus or e-sports at all.
Is your problem with the constant balancing/tweaking that needs to be done to maintain this?
Because that's really stupid, if so.

Esports shit.
All character design becoming
>dude just scan a person

Core gameplay coming second to big action pieces

identity politics

Multiplayer games are fucked with amount of new games coming each week. Attention span of average gayman is so short that games die within weeks. So unless game is literally second coming of Christ, it will be flooded by other games that used more marketing.
Games being free is no longer a big plus.
It's this fucked up feedback loop, no one will play the game because not enough people play the game.
Look how many games are focused on getting cosmetics and overall progression instead off letting gameplay speak for itself.


Early Access, Open world, AAA games all trying to have realistic graphics while also trying to be movies, but mainly its Remasters / Reboots / Remakes / Sequels to long running series.
Its disgusting to me that people like Suda 51 have to work in this environment where creators are pressured by fans to just make sequels to shit instead of actually new interesting ideas. I don't know how many threads I've seen or people I've talked to personally screaming about how Konamis a dogshit company SPECIFICALLY because they own IPs like Silent Hill or MGS and aren't making sequels for them RIGHT NOW. People need to move the fuck on and let content creators make new ideas and instead of subscribing to a series they should subscribe to the creator.

>Incomplete games
Developers on every platform can more easily get away with launching broken & unfinished games, with the promise of long-term support that never results in the quantity of change and content required to finish the game. Ever since BF4 in 2013, everyone is pushing the limit

>Taking away player control and treating them as idiots
Frequent, forced or unstoppable cut-scenes, tutorials or 'tool-tips' that pause the game, they waste the players time to explain what should be obvious to experienced players or obvious enough for new players to identify and understand
If I can't get into the game immediately to engage with the mechanics and learn by experience then I'm not interested and I'm less interested every year they push this

>It's this fucked up feedback loop, no one will play the game because not enough people play the game

True but there're many multiplayer games, free and paid that do not have the quality & content to succeed even if they were launched developers who dominate that genre
Almost all games that are killed by a lack of player-base deserve it, AAA or indy
Cliffy B was right about 1 thing: There's usually only space for 2 games in any single market

>How western devs are actually afraid to make good looking women anymore

this is already extending into japanese games now (although I wouldn't consider 8th gen AAA games uniquely japanese anymore)


>SJW pandering
>DLC cashgrabs of deliberately unfinished games (especially looking at you Paradox)
>multiplayer pandering to the point where in-game abilities and stats in SP change in favor of MP and e-sports

These are the most important in our days.

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>Cliffy B was right about 1 thing: There's usually only space for 2 games in any single market

I think this is because market has finite mass(number of players) and each games pulls those players with it gravity (number of players x how close to player's preference game is), so even games that aren't that great start consuming other games player bases like a black holes once they attain certain player base.
This also inspires developers to follow the leader in certain genre instead of creating something unique.
Major examples, Minecraft/Teraria, LoL/Dota, CoD/Battlefield, Pubg/Fortwhatever, candy crush, i don't know what gatcha is the most popular but i'm sure this is also huge.

Fans, corporate defenders, "videogame communities".

>This also inspires developers to follow the leader in certain genre instead of creating something unique

With the amount of failures (AAA & indy) we've seen due to games being effectively rip-offs, you'd think they'd learn by now

put Complete Edition before Remastered

The dumbing down and gutting of complexity in order to appease the plebeian masses

You rarely learn on failure of the others.
No one bothers to explain to themselves why something succeeded. Each of those huge games had to find need of the market and fill this need in certain amount of time. If you are trying to compete in already saturated market you are most likely to fail. But as game development takes years, in the beginning of the projects there is rarely any competition on the horizon, until there are dozens of same games. Sunken cost is also a thing, they try to recoup their investments by putting even more money/time into it.

preorder culture
game's sucess is gauged entierly due to hype built around it pre-release and game's quality is just a minor part of equation.

Left 4 Dead 2


vr and motion controls


Tomb Raider is amazing and it's an example of how to do a female protagonist properly. The issue is that these other cucks don't give a fuck and only care about virtue signal points and all this stupid bullshit. All for money. They just glue together some bullshit and force women into everything. It's done so poorly and to the detriment of the entire franchise.

Can't even speak out about it because of the neckbeards pretending like all women are queens. Didn't Gears and Halo force women where it wasn't even canonical? But now it is because why not fuck it. Like wasn't Gears about 4 meathead bros shooting shit with big guns? Now a strong independent woman made them her bitch? Wasn't this the entire fucking marketing gimmick that Microsoft used to sell Xbox? That is was hardcore, badass, and manly? Now on my dashboard it's like DONATE TO GIRLS WHO CODE.

So disingenuous and disgusting. As long as the shekels come in fuck our integrity.

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too bad the game is generic bow shooty lens flare cinematic crap

>story driven
>female MC
>free to play
>early access


This. I'm tired of everyone aping Dark Souls. I loved Dark Souls, but after years of fanboying, I am tired of the same thing.

>inb4 there aren't that many games copying souls

What about Lords of the Fallen? Nioh 1 and 2? Code: Vein? Ashen? Remnant: From The Ashes? The Surge 1 and 2? That Star Wars game with the weird-looking ginger protag? The list could go on.