Hey hey people

hey hey people

Attached: Ssethtzeentach.jpg (1280x720, 173.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>constant cuts to keep zoomers from getting bored
>memes memes memes
>"""obscure""" games for precious Yas Forums cred
>bold boy memes to make the trannies mad, but only ironically because actually being right wing is lame because that means you care about something
>scour old reviews on steam for jokes to steal
>rip jokes and footage from smaller youtubers
>ask the people who pay you to make videos what videos you should make and what jokes should be in them
>I'm going to say something really naughty haha no I won't but it was close!!
>I'm going to show something really naughty haha no I won't but it was close!!

Is that everything?

Stop spamming this thread Sseth.
Go read your youtube comment if you want your dick stroked.

>another episode of same am I funny enough formula used in every video on the channel

>implying jewtube would let you go full blast
>not mentioning his sly antisemitism
He's good in my book. Funny, good taste in games, and lowkey names the jew

As someone who whiteknights for an eceleb who gets views in the hundreds of thousands and has a very successful patreon and legions of fans, I have to say all your criticisms, valid as they may be, should be ignored because I say you're all just jealous.


Watch as children get mad.

14yo mutt detected

Pretty much this
He's incredibly reddit
Mandalore and Matthewmatosis don't try as hard as this guy


I found so many gems thanks to this african warlord :'-)

apples and oranges. MM and mandalore are analysis, Sseth is entertainment.

He's racist and successful so Yas Forums will dislike him.


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He plays games from my childhood (lords of magic, godhand) and makes funny reviews of them.
so yeah he's more based then this whole board combined

*whip out my cock and place it on the table*

Anyone care for a nice suck?

>make Yas Forumstards seethe
Just put that one in the end and you're good.

The good ol shotgun crutch and his livestream antics with it makes mr Mando"Hurt Butt" my favorite gaming youtuber.

Attached: mandobro shotty.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Look at the replies to any of his tweets, or at his comment section. These are the retards you're dealing with when you see posts like "LMAO HE MAKES Yas Forums MAD!!!"

I don't like the direction he went with his newer videos, nigga is now full on PG.

On the topic of e-celebs, what happened to this well adjusted young fellow?

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>is mad

His scripted stuff is fine but those videos of his streams are pure cringe holy shit

he's got a good taste in vidya and he's funny
if you're angry because he panders to Yas Forums i don't know what to tell you besides that you're the worst contrarian in existence

i'll have to check that out kek
I just consume his normal vids, one of the only things I go on youtube for anymore.

He's cute

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user,he is the jew

>noooo my secret club is on youtube :(

>he's funny when he's taking other people's jokes and repeating them, but not funny when he has to rely on his own material
who would have thunk it

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>he's a based self-aware jew and even takes advantages of his Jew CEO superpowers

Sorry, 100% potato nigger American here.
I like anyone who names the jew. Fuck those rats.

I like sseth. I think he's funny and has convinced me to play a lot of games I would have never given a chance or even found on my own. But this ain't an E-celeb board so you can fuck right off OP

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this will ALWAYS make ssethkiddies fume because it's 100% spot on and they know it

I highly doubt that. Pls provide proof.

>That video where he mentions Queen of Spades

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>a self-hating jew
surely this is not true? I have never heard of such a thing!

hes hilarious

shared of some his family history during a stream

hehehe, he mentioned the thing, hehe only I and a select few people will know this bold reference...
I bet the million other people watching this video dont get the bold reference like I do...


It's still entertaining.

I miss Flimsii

Uh huh. Please provide stream link. When did this happen?

>strawmanning this hard

Yas Forums hates people who pander to them because seeing their attitude in others shows them how pathetic they themselves are.

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unbelievably based

Brainlet likes his humorous references to be blatant and in his face


What kind of yuroslime last name is Droujojinine

sseth is 200% not dutch

Yes and that's exactly what makes him great, fuck off zoomie

Thank you user, I appreciate it.
So, he's aself-hating jew like Bobby Fischer?
That's amazing.

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It's a joke you fucking tool.

Yeah, his parents are Russian, yet he's from Denmark.

Yas Forums is the second worst board on this website
At this point I basically consider ~80% of all posts falseflags or bait, because I cannot comprehend how someone would post something like they do sincerely

this is making nobody fume because it's 100% spot on, everyone knows it, that's the fucking point. are you retarded?

I also am bewildered by people having different opinions than mine


Yas Forums has no opinions, people here say things to get a reaction out of others.

I'm gonna let you in on some inside information user.
Two things you should research.
1. Shitposting
2. Baiting for (You)'s

Also, Yas Forums is not one person.

Fucking delete this

Literally everything

>It's a joke
so is your penis

I know. That's why it's the second worst board. It's literally non-content
Did you even read my post? Am I getting baited right now?

user you need to understand what I'm trying to say to you. Why can't you figure this out?

Every time I see someone who clearly frequents Yas Forums posting a very Yas Forums opinion anywhere other than here it's incredible how fucking stupid they sound

Most people come here because the quality of discussion is so incredibly low that you can say any dumb shit and nobody is even going to bother arguing. And it's why Yas Forums opinions are pointed at and mocked whenever they go beyond these walls.


It's true. I come here to relax and shitpost. It's pretty cozy.
I do give some genuine opinions on occasion though. But I barely try when I'm doing so.
My effortposts are usually reserved for Yas Forums

>there are people who pay actual money for meme montages of other people's content and spend their time whiteknighting the same people they're bankrolling to churn out shit cobbled together from other people's work


I was in middle school, I'm 26 lol
you're probably not much older

>There are people right now who won't suck my cock.

*whip out my cock and place it on the table*

Would you like to have a quick suck?

The majority of Yas Forums is comprised of newfag tourists

Shut the fuck up, nigger.