Can someone explain why this gets its dick sucked so hard? it's not even the best adventure game on the fog64

can someone explain why this gets its dick sucked so hard? it's not even the best adventure game on the fog64

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you really had to be there at the time. this game was the reason my family got an N64. i played it for the first time at my friend's house and, like... it was like a revelation. i love this game so much. i mean, i didn't actually beat ganondorf until i was a teenanger. but i've played this game through at least four or five times. thinking about it now, it's still a fucking awesome game. i have so many fond memories of playing this game, just wasting time exploring or doing random shit. this is one of the greatest games of all time and an absolute masterpiece. i love this game so much

Because it is a great game, that holds up damn well?

>it's not even the best adventure game on the fog64
So what is then?

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Kys underaged shitposter

name one (1) better adventure game on the fog64

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critical post

>it's not even the best adventure game on the fog64
Alright, what is?

>posts one of the least fogged games

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>Please for the love of God talk about OoT: The thread
Very subtle, OP.

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Not OP, but it's obviously Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

because it was 10 years ahead of time in music, combat, story-telling, setting etc? I hate zoomers.

>only 4 dungeons, 3 of which were forgettable

because it set the bar for open-world 3D world adventure games. if you weren't a retarded underage zoomer and you had been there at the time, then you would know there was nothing else like it.

Metal gear Solid came out that same fucking year.

yes and OOT is better in everywhere, what's your point?

Baby’s first adventure game coupled together with nostalgia.

>dude you just had to be there man

If it came out today nobody would give a fuck, but it was the first game to do what it did and do it well.

There had been 3D adventure games before it, but they were typically clunky and hadn't figured out how to bring all the elements together well. It's basically a template for what would come later, and the level of improvement it represented compared to what came before is what sets it apart.

I was well over 25 when I played it for the first time, back in 2012, and it was still amazing. Must've been mindblowing in 98.

but it is true, because the context is important. you can't just look at a game in isolation, you have to look at the context in which it was released, the impact it had on games to follow, and what it did to make it special over other games that had come before it.

any fucking retarded zoomer could look at a game like super Mario bros (for example) and say "durr, it's just a generic platformer." no nigger, it's not a generic platformer, it was extremely important for the success of the NES and was a highly influential 2D platformer.

It's a Zelda game so it's highly overrated. Once you've been gaming for a while, you'll notice the soft spot that reviewers have for Zelda. I have yet to see what makes them the best games ever. There's games with better stories, presentation, combat, graphics, etc. What is Zelda, the master of? It's a jack of all trades, master of none. This one was the first 3D iteration so it was highly praised. A good game, but not the Citizen Kane of gaming that you've been led to believe.

It's amazing. I like TP more though

>If it came out today nobody would give a fuck, but it was the first game to do what it did and do it well.

You could say that with regards to any great game. That's why all great games are viewed in the context in which they were released.

>What is Zelda, the master of? It's a jack of all trades, master of none
Have you played a Zelda game yourself?

>Once you've been gaming for a while, you'll notice the soft spot that reviewers have for Zelda.

Ummm, but that's a consequence of OOT, so it's not the reason why OOT is highly rated.

sm64, goemon, dk64, banjo, hell even bomberman 64 (not really an adventure game but the puzzles dab on anything in OOT)
not saying it's a bad game but jesus christ the praise is mindboggling, even as a kid i'd only reached ganon a few times because the adult temples start to wear thin

>Literally, LITERALLY millions of internet forum posts amassed over the last 24 years from people not understanding the hype OOT gets

Nintendo fans are fucking fools.

Yes, I have. I've played several of them. They're solid games. I don't see much difference between a game like Zelda and something like a Ratchet and Clank. Good games, nothing I'd consider GOTY worthy.

It was very popular and very influential. It's mostly praised for it's historical importance at this point.

That shit was already in place back in 1998.

>You could say that with regards to any great game. That's why all great games are viewed in the context in which they were released.

Oh wow, if only I had actually mentioned that in my original post somehow. Maybe explained how it fits into that context. Don't I feel stupid now, huh?

Yes it was and still is. Literally unsurpassed.

Tastes differ I guess. I'd call many Zelda game masterpieces. I'm not even a Nintendo fan but I love this series a lot

He's right, though. They're not really combat games save for the NES ones (the ground for a great combat game is there though). They're not really story-driven. They're not really puzzle games. They try to do all of these things and don't excel at anything because of that.

They excell at the blend of everything. That's what makes an adventure game

Best game of all time.
Deal with it.

Lmao retard.

FF9 was the best game of that gen. OOT has aged horribly.

I think you've encapsulated why I hate zelda fags so fucking much.

You know that actual fans of the series rarely cite OoT as their favorite Zelda game? OoT is not even in my top 5 Zelda games. Also I think SM64 is a superior game. I mean yeah OoT is amazing but there's that

So how does the game blend the combat, story and puzzles then?

>my sister shows up to my house with her kid
>kid is 7 at the time and is bored as fuck
>hand her my 3DS with OoT so she stops fucking whining, holy shit
>go visit her a couple weeks ago for her 10th birthday
>"thank you for showing me Ocarina of time, uncle user, it's the best game ever"

You fags are just bitter

Why are nintendies so delusional and psychotic?

>You know that actual fans of the series rarely cite OoT as their favorite Zelda game?

>I mean yeah OoT is amazing but there's that
so you're not saying anything at all?

This. It's like FF7 cocksuckers who have played maybe one ot two other FFs

I always participate in Zelda threads, they are fun. People there rarely even talk about OoT. OoT is number 1 only in retarded Watchmojo/e-celeb rankings. If anything SM64 is a game that deserves a 99 metascore, not OoT

Nice narrative you got there.

>People there rarely even talk about OoT.
I think you should lurk more. Like, 15 years more.

>OoT is number 1 only in retarded watchmojo/e-celeb rankings.
Or, like you might find out if you go outside once in your life, the literal fucking rest of the world.

>If anything SM64 is a game that deserves a 99 metascore, not OoT
Why can't two great games share the top position exactly?

>Also I think SM64 is a superior game.

Because it is. OoT was better at story and cinematography but Mario 64 will always be the better GAME that's just more fun to pick up and play.

Take this post for example. People always say "YEAH BUT X DID TJIS FIRST! Y DID THIS FIRST!!" Yeah, there are very few things OoT did first, but it took all these things, and put them together, and made a good result.

>people who have next to no experience with video games think it's the best

Makes sense.

Anybody else keep trying to get into OOT again because it's "the greatest ever" and then you drop it because it's just not fun?

No, I had the exact opposite happen though. Cause it still holds up. Good story, presentation, atmosphere, and timeless gameplay. I especially like how it isn't full of forced gimmicks like many other Zelda

Whatever, I'll just throw in the fact that even among most normalfags ALttP is considered the best Zelda game. I still don't understand why all of a sudden OoT is not only the best Zelda but also somehow the best game of all time.
>Why can't two great games share the top position exactly?
They can. But in our timeline only OoT has 99 on metacritic. If OoT is a 99 then SM64 sure as fuck is a 99 as well

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i think its because you are a sad, lonely and angry existence

>better GAME that's just more fun to pick up and play.
Being a "pick up and play" does not measure one's overall quality. Otherwise, Angry Birds would be the absolute GOAT.

>even among most normalfags ALttP is considered the best Zelda game
I REALLY need a source for such claim.
LttP fags are the prime example of rose-colored nostalgia goggles boomers. Literally the FF6 fags of Zelda franchise.

>I still don't understand why all of a sudden
No, not "all the sudden". It's been so for 20+ years now, at least outside your obscure echo chamber.

>If OoT is a 99 then SM64 sure as fuck is a 99 as well
But it isn't. SM64 scored roughly 95-98/100 scores back in the day, and was considered as a phenomenal experience. Meanwhile, OoT enjoyed 98-100/100 scores across various platforms.

>good story
>timeless gameplay

it's a boring rehash of lttp which wasn't a great game to begin with


>Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
>adventure game with a timer
The premise was flawed from the very beginning. Your post is objectively wrong.

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I've picked it up maybe seven times only to drop it again. I can't seem to make er go.

if the timer gives you any trouble you might actually have brain damage

Let's say I do have brain damage. The timer discourages exploration, which is a key factor in an adventure game.

>I REALLY need a source for such claim.
I dunno I just tend to see people claiming that ALttP is the best everywhere. I think it's /vr/'s favorite Zelda.
>Meanwhile, OoT enjoyed 98-100/100 scores across various platforms.
I love OoT but in all honesty it's overraited

it's amazing how 20 years later, the shitposter memers still are seething about the NON EXISTENT itme limits.

>I dunno I just tend to see people claiming that ALttP is the best everywhere.
I see LttP fags all the time, but they certainly are nothing more than the loud minority.

>I love OoT but in all honesty it's overraited
Overrated = "Well I don't quite like this one as much as everybody else!"

>all of a sudden
Yeah... no. Lurk moar. Much moar.

Man, dk64 is even worse than this piece of garbage.

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hmm, if the timer were more meaningful i might agree
but at the start of the game you're given a tool that resets it back. then another tool that makes the timer almost irrelevant (don't know if they changed that in the 3ds version), and really nothing happens if you let the clock run out anyway
i mean you could just as well argue that the timer encourages exploration because you have to make the time count and not fuck about stabbing chickens

Why must every nu-Yas Forums discussion on this game be about it being overrated or not?

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>So you like the game but don't agree that it's the best game of all time?? How dare you??

It's the contrarian nature of this board. They see something universally beloved and acclaimed and can't contain the urge to tear it down

Because if you try to explain what you don't like about it someone will ALWAYS come up with an excuse for it because it was new or call you crazy.

It does bot because you are allowed to reset the 3 days at any given time. If you can’t finish a dungeon in 3 slowed down days well thats an actual penalty, but that only adds difficulty and forces you to plan ahead. It also forces you to manage your time and pay attention to characters schedules, which adds another layer of exploration.