Thoughts on the Bravely Series?

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It's been censored to fuck and I have no interest in buying the games. I don't trust Square.

>nooooo i cant masturbate to underage, chibi-styled girls in bikinis!
People like you shouldnt be allowed out in public

just download the uncensored versions

great art, decent combat
everything else is meh

you know that was nintendoodoo making them


I want to fuck Agnes

Greatusic but everything else is mediocre


I really enjoyed them, first one more than the second. I'm hoping bravely default 2 for the switch is good and playable on yuzu.

I'm not interested in censored games.

Both Default and Second are great games.

More for me then.

Anyone who hires pearl clutching localizers doesn't get my money. Get bent.

Second is woefully underrated.

What are you talking about? I've been playing the game recently comparing the Japanese to English as I go and the localization is pretty faithful for the most part. The most exaggerated stuff I can think of off the top of my head is Holly is even more of an obvious sadist in English. The age changes in D's Journal is the biggest offense.


>Both Default and Second are great games.

Based and redpilled.

>The age changes in D's Journal is the biggest offense

The funniest thing about this is that they didn't update the ones in Second. So even though two years passed, many characters in Second are still the same age.

this but nintendo
they even changed the ending of second, pathetic and idiots will defend it

Wait, they are censored? I'm gonna go buy them then.

Good nintengoy

Arent they 15+?

They're pretty gravy.

Is it true they removed bad quest endings in Bravely Second, and if so are there any ways to play Bravely Second without stuff being fucked by the localization like that?
Been wanting to play them but reading about that really puts a damper on it.

I really want to fuck Edea

We know, Alternis.

I think the way it worked was:

>choose a route once
>bad thing happens
>Edea learns how to avoid bad thing from time loop
>choose option again
>good ending

Which is neat, but ultimately you'd have to see two bad endings to get all of the jobs, which would be kind of disappointing.

sexy girls. Wish they would do an HD collection of the first 2 for Switch

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i want to bust a nut in that faerie

Why does nintendo hate native americans?

young enough

imagine drowning airy in your cum

Looks kinda fun. I'd probably play it if the visuals weren't so horrendous.

I like Default quite a bit.
Second was eh.

just imagine

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i enjoyed second more than default

Good taste.


I can deal with cosmetic changes, but why the fuck would you remove content out of the artbook?

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>not Anne

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Since Nintendo is more a lot more lenient with sexual content than they were a couple years ago, Bravely Default 2 won't have any of its lewd content removed, right?

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Magnolia is great. Yew is a fag until he starts getting some balls near the end. It did kind of suck that I actually did the mandatory NG+ fully, not knowing what I was supposed to do in the beginning.

Yew is great from start to finish. Magnolia sucks because her whole character is wanting to suck Yew's cock. Doesn't help that she's on Luxendarc to fight Ba'als and there's only two fights with them. Or three. Something like that.

based tranny discord consensus crackers

Unlikable characters
Okay story until the loops

you like censoring? fine, take out the blood and gore from Doom Eternal and tell me if it's fun, faggot

I want to bravely those defaults hard.

The brave/default system is genuinely one of the best innovations in RPGs since forever.
The job system is far superior to simply leveling and seeing numbers go up.
1 sucked ass in its second half
conceptually 2 is better with the time travel and shit, but good god the (character) writing went to shit.
Exorcist is super overpowered and removes difficulty.

What does exorcist do that's overpowered? Is it Hasten World + High Jump levels of overpowered cheese from the first game?

I love Edea

Is that a.. scantily clad anime girl?? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF tongue bursts out of the mouth uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets ME WANTS TO FUCK inhales from the gas tank honka honka honka honka masturabtes furiously ohhhh my gooooodd~

I remember that by the end of the game I was literally invincible with it. It allows you to reset all your stats to what they were 1 or 3 turns ago, so basically if you start a battle with full health you'll never die unless you get one shot because you'll always be able to rewind back to a turn where you were healthy. At one point you get the ability to do that for your allies as well, so I got edea as a pirate + free lunch going ham on everything while exorcist just kept everyone at full health

The censored outfits are leagues better than the uncensored ones, and are a clever way to localize the game and keep the aesthetic the outfits intended.
>but the damn SJWs won't let me lick tight slutty midriff, fuck censorship
The censored outfits look like actual outfits, and not a coomer's notebook.

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Alternis get back in the cuck shed

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>Vampire job

Really makes you think.

Nintentoddler delusion, my favorite

>Game is great but has a shitty sequel
>Replace said sequel with a better sequel


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Supporting censorship even when you like the changes proves you have no pronciples.

No, you retard. These are hags.

the coomer outfits look better and you sound like a notest faggot.

the art style is even more childish in the switch game, which means there's a 100% chance they've removed any semblance of sex appeal from all of the costumes and catered to players with high estrogen levels.

Currently doing a monk only run on bravely default. have yet to find a boss that has lasted a single turn of damage just completed chapter two.