Why can't bioware model faces properly?

Why can't bioware model faces properly?

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Lack of talent.

even with face scans you get some uncanny valley goblin, pretty much every single character modelled after a real person is like this unless it’s heavily stylised

modelling based on real people is cancer second only to “we made her ugly on purpose because hurr durr beauty standards”

They can. They just don't want to.

>even with face scans
Nobody should be doing that, even if done perfectly I don't play vidya to look at "realistic faces". I want idealizations.

You can't tell me this was based on a real person

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Looks exactly like actress they face scanned. Looks like a very attractive women. Weebs really have to get that they and Japs are the only ones that think same face porcelain anime dolls is the pinnacle of beauty. Everyone else out there prefers actual humans.

That’s an e*f, it makes sense

>Why can't west model faces properly?

Hey, I managed to make a decent elf, thank you very much

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Are all bioware women modelled on trannies?


Probably not, but really seems that way, doesn't it?


ok, tyrone

Yes you did

Лoл, y нeё тaлaнтa нe дocтaтoчнo

I like how they gave her a retard haircut, too.

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how many times did you fap to miranda when you were a kid?

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>when you were a kid?
Fuck off, zoomie zoom vroom.

I decided to go human male after messing around with their ugly as sin female elfs. Turns out he has a pretty decent VA and very likable.

Zero, because I'm not a troglodyte with no taste

>when you were a kid
If you were a kid in 2010 when ME2 came out then gtfo.

DESU the elves (or anyone really) are only ugly because of horrendous "realistic" skin complexions that are available. Once you install some skin mods they instantly become more qt. Besides gotta play a female elf for that egg romance

Blondes exclusively fuck niggers

They can. I just think Yvonne's face was difficult.

That was unfortunate. I like how, when Bioware reveals new characters, like Sera, Solas, Peebe, Liam, they are always like "we'd like it if you gave them a chance, instead of judging them on looks, like Marvel did with Snowflake, Safespace and Trailblazer, but in the end either people don't buy the game because they aren't interested in the marketed characters, or the ones that do buy the game, hate them regardless. Next time maybe take a cue, Bioware? Just saying?

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Most real people are ugly and white women look like men.

>Keira Metz outfit from TW3
you're not fooling anyone faggot, your game is modded to death

>how many times did you fap to miranda when you were a kid?
I wasn't a kid and I never stopped.

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i honestly think Miranda looks great
even compared to the actress

I was a kid in 2010 and I am old enough to post here, does that annoy you?

Yeah, okay, but Bioware aren't Atlus or whatever gook company you are looking for here, so what did you expect? Little chocolate anime girls?

this reminds me, is the studio fov “game” coming out or what?

They can. They just chose to do it with Jack's face alone and that's that. Although if you think about it Jack's was probably just the exception to the rule and they really were that incompetent.

Why are they so afraid of showing a little more during this scene? I would nut myself off if she was wearing a thong bear feet

Miranda actress doesn’t look like a man at all

No, Jack’s is modified too, you can see the proportions are different, they just left it similar enough

In late 2021? Or so I am told. I stopped caring for them quite early, so I wouldn't know. All their work is quick cuts, bad angles and Taimanin Asagi style direction, with addedd DarkCrow cringe story telling. It was fun in 2014, by 2016 it had gone stale.

obviously. And?

God no

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Jack was supposed to be running around topless. They chickened out.

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Yvonne is a treasure and we are lucky to have had her.

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You can tell they messed with the jawline, there.

>second image

There are fates worse than that, user.

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yep. looks better.

You wish, nigger.

looks the same, incel
there’s this new thing called makeup?

You know what it looks like? Like it made the bargain bin, 1 month after release.

no girl will ever look at you with anything but pity and disgust, incel

That's great. I'm sure that will compensate for EA's projected earnings, Bioware Montreal's longevity, Andromeda's lasting support and the franchise's ongoing popularity and market reception.

Oh ... nevermind.

sad, but also ironic

We'll pay for surrogacy, then.
At the end of the day, children are the only thing you can offer us.

I don't see how my sex life benefits Andromeda, Bioware and Mass effect in any way. If anything, the more pathetic it would be, the more invested I should be in Bioware's waifus.

Trannies can't give you children, user.

>the more pathetic it would be, the more invested I should be in Bioware's waifus.
>he says while whining about female bioware characters not being pretty enough

Therefore, by your own argument, if even I, the thirstiest of the thirsty, find Bioware's waifus atrocious, just consider how bad they really are.

Every man in RE Engine tho. And nuJill, nuAda

Agreed on all, except for NuJill.

>Every man in RE Engine tho.
I want to lick Leon clean

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